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Benjamin Briggs

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Everything posted by Benjamin Briggs

  1. http://meatboymusic.com/ Super Meat Boy! 2-CD Special Edition Soundtrack hi-res cover art: http://bandcamp.com/files/36/21/3621854090-1.jpg http://bandcamp.com/files/10/01/1001472734-1.jpg The Ultimate Super Meat Boy! Soundtrack Edition is now available! This Double-CD set contains 73 tracks, including the original Super Meat Boy! digital soundtrack release, and a second disc containing 2 NEW remixes, menu screen music, cutscene score and more! The digital-only version is still available at x.co/LlGV yeah, so it's finally out, and it's only 10 fucking dollars!?!?!! plus, for an extra five-spot, you get a SIGNED COPY. how boss is this shit? the two NEW REMIXES included on the second disc are A_Rival's and mine, and they are (unbelievably) tracks 1 and 2 respectively. but forget that. this game has an amazing soundtrack. just buy it already! danny b deserves to father your children; this is the least you can do.
  2. well if you ain't aiming for OCR then get on with your bad self edit: but I would still encourage you to push yourself as far as creativity and variation are concerned. even within a genre as repetitive as electronica, it's now becoming more and more of a requirement to keep things interesting for the ADD generation
  3. are you saying that you would play this track in a DJ set at a party? have you actually tried that? don't take offense to this but I want to balance out the feedback a bit here I mean, it's really really basic, and it barely even qualifies as dubstep as far as I'm concerned. the beat literally NEVER CHANGES (aside from some lowpass filtering and maybe two delayed sound effects), and the bass instrument/LFO is also exactly the same throughout the entire song. top off that lazy accompaniment with what sounds like a blatant midi rip of the source tune, without any attention to lining up the downbeats of your stuff and the original, and you've got yourself a snoozer this is going to need a hell of a lot more creativity and effort before it's even close to OCR quality
  4. so I made the mistake of reading this thread and now I am crying myself to sleep because I cannot go :c
  5. edit: BUT, on a more serious note, I'll re-emphasize http://remix.thasauce.net/
  6. no money-back guarantee better option is kill yourself after listening
  7. your subtle innuendo is pointless; especially considering you've shoved your penix down my throat on three separate occasions

  8. lol you seriously had me RAAAAAAAGING for a second there bro so congrats you successfully trolled me high five o/
  9. are you fucking serious surely not surely I'm being trolled right now
  10. please don't credit my music to that name anymore I mean unless you want me to hunt you down and collect your fucking head but hey thanks for listening
  11. this is by far my favorite of AE, er, A_rival's remixes to date it's quite simply perfect in every way. a lot of the piano stuff reminds me of protricity, and the whole thing just blows my mind with its total assault of infectious exploding professionalism seriously stellar work. I can't decide which is more of an honor: the fact that I'm on the special edition OST, or the fact that I'm on an album with fucking AE ...we'll call it a tie
  12. yeah dude if someone else were on the track they would have been credited as a remixer navid is just a BAMF
  13. wow this might be my new favorite ilp0 mix unbelievable display of talent as usual
  14. this is now the couch thread guys my couch is very old and I wipe boogers on it sometimes
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