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Thomas Neil

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    1. Not Interested or Available
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
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  1. I would like to start by saying a very big thank you to everyone who worked/is working on the Star Fox 25 Anniversary Album project. It's truly great to see people so passionate about something, especially something that is so close to my heart. I would like to especially thank @The Nikanorufor dedicating so much time to this project and for getting it off the ground. I have full confidence that this album will one of the best things to ever be produced from this site. Also, when this album gets released, if I am mentioned anywhere, make sure it's the last name on the list.

    The reason I am saying this is the same reason I myself didn't direct the album. Life sometime takes us by surprise and we don't have time for things that we used to. I am am fine health-wise, but I am just having less and less time to stop by, and it looks as though things wont be getting any better in that regard.

    And I just have to say @djpretzel, thank you so much creating such a wonderful place that brings so many different people together to make such beautiful things. I haven't been here as a member long, but I've been visiting for years, and I really just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you've done for this site.

    You may not know me, maybe we'll never meet, you probably don't care, but I hope this Star Fox album brings you at least a small degree of happiness. I hope that because of an idea some nobody had one evening, your day has been improved if only for as long as the music lasts.

    I was here.


    1. TheChargingRhino


      Thank you, Mr. Neil. 

      Thank you.

  2. Hey Everyone! Just dropping by to say that this is looking great, keep up the good work!
  3. When you click on the 'homepage' link from the Apex 2014 page (http://ocremix.org/album/53/apex-2014-a-new-challenger) it takes you to the Apex 2016 page. I know it's not that important and it literally only takes a second to switch over to the correct page, but it's still a minor nuisance.
  4. Maybe listen to Banjo Tooie's version of the same source for some ideas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAw-ZXwUUTA
  5. You might want to change the link so that it takes you to the YouTube page The remixes I listened to sounded really good, I particularly enjoyed the Koopa Beach one. Welcome to OCR!
  6. That's alright, do you mind if I try Freedom Village then? I just took another listen and I had an idea for a kind of peaceful little downtempo take on it. Or if you want me to shut up and leave this project alone, I can do that too
  7. Is Underworld still 'possibly' claimed? If not, I am interested in claiming it. If you need any samples of my work, here is my submission from the PRC round 329. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC329.
  8. I've got something, should be submitted by the deadline.
  9. I may have only recently signed up here, but I have been visiting this site for many, many years. Over the years I have developed a deep respect for all of the staff and the work they have done for so many people of their own free will. I would be absolutely shocked to find out any of the things you have just said are true.
  10. Prime 2 is absolutely amazing, and the music for the whole Prime series is wonderful. I've never actually played any Metroid games other than the Prime series, but I'd love to. Maybe with release of this new mini NES I will. OK, technically I started Other M, but we don't talk about that game Happy (belated) Birthday Samus!
  11. Y'know, I've always wanted to go to Sherbet Land from Double Dash, and the updated version in 8 made me want to go even more.
  12. Man, something about the sound of an ocarina ... Also, nice vocals.
  13. I am a big fan of solo piano arrangements, and this is no letdown. It is well paced, and I love how effortlessly it flows from source to source. I especially like the parts with Aryll's theme, it sounds quite nice in 3/4. Mabe village is also very gracefully incorporated, and I love the hint of Zelda's theme towards the end. A very well crafted piece. I'd lie if I said it didn't make me feel a little nostalgic. Also, I like the title:)
  14. I was envisioning being there as a player.
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