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Benjamin Briggs

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Everything posted by Benjamin Briggs

  1. rofl anyway I've seen the dark knight well over 20 times and the thing of it is, when compared to batman begins, there's just too much crappy super-cheesey dialogue coupled with lackluster acting for example the scene where dent batman and gordon are all on the MCU roof together makes me cringe every time I watch it now granted ledger and caine did set the bar very very high edit: also the next flick is going to be titled 'the dark knight rises' iirc
  2. if you want me to get out of your head then you're going to have to get out of my speakers read: not gonna happen
  3. well I'd watch it again but I'd rather watch batman begins which by the way in my opinion is better than or equal to the dark knight
  4. favorite instrument to hear: trombone, hands down. if you don't believe me, listen and repent -> favorite instrument to play: acoustic rhythm guitar while singing :3
  5. concerning inception: two off of the top of my head (spoilers) 1. it was pretty convenient that zero gravity only transferred down one level 2. it was also pretty convenient that there were only apparently four levels of dreaming and the fourth one just happened to also be limbo perhaps I misunderstood; I only saw it once
  6. do not listen to this person common forum etiquette is amassing as many individual posts as possible just look at my postcount
  7. I'm a little ashamed to admit that this made me lol and very heartily at that
  8. when I got to the part about 150 dollars in sample libraries per month I literally shit my pants having since changed my clothes I am disappointed to find that the position has been filled
  9. anyone who is bitching about the roll mechanic is just making excuses for the fact that they suck this game is impeccable, aside from maybe one shitty boss battle and one specific jump in a mine cart level that is seriously poorly designed 999,998 out of 1,000,000 ain't bad
  10. the VERY VERY beginning of this remix rubbed me the wrong way, and I wasn't feeling the portion that followed as much as I wanted to, but as soon as the beat drops... dayum. very slick, very groovy, very infectious stuff from the man with the coolest first/last name combo in the history of the universe
  11. Many of you may not know this... but our very own ProtoDome, a beloved and well-respected musician, is dying. He suffers from a very serious affliction known as Judicially Diminished Grasp of Full Groove-Time Syndrome, or JDGFGTS. This increasingly-common disorder is responsible for both the frighteningly short length of his remixes, as well as his pale and sickly appearance. While little research has been conducted concerning what actually causes JDGFGTS, most experts agree that consuming excess amounts of "not enough variation" and "too repetitive" are the leading risk factors. Treatment options are notoriously arduous, but not out of the question. For example, most doctors will recommend an initial treatment plan known as "listening to some actual music for a change". However, if unsuccessful, the only remaining option is an extremely risky and near-impossible procedure commonly referred to as "canning the judges, djp". Unfortunately, it is too late for young ProtoDome. His JDGFGTS has progressed past the point of no return, and I am disheartened to report that his remixes will simply become shorter and shorter until they are no longer substantial enough to pass the judges panel. While he will continue to write music, he will only be able to compose short and unsatisfying jingles, until finally his creativity degenerates into a disjointed assortment of blips, bloops, and beeps. Without the ability to create music, he will die a pitiful and untimely death, and I can only hope that someone will be there for him when his poor heart plays its final note. --------------- edit: in all seriousness, the bite-size nature of this remix is one of its greatest strengths. makes me want to play it over and over... and over and over and over and over. can't comment on the arrangement, don't know the source, but I love the song and the production is top-notch. absolutely ADORE the subtle glitch-ish percussion
  12. happy blackday to my only birth friend wait
  13. I did not read the OP but show me one single time george lucas has not been a total disappointment
  14. I got a 16 gb ipod nano for chrimbus squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal that is all
  15. happy chrimbus to all keep it trimmed and wet and remember, don't get the bite
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