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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Computer Music magazine rated Groove Bias 8/10 in a recent issue! We also got a 9/10 review on an online sample library review site, Waveformless:
  2. It will definitely be open to non-Americans. As for time, well, we'll work something out
  3. This is gonna be very cool, guys! One of my friends is producing the Industry side of the GameX con, AND we're bothing playing in a band covering a bunch of GH/RB songs and general VGM - "Big Daddy and the Splicers."
  4. Alright, I'll start adding names in the first post.
  5. Even if you're not, just join up anyway. Since it's double elimination you'll probably end up facing people of equal skill at some point.
  6. You need at least 8 people for a good tournament. I don't think there are 8 people on OCR with the PS3 version of HDR. Two people have posted thus far, and I know Dave has it, but besides that...?
  7. I had some brutal rounds vs. Akuma today as Fei. One guy I barely beat, 3-2 after he beat me 3-1. The second guy knew his combos and crossups left and right. Getting crossed up by Akuma is insane because of all the mixup stuff he can do. He was also comboing into the super at close range which I think is just total BS. Lost two sets vs. that guys, total score was like 6-1 It seems like a lot of people on XBLA now are really good. I VERY rarely face someone who doesn't seem to have a very good grasp of the game, unlike SFIV where at least half the people at the level I'm playing just throw out moves with no strategy. The best person I've faced yet was a Dee Jay who I could barely HIT, let alone win against. Wouldn't be surprised to see him at Evo.
  8. Sirlin did a good job balancing him, but there are still some issues that make him pretty much broken (ie. you can't hit him out of his super... at all.) So, he's banned in EVO.
  9. I wonder if they have some sort of adapter or something to get the PS3 controller to work on 360...
  10. OCR Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Tournament I ROUND 1 WINNERS BRACKETS zircon v Dyne -> Dyne djpretzel v Bleck -> djpretzel BardicKnowledge v Jakesnke17 - BardicKnowledge Bahamut v Flare4War -> Bahamut Arek v DusK -> Arek Shael Riley v newt -> newt ROUND 2 WINNERS BRACKETS Dyne v djpretzel -> djpretzel BardicKnowledge v Bahamut -> BardicKnowledge Arek v newt ROUND 3 WINNERS BRACKETS BardicKnowledge v djpretzel -> djpretzel ROUND 4 WINNERS BRACKETS ROUND 1 LOSERS BRACKETS Bleck v zircon -> zircon Shael Riley v Dyne Bahamut v BardicKnowledge -> Flare4War v Jakesnke17 -> Flare4War ROUND 2 LOSERS BRACKETS Flare4War v zircon -- I'd rather not have to do a seed but unfortunately, we have an odd number of people. As for the PS3 tournament, unless we get more entries, its canceled TIME/DATES You can start your match at any time or date with your opponent. Remember, you must play with all default settings for a Player Match (speed 3, Remix mode, etc.) and the winner is determined by best 2 out of 3 MATCHES, each of which are determined by best 2 out of three ROUNDS. If any of this is confusing, just let me know. Please post with the results of your match. Also, if you can, get some video! -- Now that Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix has been out for awhile, I think it's high time we have an OCR member tournament! Here is my proposed rule set: * Free to enter * No prizes except bragging rights (unless we get donations or something) * Xbox 360 and PS3 * No Akuma * 3 rounds per match, best 2 out of 3 matches to win * Double elimination * Can switch characters in between matches Nothing ultra-serious, but I think it would be a lot of fun. Who's in? 360 Tournament Member - Gamertag --- zircon - zirconst Arek the Absolute - ArekTheAbsolute djpretzel - djpretzel Bleck - bleck930 Jakesnke17 - Jakesnke17 DusK - ItStartsAtDusK Dyne - Dyne2057 Flare4War - Flare4War BardicKnowledge - MasterTenor Bahamut - ilovepsi newt| - Fafnir7C3 Shael Riley - Shael Riley PS3 Member - PSN ID --- Schwaltzvald - Schwaltzvald linkspast - linksawakning djpretzel - djpretzel
  11. I'm currently working with a team of four other people on a turn-based tactical RPG that we're hoping to release on XBLA. I'm going to post more public information about this endeavor at a later date (screenshots, art, mechanics, dev blogs, etc.) but right now we're not looking to promote, but just for a bit of help in reviewing our concept pitch to Microsoft. If you have 15-30 minutes and would like to help out, post here or catch me on IRC (zircon - irc.enterthegame.com). Basically, you'll just be looking over a document and discussing what's in it with me. The reason I'm asking for some help from "the public" is because the summary portion of the pitch is oriented toward people who have not played or worked on the game. None of us - the developers - are in that position, so we can't be objective. We're not looking for any design help (the design is all done), writing, art, coding, audio, etc. because we're not at the point where we're hiring contractors. That comes a bit later
