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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. Maybe this site just isn't for you. Go here. Might be more to your liking.
  2. fucking twenty five mega BYTES PER SECOND FUCKING A
  4. Biggest turn off here is that I'd have to deal with the annoying lyrics each time this played. Beyond that, rather simplistic reason default instrument sequencing. All the same instruments noppz used a hundred times, but well. Cool idea, but not too well done. Crystal piano at 2:35 is simply not very good. Random and awkward. Like to have seen more interesting things happen in the mid section.
  5. yea, the best one yet cause I'm a fag
  6. Thats cool. Just saying anything like the above implies otherwise. Its about credibility really.
  7. I would also like to see less 'I'll give this a YES cause they'll probably NO it', and 'this song has many problems and isn't ocr worthy, but what the hey, YES' in the future.
  8. eh, I heard plenty that was of the same essense of black omen. Thats not really enough. Problem here is no one is going to recognize black omen in this song. If they know the original very well, they will hear a similar essense on a few notes here and there. If this doesn't cross the far-too-liberal line, then nothing else will either.
  9. The bass here is indeed very strong. On my system it comes out clear. Doesn't clip. All I can suggest is that your speakers probably cannot handle the dynamic range of frequencies present in that 20 second section. Lots of bass, lots of trebel, pretty loud. Lots of systems can't handle that combination. I'd also suggest listening to that part in headphones. It should sound far clearer. It actually got some 12 pages of response. Unfortunately that thread was automatically pruned. We created this thread more recently and naturally it hasn't gotten much response as this project is a year old.
  10. Larry rapping over SpaceBeam at the end was simply amazing. FUCK YEA SOMEONE LINK TO A BOOTLEG OF THAT RIGHT NOW OR I"LL BAN YOU ALL
  11. fuckin great show tonight
  12. So, you can do the 'why mess with the original when its so good?' + 'homage' thing if you want. Its well justified. Only problem is that this is after all a remix site with certain ideals. Thus, as my ideals are the same as those of this site, I am somewhat dissapointed that this is more or less a cover in my mind. To me, its like entering a baroque style orchestra competition with a rap song. Your song might be awesome rap, might be a beacon to all other rappers in existance, but it simply wouldn't fit in a baroque environment. I hope you can understand this analogy in that I'm not bashing the song or its quality, rather just saying its really not much of a remix. I respect your skills, and I think your recent lifeforce song totally kicked ass. Now that was a full on remix. Anyway, to drive the point home, like riku said, the ending sorta just dies. Thats where the original ends too before looping. If your song was truely a rearrangement/remix, it wouldn't just end, and you'd put in a more satisfying/creative ending.
  13. Old decision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=42542 After much corrispondence and revision (4, I think), I believe we fixed the more significant problems. The 'questionable notes' in the 3rd minute were not changed because A. he isn't going to rerecord the guitar and B. theres nothing technically wrong with the notation there. Its really preference to like it or not. As for me, I like it. Strings were changed a bit, reverb added to guitar, main key issues fixed. Overall, I still feel this song is not too well done, but at least its not flawed as it was before, thus resubmission. Probably has a much better chance this time around. I'm not voting cause apparently I'm biased against everything.
  14. Alright, I have a pretty big problem with this remix. The original Black Dream is so faintly heard in it that I can't pass it. 1:16,1:46 is virtually the only section that is at all similar to the original. The rest is completely original, or mostly original. By mostly original, I mean it follows some of the same chords sparingly with completely original leads. The main chorus has some feint similarity to the beginning chorus of the original. Overall, someone who is intimately familiar will still be hard pressed to discern any black dream in this. Everyone else will simply not hear black dream at all. This is definately way too original, far more original even than Final Summoning, which is saying a lot. NO
  15. This is some crazy killer power orchestra rap.. whatever. Just great stuff. I was at star's house when he made this. We got rather into it. Its easily one of my favorites from him. Creativity is simply spilling off of it. Very well used original source material. Round 1:30 is when I feel it gets the most powerful. 1:50 always makes me laugh. This is simply a music style you'll never hear anywhere but here. Sweet.
  16. eh, not too bad. Percussion is pretty weak. The one loop used none stop is broken up a bit, but when that happens it goes from swing to 4/4. Awkward, could have been done much better. Melody is only slightly varied from the original. Theres additions here and there like the distorted synth, but I wouldn't say they enhance the song too much. Some rhodes stuff going on, nice. Lead flute is just plain weak. More off key/tune jazz riffs, but not nearly as bad as the cammy by night remix. Much better job with that. So in retrospect, feels like a simple upgrade from the original into slow, minimal version. I would have prefered some real progression, some real direction, but I suppose simplicity and a casual feel were the focus here. Would like to see more interesting things done to these songs in the future, especially in the realm of percussion, progression, and rearangement, but thats just a personal taste. More or less, it really feels as if this mix was thrown together in a few hours. Ending is rather uninspired.
