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Wassup Thunder

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Everything posted by Wassup Thunder

  1. @The Vodoú Queen A little music self-care can always help. Take the time you need!
  2. I always thought a little more salsa remixes would do us some good!
  3. I know ?. Souperion pointed it out to me a bit ago and I lost my wits. Somehow I set up the wrong file. But now I got it fixed. Did NOT need you guys to hear my discarded Flying Battery Zone project from like a year ago ?.
  4. I THINK it's Key of D (two sharps), but there's a lot of accidentals. I'm not real proficient with music theory, so I may be incorrect. And I'm all kinds of pumped for this source, love battle music!
  5. I believe it's C Minor, after I did a little digging.
  6. Another fun round, all! And @The Vodoú Queen, I use a guitar VST, I don't have the honor of owning a keytar XD
  7. Ooooooh, how ever should I tackle this one? Feel kinda obligated to try my mishappen rock-n'-eurobeat style here. Maybe.
  8. Got a lovely jam here, giving me some great 80's vibes. Really enjoy the open, airy quality of the soundscape, the brassy sounding hits and piano gently dancing about the rhythm and beat. Good work.
  9. I love both this genre, and the Hollow Knight OST. I'm not certain if my skill level would be adequate for an OCR album like this, but I'd love to see this happen and would definitely at least try out for it.
  10. Time to get samples of the classic Godzilla roar and autotune it to this melody ? Jk. Maybe....
  11. One of those fun remixes that sounds unique through its stylistic retelling of the source. Its a real fun song!
  12. Pokemans! I haven't worked with pokemon music for such a long time, glad to have a chance to get back to it. Gold/silver was the first one I remember beating as a kid. And I got lots of memories running around this area, trying to catch scyther.
  13. Got my bonus entry done!
  14. I decided to try and find something actually instructive to share, rather than just say "experiment till you find something that sounds good". I found this article here, https://medium.com/@NickEss/a-beginners-guide-to-counter-melodies-ebc5ae8b10cd, that shares some specifics and examples that might be helpful. A couple personal tricks I use are making a counter melody that inverts the kind of notes the main melody is doing (IE, when the melody is fast short notes, a counter melody of long notes, etc). When making some melodic variation, I often take the melody's original notes and keep them the same structure (like, the quarter notes, 18th notes, half notes stay the same) but change the notes to make a new melody. Not sure if I wrote that out in a sense-making way...
  15. I forgot I had an account on freesound, good idea. Maybe I'll find something that'll work.
  16. I can't believe how hard it is to find a good sounding military-esque alarm/siren! been combing the internet for something I can use. In the original game, each level started with a siren, so I'm trying to get a good sound to tribute that.
  17. Great round! Insert monkey joke! Looking forward to seeing what source Marcusg picks!
  18. Noooooes! Maybe you could run it through a yotube converter website to get an mp3 of it?? It'd probably compress things badly, but you could at least put it onto thasauce. This deserves to be voted for.
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