  12. Happy birthday to quite possibly the coolest person on OCR. Hope you're having fun today!
  13. Yeah, the velocity editing is a million times better as well, IMO. I can just smoothly right click and drag - WITHOUT changing tools - to easily set all of my velocities however I want. I can simply "paint" them. No need to select all the notes or any nonsense like that.
  14. Sorry Jay, but in your own post you listed several examples where Logic's piano roll is nothing like FL - ie. the inability to click and drag and note to move it, something that is extremely vital functionality, the fact that it forces you to use shortcuts to change tools when FL does it all in the mouse, the inability to have an eraser swath tool w/o switching keys, etc. It's not all "right there." I had to use Logic for four years and all I can say is that it might be my least favorite DAW; its piano roll is absolutely inefficient garbage in my opinion (and Jimmy agrees, from what I know!) Show me a Logic piano roll that behaves exactly, and I mean EXACTLY like the FL piano roll and then I'll believe you. I'd love to have a contest with anyone who thinks they can *sequence* faster with Logic than FL. Seriously! I'm that confident that FL is faster than anything.
  15. How much money do you have? Free VAs usually aren't that great, aside from Synth1. Timewarp 2600 is good for that kind of sound... Augur is actually the wrong kind of Prophet, the Prophet VS, not the Prophet 5 which is the common analog one (not the digital wavetable.) If you look on KVR there are a few emulations of the Prophet 1/5/600 for free. Arturia has emulations of basically ALL that stuff, including the CS-80, but some people debate how close they are to the original sound, and they do cost money.
  16. The pencil tool in Logic definitely doesn't work like normal drawing in FL... I've used it, and they're not the same!
  17. Logic's piano roll is just plain awful compared to FL's. Here is why FL has the best piano roll: * Left click once to create a note. The note created has the same duration as the last note you drew. * Left click and drag on a note to move it in any direction. * Left click and hold while creating a note to move it around in any direction. * Right click to turn the cursor into a delete tool. * Left click and drag the end of a note to resize. So simple, yet every DAW gets it wrong. Creating, moving and deleting notes is what I spend 99% of my time doing in the piano roll. I should NEVER have to touch my keyboard or switch tools to do any of these things. Everything should be extremely fluid. Logic feels like molasses in comparison.
  18. Nice try, but one actually needs, you know, a topic, to be on-topic. D for effort, see me after class.
  19. It's a mashup of Shadowman vs. No Sleep Til Brooklyn, by the Beastie Boys. http://www.zirconstudios.com/music/wips/No%20Shadowman%20Til%20Brooklyn.mp3 For maximum effect listen through to the end.
  20. No problems here. Sorry man. What OS/service pack/processor?
  21. Well, if you don't want to do anything online with multiplayer, most XBLA games become a lot less fun. That normally is a nice selling point of the 360. It has GREAT online play. All of the whining about stupid 12-year olds playing Halo is pretty dumb because you can simply disable voice chat anytime you want. I've never had a problem with that kind of thing. Online play is really necessary for fighting games like HD Remix, Street Fighter IV, BlazBlue or Marvel vs. Capcom, so hopefully you'll reconsider. The 360 controller is really nice - a lot more elegant than the traditional Xbox controller. I also agree with Neko that cross-platform games seem to do better on the 360, but this difference is USUALLY negligible. One thing to consider would be game library. With the PS3, you get Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet and inFamous, which are all great games. On the other hand, the 360 gets Gears of War, Halo, Fable, Dead Rising, etc. This is really up to personal preference, so check Wikipedia for the console exclusives to make sure you're not missing out on a game you really wanted.
  22. Early Kraftwerk used a lot of modular analog synths. A real analog synth will help you emulate that, but a very good VA synth would be good too. Vangelis used the Yamaha CS-80 a lot.
  23. ROFL. A friend of mine was just telling me about this guy two weeks ago, and about how he is somehow on the board of directors for the IGDA despite not actually producing anything. I've heard they're going to vote him off. During the conversation I had even guessed that "Soul Edge" was renamed because of him, but didn't know the truth. Wow.
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