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Benjamin Briggs

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Everything posted by Benjamin Briggs

  1. quoted for emphasis quoted for emphasis QUOTED FOR EMPHASIS
  2. I was going to post something inflammatory and attempt to get banned as your birthday gift but instead I'll just contribute nothing to the thread have a good birthday
  3. bleh ok fine this was a gigantic and completely inaccurate generalization that did nothing to validate your claim that older gamers are "out of touch"
  4. hapy birthda u wily little bastard oh and your shit on link's awakening project was divine and I'm being very serious when I say that
  5. this whole post is a load of crap and I'm not going to waste my time explaining why as a 22-year-old gamer I just felt the need to call bullshit
  6. bah, I prefer the automatic streaming... I don't automatically download anything before hearing it, and the majority of the youtube previews aren't even in 480p :/
  7. i dun wanna talk to a scientist, yall mothafuckas lyin and gettin me PISSED
  8. yes this and your sephiroth mix are both OBVIOUSLY direct post I mean come on
  9. wut.alright, everyone is entitled to their opinion... EXCEPT YOU anyway. on the topic of this mix, I don't know if I've reviewed it already, but it's probably my personal favorite of andy's work. seriously stellar and chill-inducingly nostalgic edit: I just read my previous review of this mix where I complained about overcompression or something that probably isn't even real. I must have been under the influence of some ridiculously debilitating drug
  10. requisite "omg small world" remark. herp derp, etc

  11. yarp I shall be virtually attending this thingy because I get off work at 4 pm EST!
  12. I downloaded this before you had even TWEETED about it, biatch will listen soon
  13. this is exactly the kind of irreverent and pointless postwhoring that should be getting us all banned right about n
  14. wow, these tutorials are going to prove very useful to me in the near future! the sidechaining one already has very very slick design mr. aversa; I wish I could web like you do edit: wow, the text tutorial on beating writer's block is amazing. quit being so goddamned awesome for a second so I can wipe the tears of joy from my eyes
  15. don't forget http://prototyperaptor.bandcamp.com/ john is essentially the giga bowser of ocremix
  16. yeah, the whole "you guys are deaf" argument isn't doing it for me here I mean, I believe you, but seriously it's impossible for me to pick out the theme no matter how many times I "actively" listen to it that being said, I really like the track... it just isn't nostalgic for me at all
  17. more like stop minimodding my thread that's right I said MY THREAD BITCHES
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