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Posts posted by H36T

  1. Gotta say, this has a lot of inspirational moments. You guys definitely hooked me with the beginning given my uhh tendencies for vocals haha. But what I enjoy the most is the rhythmic elements have a lot of flavor to them. They often given the ear not just new patterns, but new textures to enjoy as well. Nice track guys! Even though I've never played a Metroid game or know any of the music, this felt familiar in the best of ways.

  2. I also got something in albeit an older tune. Like Hemo said, this has been such a great place for learning and I can't believe all the progress I made through this compo and mnp. Every piece I've gotten into accepted into OCR at this point has gone through either MnP or PRC. I hope in the future, we have other things for new artists that will be as influential to them as PRC has been to me. Thanks for all the hard work guys!

  3. Sort of at wits end with this one. Been that way for a year or so now. Tried to expand on it in a few ways but every time I do, I make it worse (in my mind) in one way or another. As a piece for me, the artist I'm actually fine with that. Not everything has to be... transformative. But as a ReMixer, I wish I had more so I could give this a puncher's chance for submission. Anyway, I think absent any new ideas, I'm ready to send it along it's way to the judges and let my journey with this song end. But before then I figure why not get another voice or two to help.

    PS: I promise to one day stop doing so many FFVIII tracks ?


    Edit: one thing I hadn't considered is possibly crossing it with another track to give it more length/development from an outside source


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