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Everything posted by zircon

  1. It's good to be back! As an addendum to the original post, feel free to send us recorded "bumpers" for us to play on the show; we'll be building up a whole catalog of 'em. Just say something to the effect of "Hey, this is (your name) and you're listening to VGDJ!" (maybe with a bit more flair) and send it to vgdjpodcast@gmail.com in WAV format. Also, in case you missed it, you can leave us voicemails at 1-VGDJ-64-KBIT ( 1-843-564-5248 ) or by calling via Skype (vgdjpodcast). This number is NOT the same as our old number, in case you were confused. 1-800 numbers are expensive.
  2. Oh OK - that means the root note in the sample is messed up. Click on the sample once its dragged to an FL Sampler, then go to the FL sampler channel settings, and click the Misc tab. You should see a keyboard at the bottom of that window. Right click on "C5" above the keys. This should set a highlighted box there. This will reset the root note... see if that works.
  3. Turn it up more - the browser previews louder than the actual sample.
  4. This vaguely reminds me of Infected Mushroom - mainly the drum and bass sequencing. I'm a sucker for heavily-layered stuff, and once a lot of instruments were going at once, I thought the full texture and rhythmic syncopation were just awesome. My only production complaints are that the plain chip sounds are a little dry and dull; a bit of stereo effect via reverb/delay or automated panning would have helped, as well as brightened EQ. The melody was also sometimes overpowered by the harmony parts, such as the center pulse arpeggio. If I had to give you just one piece of advice, though, I'd say go for a slightly brighter sound and don't be afraid to use a bit of reverb/delay! The arrangement here is really great. It drives home the main melody with lots of original writing and some excellent variations. The source tune was a little boring (and more than a little Star Wars-influenced) and I think Platonist's interpretation was much more interesting. Jonas, you're getting better and better with each sub. Keep it up! YES
  5. Classic funk style right here; it reminds me a lot of virt's arrangement and production style. I agree that the brass is the weakest production link, though I thought the drums were on the bland side also. However, the brass writing (including the solo) was solid enough to pretty much make up for it. I do wish the drums were more intricate, as the backbeat was quite simple the whole time. When I think "funk" I think breakbeats and more intricate fills, which I wasn't hearing in this mix. I also would have loved to hear the clav come in earlier, or at least a rhodes/EP or something. If the arrangement and guitar performance weren't so good, I would probably NO this one. However, those elements are really strong, especially toward the end of the piece, so I think this one is just over the line. On future subs, I'd love to hear more keyboard/synth work, more intricate drums, and a bit more attention to sample realism. YES
  6. I almost think we should have a guideline where we don't even bother to talk about Sixto's production, since it's so good every time. Every sonic element here is basically perfect, from the live performances to the sequencing, tonal variety, percussion, mixing and mastering. Interpretation, unfortunately, is a really close call. There is some great variation in a few spots, as well as the original solos of course, but most of the time when the melody is played it is just played verbatim. C'mon, Juan! Just a few countermelodies and switched-up rhythms and you're gold! NO, resub
  7. I'm not a fan of the percussion's clickiness. Also, I think the melodic variation prior to 1:01 took away from the mood of the original rather than enhancing it. The variations just seem meandering. Transition at 1:00 was kind of weak and boring in my opinion. When the beats come in with the marcato strings, I have to agree with Vig that I'm just hearing a lot of sloppiness in the writing.. notes and harmonies that don't work together (ie. 1:23.) Then there are more egregious clashes like 1:35. The changes to the original chord progression simply don't work IMO. The section at 1:54 also has a lot of weirdness in it. I don't like the sound choices at all, but more importantly there are a lot of out-of-place notes and harmonies, such as 2:00, 2:02-2:04 and 2:15. I'm not sure why so many of you YESed this when there are so many instances of clashing harmonies. 3:37 is another example, as is 3:46-3:51, 4:05 and 4:15. I'm very lenient with jazzy chords and dissonance, but these notes strike me as simply "wrong". This remix doesn't feel cohesive, overall. There isn't any sort of unifying mood, theme or motif. The rhythmic variations on the various melodies seem completely arbitrary - no continuity. In terms of the sonic texture, we have lots of soft, subtle elements like the strings, pads and piano, but then these random rezzy synths, nu-skool beats and BT-style stutters. It doesn't gel at all. It sounds like a bunch of random WIP remixes of the same theme. The original stuff also didn't work at all, such as 4:25. What does this section add? It's just random piano arpeggios over low string chords. Why does the piano at 4:47 become almost mono? The interpretation of the sources was certainly there, but none of the variations really added anything - again, they just felt disconnected and lacking any sort of unified idea. I know this sounds harsh, but I'll be pretty dismayed if this passes. There are so many issues with the writing and arrangement, inconsistent production, weak original material, and lack of cohesion that I can't really find any good reason to pass it. NO
