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Everything posted by Dextastic

  1. I forgot to submit my comment on the bonus entry when I voted so I'll just post it here now. hoboka - Damn, those are some epic drums and I thought you did a really good job with the drum part and the leads. I liked the rising part on the synth strings (?) you added about 2/3 of the way through.
  2. Great job. Wish I could have voted for both of you!
  3. I forgot to vote. Thanks for the reminder! And it's nice to see some new blood around here!
  4. I thought your entry was frigging incredible and while I loved Ridiculously Garrett's entry too I though you had this round in the bag. I was pretty surprised when I submitted my vote and saw you lagging behind. Your mix wasn't super clear like most modern pop/EDM productions are, but I thought it captured the live jazz/big band feel perfectly and in fact your mix isn't too far off from how that kind of stuff is usually mixed.
  5. I don't know the themes very well so I need to study
  6. I just listened in mono on my crappy phone speaker so I didn't hear all the finer details, but I thought you did a nice job. It's kind of a chill ambient metal piece, or something like that. Aside from one part (which I'll get to in a second) the guitars sounded good to me, and it isn't always easy to mix wide heavy guitars that collapse well to mono so good job there. The part I think needs a little work is the guitar unison lead starting around 3:30. It sounded pretty stiff and mechanical to me. Maybe throw in some legato slides at slightly different speeds on each guitar to help loosen it up. I'm also not entirely sure the piece needs the part at all, so maybe consider reworking it or ditching it entirely if you can't get it to fit in right.
  7. I wouldn't have time to participate fully so I didn't sign up, but I can't wait to hear the remixes!
  8. If you have the full version of Kontakt, Palette Primary Colors is a nice freebie for strings. https://redroomaudio.com/product/palette-primary-colors/
  9. "Bundeslang must enter himself instead of letting HoboKa save the contest each time." By the way my vote included "I want easy sources as well, please scrap the rule that sources with OC Remixes aren't allowed," but it's not about wanting easy sources so much as wanting inspiring sources.
  10. I liked em both. Hoboka did a nice job with the 8 bit piano part and the additions, while evktalo changed the beat and the vibe nicely. Also it's nice to see another Renoise user around. Is that the space piano instrument I hear?
  11. Surprising, I figured there would be more takers on this one.
  12. Yeah it's nice...and has good remix potential!
  13. I can't speak for others, but for me having the longer remixing period would be very helpful. It's always been odd to me that PRC, which I find more demanding than MNP, also has a shorter deadline. Also, with PRC being as old as it is, its restriction on song choice (no songs done before on PRC, and no songs that have a remix at OCR) might be causing song selections that aren't so inspiring. I know I've had trouble finding songs meeting this rule. Maybe amending the rule by adding something like "no songs used for PRC or having a single-source OCR remix posted within the last 4 years" would help. It depends how badly you desire more variety.
  14. Yeah Zorrakh's mix was very good but was also very close to the BOTW version of the tune. In my mind it would be mnp if that were the source, but not for this. A couple of people commented on the production on my piece, which was actually very simple. It was just Superior Drummer (with very static midi values to make it sound more electronic) and then a bunch of Hybrid 3 presets that blended decently to my ear. Very little EQ or saturation otherwise. Oh, and a little bit of chipsounds and electric guitar. Production-wise it was probably the easiest mix I've ever done.
  15. By the way, no set of monitors is going to sound crystal clear unless you treat your room. sonarworks might help in an untreated room but it will add some coloration (as all eq's do-either transient smearing or pre-ringing) and it can't do anything about standing waves.
  16. For #1, lower your volume fader so that you don't get clipping, then automate the volume to be louder during the quiet parts. It's amazing how much a little automation can fix things that would otherwise be impossible or take hours of tweaking plugin parameters.
  17. The jbl 305 and 308 also sound like toys next to the a7x, based on a different listening experience of mine. I have not had the chance to demo the jbl's against the t5v's.
  18. Watch this. Then play it here. https://sites.google.com/site/zeldarandomizer/
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