  17. Sounds better on speakers than headphones, thats for sure. Sound quality lacks. The biggest issue this song has is that its a simple instrumental loop that loops like 4 times. Very little ever changes; mostly the instruments change, thats about it. You will really have to go for some real remix/variation attributes here. NO
  18. Its dnb alright. Issue here is that the song has nothing to do with metroid save the voice clip and the simple intro bassline sequence. I DIDN"T SAY NOTATION HOLY CRAP. Aside from that, this isn't very good dnb. Dnb tends to change up all the time. New things happen. Changes, progression, variation. This is one loop looped 37 times. You're going to have to do much better than that. NO
  19. When the original comes in at 1:10 or whatever, its verbatim with the original. Beyond that, sample quality issues are quite the significant. I know this song by heart a million times over. Bassline, accompany and lead are completely verbatim. Please go for more of a remix next time, as the majority of this song is a low quality version of the original. On the upside, there is some originality, but it simply has nothing to do with the song. You'll have to find some middle ground. NO
  20. Song is way overcompressed. Both on high volume and headphones it makes the song sounds extremely cluttered and annoying. Drums are too loud, lead is too weak and quiet. Compression kills the flow, and destroys the lead. 2 repeats and a piano section. While I appreciate the style of the song, it only progresses a bit. Not a big deal, but this song could use more direction rather than original + drums * repeat. Borderline NO. If the compression issue was fixed, it'd be a borderline yes. Lead is just too weak, drums too overbearing. Beyond that, I think the original melody wasn't really brought out too well in the beginning. The original chords and dynamics are basically lost in this minimal representation of chimes and square waves. NO
  21. Agreed with both prior decisions. Lack of variation, sound quality could be much improved, percussion conventional and uninspired. Nice way to rearrange the black omen melody rock style. Good ideas here. Song needs to be twice as long, incorporate some real progression, up the sound quality, and do more interesting things with the drums, NO
  22. "Drumloops should never exist throughout the whole song on a loop" - REGARDLESS of whether it's the sole reason you're rejecting this mix or not, you're making statements that indicate you'd reject any mix that features loops heavily or throughout a song, and that's not acceptable. Larger issue. I agree that mixes truly carried by drumloops - repeating, unchanged drumloops - are not fine. However, a mix can have the same damn drumloop for its entirety and still not be carried by it. So in your mind, remove the drumloop from this mix and you'll end up with 4 minutes of simplistic solo piano and very downplayed pads following no perticular key that is ridiculously inferrior to the psf original. Thus this song IS carried by the drumloop. AND, and heres the point I'm trying again and again to stress, this song isn't a good remix. Its lousy, lazy, lame. I am rejecting this song because it is not a good remix. K?
  23. To respond, I used to do jungle. It does not require drumloops at all. Jungle is based on a fast moving percussion progression that varys and changes just like any other genre. Its sped up and involves all kinds of percussive instruments. Really anything is game. No where in the genre of jungle is there any specification that drumloops are somehow necessary or required. Drumloops in jungle are exactly as necessary or relevant as in any other genre in existance. Drumloops are always cheating. Always. They result in lackluster remixes that loop and loop. What is common in jungle is the use of drumbreaks. Drumloops are used then from other songs or sampled loops as drumbreak effects. Its a very skillful thing to do. However, it is far more involved than simply going into reason's drumloop bank and selecting something in 170bpm and pasting it 17 times. We can further bring this debate into the realm of genre-based limitations (though I really would like to keep it on the judge discussion forum), but believe me, or not, when I say I know jungle, know this genre, and know that nothing here is justified. http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Jungle_(music)
  24. I'm fine with that. Btw, this notation-issue bullshit binnie brought up was verified by liontamer, myself, and danb thus far. Its really not a huge issue, but it is definately there. I mean. Its a problem. Thats it. Some may pass problems, I personally do not. But when at least 4 people hear the same thing, it should not be dismissed so easily.
  25. To make this perfectly clear. As long as I am on this panel, I will continue to reject songs that carry themselves off the musical abilities of others. When someone uses a drumloop in their song, and that loop is present 75% of the time, we have a problem. I respect original percussion, original notation. I disrespect midiripping, majority drumloops, soundeffects. If you're going to put your name on the song like so, it must be your song, not someone else's song you're taking credit for. You make the perucssion. You do the notation. You make the remix. Original song will be in there, but through your definition, your interpretation, your vision, your work. If I am not wanted on the panel, I may very well be removed, but until that time, I will continue to reject songs that do not respect these rules of mine to some degree. I'm not looking for verbatim obedience. I'm not looking for you to destroy your own songs trying to fit some ideal. I'm looking for a real, honest attempt to make a remix your own song, without any majority use of the works of others. Drumloops are fine. Drumloops carrying the song are not. Drumloops should never exist throughout the whole song on a loop. Original percussion must be evident and hold majority over drumloops. Its really that simple. I'm being fair and considerate to all situations and all types of songs. New ideas will always be there. Conflicts will arise. In the end, it will still be evident that a song is either the artist's whole effort, or it is not. There are many things involved in judging that are simply not subjective. This song is carried by a drumloop the majority of the time with a simple harp/piano loop. Eventually some changes occur and new things start to happen. The variation at 1:30 is shortlived and simply nothing impressive. Then the old loops come back in and repeat for another minute or so. Nothing impressive, nothing above the bar. Stuff like 2:50 is simply out of place and not well done. On top of the general ickyness of the song, the drumloop is rather limited on frequencies. Seems to have little bass and too much 16k. Sounds ugly. Borderline clipping towards the end. Ending is crap. I hope this review is not a deterent. This is a large website with lots of remixers. This is quality control. I hope I was able to clarify my case here. NO
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