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Wassup Thunder

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Posts posted by Wassup Thunder

  1. I like the clarity you've added to the Raise Thy Sword segment. The bass elements feel improved too. Your theme and name are real intriguing and poetic, I really get this vibe of something artificial trying to be something it can't. The synthetic elements seem to try and emulate the organic vibes of a cathedral in a way, and just comes out as hauntingly beautiful and twisted. The organ sounding synth and piano really help that theme. This is a pretty artistic piece, nice work.

  2. 11 hours ago, HoboKa said:

    To vote: rate, in your opinion the top 3 entries (but not yourself or a BONUS entry).  If you have a CompoThaSauce account, it's easier to do.  Otherwise, just PM me and type out this.  Don't include the parenthesis - it's just a visual aid.

    1. X (3 points)

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    And if there are 3 entries, you will get a +3 to your Vote.  If there is less than 3 entries, then the vote is Awash and only non-participant Votes will add to the Vote Score Pool.  The Final scores are not accurately stated at Compoverse, as they don't take into account the +3 score (and the backend is a pain to manually edit the scores to their actual numbers). 

    Hope this helps!



    Thanks! I've made an account and got it figured out! Probably.

  3. This remix impresses me. It has a twisted, technological sort of reverence that drips with dread. Appropriate for both sources. I rather like the airy qualities of the samples used, gives a sweeping vibe. I'm curious how it'd sound if the bass components were a little more pronounced, that may flesh out parts as most the instruments seem on the higher end of the spectrum. A thought on panning, one of the computery blipping sounds that plays in the background seems to only be set to sound from the left speaker/earbud. It's kind of cool, but I wanted to bring it up incase it wasn't the desired effect.
    I enjoyed listening to this. Hope you get some feedback from more advanced musicians.

  4. I'm an amateur music maker and long time fan of OCR. After a few months of learning to use a free software for songs, I wanted to try and contribute to the prestigious world of game songs.

    This number comes from Freedom Planet, a great retro-style game with an inspiring soundtrack. This was made on Soundtrap.com starting with a MIDI file. The first half is pretty faithful to the original, then I improvised more for the second half. I hope one day to create something worthy of OCR's high quality archives. While still preparing to invest in higher-quality equipment, I definitely can learn from any feedback.

    Thank you for listening.

    This is the original song:


  5. I'm a sucker for metroid music. This makes me think of plodding through a soggy underground cavern with disco-coloured fungi swaying back and forth. Dunno why, that's the mental image. During the second parts of Brinstar, the bass felt a tad... off. It was nice and consistent bass, definitely gave a different feel to the song. And dare I say you kept a consistent time metering? The original changed a bit if I recall. It's a unique sound to a classic song, great job on that!

  6. I remember both versions of this song, nice idea to mix the two styles! I enjoyed the saxaphone, it's a great contrast. The bass may benefit from something being added to it, the one guitar sounded a little... lonely. The treble parts sounded real smooth, pretty nostalgic of SNES days... BTW, I just realized how dang angry Zero looks in that background picture.

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