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Everything posted by Jorito

  1. Labeling it as finished. What do you think, does it still need a bit more work? Would it be a good submission and addition to OCRemix?
  2. Since Contra is also in the list of games, feel free to use my Contra Waterfall track that I posted on the WIP forums. It's as good as done apart from some minor touch-ups that I want to do in the mix. Sounds good?
  3. What about Life Force? It's a(lso) a NES game and it only has 3 remixes on ocremix, with the most recent one from 10 years ago. Of course I played Salamander, the MSX version and I know most of the OST by heart so I might be biased a bit
  4. I like the concept of this album and am willing to contribute a track. However, my roots being in the MSX scene and not so much in the NES scene I'm not sure which game to pick. There's quite a few games that were released on both systems (like Contra ), so those are the most interesting to me. From this list I'd pick either a song from Metal Gear, Bubble Bobble or Final Fantasy but not sure which one and which track. Unfortunately the OST from Metal Gear on the NES is so different that something like 'Theme of Tara' is no option.
  5. Cheers, that's a useful tip! After listening to it for too many times I didn't even notice it anymore. And I might have overdone things a bit in my attempts to do more realtime playing and less quantizing Care to highlight some specific problem spots you found? I think I found some, but as I said, I listened to it too many times so some pointers would be helpful.
  6. Cheers, that makes sense. If I listen to my DT880s I hear what you mean, but when cross referencing on other devices (car stereo, soundbar, laptop speakers and ipad) things sounded a bit shrill so I actually toned stuff down a bit intentionally. Can't trust my ears yet I guess About the muddiness at the intervals you mentioned: the first section is the timpani fighting with the bass, the second section is just the bass being obnoxious. Easy enough to fix. Again, thanks for pointing it out, it helps me learn and fix it the next time!
  7. Sounds great! Got scared a bit by the jazz word in the introduction but that was totally unnecessary, I actually really enjoyed it a lot
  8. Some good tips there, thanks. I'll try to check the mix with these pointers in mind. I can understand your comment about the muddiness, but care to elaborate on the lo-fi-ness you hear? About the fake orchestra sounding faker than the live instruments, not too much I can do about that I guess
  9. Took a 5+ year pause and only early last year decided to pick things up again. Mostly because the stuff still fascinates me, so I decided a bit of devotion and study would be appropriate. As it still grabs me, I'm still learning a lot and hope to do so for years. Having said that, it's pretty normal for me to work on a track, let it lie dormant for weeks and then get back at it. That's just life I guess.
  10. So it took me a lot of time but I finished the Contra song. Apart from some live rhythm guitars (courtesy of Ivan Hakstok), some live drums (by Erik Vreven) and a lead guitar part by Sixto I also did a lot of work on fattening up the orchestra, adding flourishes and whatnot. It also has some sneaky references to Contra's jungle track in the quiet part I think it's as good as done now, apart from maybe some mix tweaks. You can listen to it here: http://www.jorito.net/files/Contra/Contra%20-%20Oh%20noes%2c%20there%20be%20aliens%20in%20my%20waterfall%21.mp3 So... whaddayathink?
  11. Quite surprising to hear that people actually know the game (I thought it'd be pretty obscure)! You're right about the ending, that's the main part of the arrangement I still have to finish. Thanks for reminding me about the drums, I already had the feeling they'd need a bit of a boost
  12. So I refound one half finished track I started 3 years ago, got inspired by it and decided to work some more on it. It's a medley of 2 tracks from Konamis' puzzle/shooter/tetris-like game Quarth that was released in 1989 on various platforms such as the arcade, the PC98, X86000, Famicom and Game Boy. This song is based on the MSX version and it turned out to become a quite happy mix. Overall I'm pretty happy with how it sounds so far, apart from it needing an ending and more work on the mix. Anyways, here it is: https://soundcloud.com/jorito/quarth-medley-preview-wip-20140627 Any thoughts?
  13. I like the stuff I make, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. Is it perfect? No. Do I have lots of fun while doing it? You betcha! Even some of the way old stuff I made has something in it that I like, even after years. It's a great hobby for me, I keep on learning more and more and in general it serves as a great outlet of creative energy. Since it's a hobby to me and not a job, I don't feel bad or pressured or anything about it; I do it for fun only, and I guess that also affects how I feel about my music...
  14. Thanks, glad you like it TBH I never played Legend of Legaia myself, but due to the assignment in remixing with the stars I ended up doing my teammate's song in the style I chose The steeldrums are a layered sound of the default Kontakt sound library and the steeldrums from the Korg M1 VST. Standalone they weren't great, but combined it turned out pretty well.
  15. So... here's a song I did for the finale of Remixing with the Stars. It's the song Rim Elm from the PSX RPG Legend of Legaia. I wanted to do something entirely different from my usual repetoire and chose (oldskool) reggae as a style. I think it turned out pretty well, given the 2 week deadline that I had, but I'd appreciate some feedback so I can really finish it. So... any opinions and suggestions for improvement? Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/jorito/da-legend-of-da-regg-aelm-ya Source: http://youtu.be/W2TSDlXy7EQ
  16. I'm loving it! Great style, definately beats the crap out of the version I did once, 10 years or so ago.
  17. Jay... I won Too bad there were so few entries and so few votes. I fully understand the break before season 3, given the participation in this season. Looking forward to joining from the start of the new season though
  18. Yeah, some votes would be nice! Also I'm glad I don't have to vote myself
  19. The concept is good, but I got kinda seasick of watching you click around in zoom mode. Suggestion for follow up vids: either record the entire screen or click and move slower
  20. Tentatively signing up. Source: Transport Tycoon Deluxe http://youtu.be/JTi6LG8aeK8 Style: reggae/funk
  21. I'm tempted to join, but not sure I can commit due to a hectic schedule these past and likely coming weeks. Still, I'll give some thoughts on what track and style I'd like to do, at the risk that I might have to drop out. To prove that my n00bness isn't total, here's some example tracks from the WIP forum: http://www.jorito.net/files/Vampire%20Killer/Vampire%20Killer%2020140224.mp3 ( see http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=46363) http://www.jorito.net/files/Contra/Contra%20-%20Waterfall%2020140404.mp3 (see http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=46592) Be warned of the very crappy mix for the last example, I did that on headphones and only just now tried on speakers. Oh, the mud!
  22. Yeah, so much for mixing on headphones after hours of working on the song. Bad idea! I'll work on the mix some more when the guitar recordings are in. And thanks about pointing out the repetetiveness; it might be obvious to you as a neutral listener, but I have been working on it for too long and don't hear it anymore Also got some feedback from snappleman that I want to try and fix, so I guess I'm still not done with this one yet.
  23. Finally found some time to work on the song, added an ending, changed the calm part, added some variations and accents and did a bit of work on the mix. Finishing it still has to wait until the guitar parts are added tho. Here's the new version: http://www.jorito.net/files/Contra/Contra%20-%20Waterfall%2020140330.mp3 Again, feedback most welcome!
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