  8. Thanks for posting results, folks! I've been updating the original post with the current status of the brackets.
  9. Subbed the story to Digg, tweeted about it. http://digg.com/arts_culture/TIME_fabricates_quote_betrays_views_of_chiptune_artist If you're on Twitter, retweet this - "DIGG/retweet please! TIME fabricates quote, betrays views of indie chiptune artist - http://bit.ly/ZeDmK (Digg)"
  10. Wow, that's unbelievable. I agree - it's one thing to make up a quote with more elegant phrasing, but this is outrageous. EDIT: Wrote a letter to the editor. I suggest you all do the same, but please try to keep it as mature as possible (we don't want to look like 4chan here.) Also don't copy mine
  11. Haha, that's my sister, Eleanor. To her right is my sister Emily. Neither are big gamers
  12. I'm not that far in the game yet (been playing for about two hours) but I gotta agree... it's incredible. It somehow gets the feel of Super Metroid down while simultaneously being really unique. The integration of 3D targeting and interaction is REALLY cool; I would have never really imagined it without playing this game.
  13. Awesome! Now that we no longer have an odd number, you and newt can face off for round 1.
  14. I don't think there was a writeup about it... but they did ban him at EVO, yes. So what's your Xbox tag? I'll add you to the brackets (now we don't need a seed in the 2nd round )
  15. What? Where did they say that?
  16. I guess it's fine if BOTH players want to do more matches, as long as you do at least the minimum #. Don't see a problem with people playing more The way you posted results here was good too. So, you're in round two now, and Bleck would be in the loser's bracket. Once we get some more results, we'll see what the next matchups are for both of you.
  17. Guys - Using a different name than VGDJ makes a lot more sense for a bunch of reasons. Brush and I talked about it over PM and he agrees. The first is pure logistics. We don't have any access to the old site (VGDJ.net) and the blogger connection is completely severed. So, he would have to create a whole new website for a videocast of the same name. Huh? That would be confusing. Also, it really is a completely different show unrelated to VGDJ. Different format, different host (single as opposed to two), video instead of just audio (so it's not even a podcast, technically)... so that's a second good reason. Another reason is that this is BRUSHFIRE's show. Jill and I ran VGDJ using the same format (with some tweaks) created by hosts before us. But Brush is doing this all himself, from scratch. We don't take any credit for that, and I think he deserves his own name. I know Brush has been working hard on this thing for weeks, if not months. Can we focus on his videocast, not the name?
  18. Haha, touché, Kyle. NGI is good times, of course, but like VGF and VGDJ when they ran concurrently, one focused on the broader community and one was more OCR-specific. I think that kind of coverage is good. When you throw in ThaSauce Radio, we've got a good variety of entertainment (IMO.)
  19. I'm really excited for this podcast and I hope Brush continues it! Especially now that VGFrequency is more or less out of the picture too, the community could use something like this. On a quick aside, Brush did misunderstand me (or maybe I miscommunicated, I've been kinda overwhelmed with post-honeymoon stuff) about the name of the podcast; my suggestion was that he change it from VGDJ to something else. A few reasons; one is that this is a completely different format, it's a solo host, and it has video. So, it makes sense to set it apart on that level. But also, it's really *Brush* behind this. None of the VGDJ folks had anything to do with it and so I think he deserves a fresh title, since this is really a from-scratch effort. Lastly - and this is just on a logistics level - it would be better to have a new website w/ a new name as opposed to the old site, which at this point is really outdated with a massive gap in updates, not to mention that again the format is completely changing so there's really not any continuity per se like there was with the old VGDJ host changes. (Additionally, we haven't been able to access the old vgdj.net site for years... it might be uneditable.) Only question that remains is really what the new name should be! My vote is for something like "OCRCast", but somewhat less bland.
  20. ROUND 1 WINNERS BRACKETS zircon v Dyne djpretzel v Bleck BardicKnowledge v Jakesnke17 Bahamut v Flare4War Arek v DusK newt = seeded into second round vs. whoever finishes their matchup first. -- I'd rather not have to do a seed but unfortunately, we have an odd number of people. As for the PS3 tournament, unless we get more entries, its canceled TIME/DATES You can start your match at any time or date with your opponent. Remember, you must play with all default settings for a Player Match (speed 3, Remix mode, etc.) and the winner is determined by best 2 out of 3 MATCHES, each of which are determined by best 2 out of three ROUNDS. If any of this is confusing, just let me know. Please post with the results of your match. Also, if you can, get some video!
  21. Any chance of getting specific packages within that? IE. I'd love to get just VI SE.
  22. Keep practicing, guys. Ranked matches online are better than nothing - just DON'T play against a computer, since that won't really help you get better. However, if you have any execution problems, practice in training. Make sure you can do all your moves and basic combos.
  23. $30 for a crappy-condition PS2, maybe. And I'm pretty sure the component cables are only compatible with the slim PS2. More importantly, I already have a PS2. I don't want to buy another PS2 AND a PS3 to play both games. Not only is that a waste of space, it's a waste of money. Taking away PS2 compatibility was a really big mistake on Sony's part.
  24. Smart Disable is a big help, but ASIO will also help a lot. I'm not familiar with the AMD line.. is that single core?
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