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Everything posted by zircon

  1. If I had to rank the spells... God tier (practically essential) - Flash As discussed above, it's just incredibly versatile and synergizes so well with a huge variety of champion skills. S tier (for your other slot) - Exhaust, Ignite Exhaust isn't just good for chasing people or slowing gankers (though it IS the best skill for that.) It also significantly reduces the damage output of carries or strong nukers and reduces armor. As both an offensive and defensive skill, it's incredible. As for Ignite, True Damage is just brutal and it seals the deal in so many situations where someone would have gotten away with just a sliver of health. A tier (good picks, though not the best) - Ghost, Clairvoyance I agree with the assessment that Ghost is good for both escaping and chasing, though not quite as good as skills like Flash or Exhaust which are a little more versatile and powerful. But it's certainly not a bad skill. Clairvoyance is really good overall considering its incredibly short cooldown, but not needed on every champ, and to some extent made redundant by wards. B tier (not bad, but not great, with better options all around) - Teleport, Heal, Fortify At first I thought Teleport was a no-brainer spell, but I see now that having map awareness is even better, and as you get later in a game, it becomes less and less useful. Champs like Yi can certainly make good use of it, but its something of a gimmick. Same thing with Heal. It's not awful, but it's very defensive, not versatile. Fortify is the same way. It has its uses, but overall it just won't be used enough. C tier (very situational) - Clarity, Revive, Cleanse Clarity might be kinda useless later on, but remember that building a huge early game advantage can echo into the lategame. If someone has Clarity it may allow a particular lane to be completely dominant for the first chunk of the game, which in turn influences the rest of it. Revive is almost the opposite. It's really not useful early on but it could easily turn the tides of a game when you're 30-40 minutes in, eg. defending against a major push, getting back into a teamfight or finishing off an enemy lane. While certainly not as good for chasing or escaping ganks as something like Flash or Ghost, Cleanse is on a VERY short cooldown and may have a place on heroes like Tryndamere that are the focus of considerable CC in a teamfight. Trash tier (no reason to pick anything here) - Rally
  2. You must not have been doing it right!!! BTW, wasn't playing because I was away at Otakon. Will get back to it soon
  3. What's the name of the mix, and what game was it from? Also what's your ReMixer name? Lastly, did you get confirmation that it was accepted, or simply that the submission went through?
  4. If you were told it was accepted, then we're just waiting to post it. There is a large backlog of mixes to post, some of which are over 6 months old. You can check out the full list here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2819 Do you see your mix on there?
  5. Yes, we had Corki, Caitlyn, Heimerdinger (AP, but good pusher), Tristana and Sivir. We all had Teleport and Fortify and bought Doran's Blades early to quickly stack health, AD and lifesteal (swapping them out later when we had more money.) We started the game by all going mid and pushing their tower hard. As expect, they started to send extra champs mid, but thanks to us all doing a lot of ranged damage, we generally had the upper hand. We pushed most of their towers very quickly, and rotated our use of Fortify so as to prevent them from pushing any of ours. Teleport let us easily get from lane to lane and rejoin an ongoing teamfight. Midgame (10-15 mins in) was a little tricky because they started to outlevel us and their farm was generally better. However, we had vastly superior map control due to pushing their towers so hard, enabling us to jungle, dragon and gank without fear. We did Baron at 22m. By that time (lategame) we were all 14+ with some powerful items that let us cut through their champs and buildings in no time. Their team was Karthus, Lee Sin, Akali, Singed and Katarina. We were basically ROFLing the entire time, especially at the very early game with all 5 of us pressuring the hell out of their mid tower and getting it in like 30 seconds while simultaneously killing them with all our DPS. I don't know if this gimmick strategy would work again but hey, seemed pretty solid to me.
  6. Hahaha yes. 4-5 AD carries, all Doran's Blade, all Fortify/Teleport, 5 mid at the start. We got their Nexus in like 26m.
  7. The Community forum is best. Also YouTube is fine, you can always change the video prefs so only people with the link can see it.

  8. Yea that's true. I just mean you don't have to save up for all Tier 3 and use nothing until then. Get tier 1 runes first, and then get tier 3 stuff one by one to replace the t1 (you can also use combining to make it go faster.)
  9. Tier 1 runes aren't bad to start with. For like 2000 IP you can buy pretty much everything you would ever want - armor penetration, attack speed, magic pen, armor, etc. They are about 50% as good as Tier 3 at 10% of the price.
  10. Actually I agree with everything he said about Electri6ity. Shreddage is in fact designed for rock/metal. You wouldn't get it if you want to do jazz, or expressive lead playing or complex chords. No hate.
  11. Regarding HoN vs. LoL hero design, I do think HoN tends to have more interesting abilities. LoL might be more fun overall due to the general game design, but I still think HoN's hero design is more fun.
  12. The other thing that came to mind was that sometimes video game music (particularly NES, SNES, Genesis era) has a loose tempo, ie. various parts desync a bit throughout the song. So sometimes it can be hard to match a track perfectly and still have it fit on a grid 100%.
