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Wassup Thunder

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Posts posted by Wassup Thunder

  1. This is a collaboration project with Souperion. We created this remix of Destiny 2's track The Farm a while ago, and decided we want to refine the song to be high enough quality to be submitted to OCR.

    This song uses various organic instrument samples from EastWest PLAY plugins. We are seeking feedback on everything from sound quality, arrangement cohesion, to whether or not we should leave in the voice clips from the game. And anything else I haven't thought of. I'll greatly appreciate any examples, instructions, or sources on how to go about the changes suggested so that we can improve this piece to achieve our goal of getting it refined and on OCR.

    And I never mind being told good things about it too, I'm human XD


  2. Soothingly chill, I enjoyed this piece. Percussion and rhythm keeps a good pulse, that distorted piano is atmospheric, and rounded off with a whistle-like synth with that sounds beautifully almost eerie. The bass seemed a tad quiet to me, though it might be my headphones. It may help to take a look at the bass, unless the desired effect is for it to sound a bit muted. Very nice piece. But the abrupt ending jarred me outta the good vibes I had! It may be a good effect to have it fade out, or perhaps end with a breath for reverb. Try some stuff out.

    Very nice remix.

  3. I'm not real familiar with synthwave, but when I see Metroid, I listen. This piece sounds pretty clear and crisp. Nice drumline and bass parts. I was most impressed by the variations that started taking place in the melody and bass about halfway in, up to that point it had sounded more like a cover than a remix. I loved the changes to the lead, it gave this song a spin of your own.

    I'd go on, but I'm unsure what you're looking for with this song. If you added a description to your posts, such as if you're looking for specific feedback or anything, that may help listeners. Good work on this track.

  4. 1 minute ago, HoboKa said:

    Huh, no one else mentioned that the strings sounded shrill, so I think I was being too subjective on your guys' collab.  Maybe I tried too hard to find something to critique...see why I need to take a step back? :D :D

    I don't mind, no offense taken! Specific critique like that helps me reflect on my work and find ways to improve.
    On that note, I have gotten feedback on various projects that some instruments (most often the violin, imagine that!) sounded a tad shrill. I wager that it probably does get shrill sometimes by accident, which I'd sure like to fix! Do you (or anyone for that matter) know any methods to address shrill instruments, EQ or otherwise? I'd love to learn how to avoid my organic samples coming off harsh.  

  5. Wow, this mix got me vibin'! A great electronic, dancey work, that build up around halfway through got me good. The elements sound pretty clear and distinct to me, real good sound quality. I love the subtle variations to the melody, and also the different intensities through the piece. Nice work.

    Also, that gameplay footage re-triggered my anxious stress from playing the game. XD

  6. I like the quality of this piece. I believe you're right on the vocals having a bit of frequency issues, but otherwise they're beautiful. I'm unfamiliar with using vocal samples so I'm afraid I cannot offer any suggestions on that.
    I love when the solo cello enters, it is quite warm and deep. You did well with balancing the piano and the other bright tuned percussion (I can't tell exactly what it is, xylophone, glockenspiel, one of them), as the piano takes a lower spectrum role when the tuned percussion enters with its high notes, a nice effect.

    Nice use of "special effects" sounds as well. I appreciate the sweeping, sparkling sounds and the dripping water. Hints at more of the atmosphere of the scene. Whatever the scene is, I never played FF8 (to my chagrin.) I encourage you to try adding some personal variation to the lead melody parts, your imagination may create some unique sounds for this lovely piece!

  7. I guess artists of all kinds will have some degree of dissatisfaction with our work, but its good to have some introspection and evaluate how you're doing on style, quality, and such. I've personally found it a little satisfying when two or more of my songs sound similar, as though they belong together in an album. My stance is to embrace the kind of music you instinctively want to create. But it's good to make a conscious effort to try other things as well.

    On feeling locked in a style, my friend, Souperion, and I often joke about how much we use violins and other strings in our composition. We tried daring each other to not use any string instruments in songs, but most often I gravitate back to the instruments and styles I've used before.

    To draw on baking for an analogy, music is similar to baking a cake: Many chocolate cakes have been made before, but mine will have the frosting, colors, and layers that I like in it. And Reece's Peanut Butter Cups. Lots of peanut butter cups. So keep making cake.

  8. On 1/1/2021 at 9:17 PM, The Vodoú Queen said:

    NP, I'll color inside the lines, just the colors might be hot magenta pinks and blues. >_>

    Staying inside the lines is an interesting challenge with MnP, the first time I made a submission I was scared to make any variations! But I'm finding it a brain stretcher to try and remix something faithful while simultaneously unique. This and the PRC have really helped me learn more composition and editing skills.

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