  13. Goldwave (free) also works well for batch conversion and processing.
  14. To be fair, Shreddage is $50 and the expansion is $20
  15. Assuming you have the full version of Kontakt, Shreddage (+ X) will definitely help you get very realistic rhythm parts in no time. Plus you get nice free amp sim with custom presets, Peavey ReValver HPse, and you can upgrade to bigger versions at a nice discount! Just check these out to see the ease of use, and how HPse works: http://www.youtube.com/zirconst#p/u/6/Hzhv156GBn8 http://www.youtube.com/zirconst#p/u/0/03fbxV8X-As Electri6ity is great for leads, and it's a good idea to practice using it for that. However I think if you compare the rhythm features and demos side by side, Shreddage beats it, so having both is a good idea
  16. But I'm saying it shouldn't be a requirement. 2/1/2 should be just as valid as jungling. Riot agrees with me on this which is why they're changing it. In DotA or HoN, jungling IS an option but it's not a requirement, so it makes the game more tactically interesting on that level. Just like how tri-laning is viable in those games too. The more things that become "requirements", the less interesting the game is. I've heard that at high levels of play, it's a requirement to either pick or ban heroes like Ashe and Soraka. That's not good balance. Then again, there's something to be said for letting things simmer. Stop buffing/nerfing things, wait a few months and see how the game evolves. That is how it's always been done in fighting games. Sometimes people discover aspects of particular underappreciated characters that make them a lot more viable, or they find counters to ones thought previously strong.
  17. I think something is imbalanced if it's not an even tactical decision. Having a jungler is supposed to be such a decision; do we risk putting one of our heroes up against two, thus giving them more XP and increasing gank power from jungle? Or play it safe, making our lanes stronger but decreasing overall XP and map control? What it LOOKS like, to us anyway, is that there is never a case where you wouldn't want a jungler. That makes the game less balanced and less interesting. In HoN or DotA, jungling is a 50/50 proposition. It MIGHT work for you, or it might not, which is why I'm drawing a comparison to those games. To make matters worse (at least at our level) higher-level players with tons of runes have a way easier time jungling. having +5 or +10AP in lane might not make a big difference, but being able to get blue buff alone at level 1 as Amumu vs. not being able to DOES make a big difference. I don't think having vs. not having a mid is a good analogy at all, because the entire genre is built around the concept of three lanes with heroes fighting in each lane (initially, anyway.) So while you could just not use one of the lanes, that's about as good a decision as literally not playing the game at all. A better analogy might be why do we run 2/1/2 when we could run 2/2/1, or 3/1/1, for example, and I would argue those things should be valid too.
  18. Agreed with Tensei. In HoN, jungling is less powerful overall. Everyone has TPs so it's easier to change position, and by warding the opponent's jungle you can block creep spawns. Furthermore, there's no Smite. The few heroes that CAN jungle from level 1 typically aren't ready to gank until level 6, and even so, it's a risky strategy. Seems like in LoL it's a no-brainer due to the buffs. I know they're revamping it, so I look forward to seeing what they come up with.
  19. Here are my thoughts on it. Again, based on our level of play. S-tier: Alistair, Annie, Mal'zahar, Ashe, Akali, Cho'gath, Soraka, Gangplank, Shen, Janna, Amumu, Warwick A-tier: Malphite, Karthus, Kog'Maw, Taric, Renekton, Sona, Zilean, Blitzcrank, Veigar, Trystana, Morgana, Gragas, Twisted Fate, Lux B-tier: Sivir, Sion, Tryndamere, Corki, Jax, Poppy, Ryze, Fiddlesticks, Miss Fortune, Nunu, Heimerdinger, Vladimir, Singed, Teemo C-tier: Evelynn, Dr. Mundo, Udyr, Nasus, Master Yi, Twitch, Rammus, Kassadin Not ranked (I haven't played them, or against them enough) - Anivia, Brand, Cassiopeia, Galio, Garen, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Karma, Katarina, Kayle, Kennen, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Leona, Maokai, Mordekaiser, Nidalee, Nocturne, Olaf, Orianna, Pantheon, Rumble, Shaco, Swain, Trundle, Urgot, Vayne, Xin Zhao, Yorick
  20. I like Gragas, Mal'zahar, Karthus (:3), Kog Maw, Blitzcrank, Cho'Gath and Zilean, to name a few. I don't really like Annie, Alistair, Malphite, Ryze or Master Yi. I guess what it boils down to is I like heroes with a range advantage of some kind - long-range harassment, along with disabling abilities for escaping and AOE in teamfights.
  21. That's probably the hardest thing about MOBAs: knowing when to fight and knowing when to run. The consequences for picking the wrong action are pretty dire, and your team will be mad at you either way. If you leave a fight too early, you might survive but you are condemning your teammates and possibly making their efforts be in vain. On the other hand, if you stay in a bad situation, you're feeding the enemy multiple deaths while gaining nothing in return (worse than nothing, you're losing gold/xp from laning, ganking.)
  22. Hearing amp tone through your home speakers or headphones in a mix is a lot different than listening to an amp in person.
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