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Everything posted by zircon

  1. First of all, Bardic died several times inlane because Defiler came top with a Haste rune and her ult. Due to all that ganking he was never really able to recover and farm up (no thanks to you taking up farm, more on that later.) There's really nothing you can do about that, especially when no one calls MIA and it only looks like she's been gone a second or two. The fact that we never had wards meant that we never had rune or map control, a fact which Defiler abused over and over for successful ganks. However even those things considered we did fine top lane and scored most of the team's laning phase kills, if not all of them (BS/Swift still an awesome combo.) Despite the fact that lack of rune control was seriously hurting us the entire game, you never bought wards. We can't rely on pubs to buy them, but an experienced player that we've played with hundreds of times should. Not doing so was selfish. The fact that you died and then complained that we didn't type "MIA" instead of saying it over the mic was frustrating. You inevitably have to stop playing the game to type, and your refusal to turn off your music meant that we couldn't coordinate you via voice, which is annoying as hell. Again, selfish. After our lanes started getting crushed by the overfed Defiler (who we couldn't do anything against due to her rune control + lack of MIA calls from mid, including the time that we thought you were there) you claim that you're going a carry build, which was no help to our team in teamfights at all. Had you built an Astrolabe or Totem we may have been able to sustain ourselves longer, as most of the fights were pretty close. Yet again, selfish. This is all without even mentioning the fact that you generally just wandered around doing your own thing, taking the safe farm from Bardic and of course being unable to hear us and coordinate (isn't that the point of joining a game with 3 people that know each other? Not to dick around?) For the fourth time, selfish. Essentially you cared more about preserving your K/D and doing a novelty build then actually trying to help win the game. I play HoN to win. If I'm going to mess around and not try to win, I'll do it in nostats. I don't join a game with two experienced players that I know and go Scout codex build. I don't care if it's a pub or not. What's really worst of all though is despite us asking you to turn on your sound and to buy wards, you basically just said "fuck you", despite the fact that we've been playing this game with you for awhile now, and instead wasted our time by not playing to win. You wonder why your K/D keeps going up yet your W/L is below 50 and you dropped like a rock from 1700 PSR. Maybe you should focus more on winning and less on making adversaries of your own teammates.
  2. Good to hear from you, man!! Last time I hung out with you was my.. 19th birthday party, before I was dating Jill (geez, time flies.) Come to another Northeast meetup sometime Also, nice new album. I checked out your music a couple months ago when someone pointed me to good examples of hip hop (I'm doing some instrumentals myself.) You've come a long way from Phoenix Down, Party Up
  3. Devourer's initial mana is bad but you don't need to spam hook that much early. Again, provided you have a solo lane it's quite easy to dominate and harass with only one or two uses before you get your Bottle. Once you do get that, no more mana problems. Pebbles definitely CAN'T get off a reliable combo because that's the nature of his abilities. If your opponents are complete dumbasses and spread out completely with no creeps around, sure, your toss won't pick up the wrong guy. However, if they're all grouped up w/ creeps, there is no way in hell you can even close to guarantee that you'll take out the right guy. Plus he has less HP and armor than Devourer and he has to put himself in the middle of enemies to initiate. Devourer can just sit back and relax while your team rapes the guy he hooked. I insist that he's more of a force as an auto attacker because he has way better AGI gain and his base damage will balloon as high as Pebbles', except without the ASPD loss. Also I tend to end up with reasonably high base damage on Devourer because I don't need to stock up on INT/mana items like Pebbles does (again, Pebbles is garbage if he can't use his combo - Devourer can do significant damage with Rot alone.)
  4. It's unrealistic in lategame teamfights to expect that you'll get a perfect toss -> stalagmites combo on anyone, but moreover once Pebbles uses his two things, that's it. His HP is going to be worse, his armor is going to be worse, and his auto attacks are less effective. Toss/Stalag and your usefulness is done. Meanwhile, Devourer attacks faster + harder and is doing 100 damage per second to everyone in the battle. Not bad. Devourer is also a better initiator because he can pull someone out of the battle and make it 4v5, like Andromeda, but with more safety.
  5. I don't think Hag is S tier because of her poor animation + damage range. Also if she doesn't get off to a good start, she's less effective than heroes like TB or Pyro which, even if they're level 3, still scale very well (AOE stun / channel interrupt / %-based damage.) Devourer is better than all of you give him credit for. He is a potent last-hitter because, unlike Pebbles, his higher STR/AGI gain and base STR/AGI allow him to withstand much more harass. He can get higher Magic armor very early which, combined with the STR gain on the passive, allows him to balloon to insane HP levels without any HP boosting items. If you just get a bottle, his mana pool is not really an issue. Unlike Pebbles, who needs 240 mana for his combo, Devourer only needs 140 to Hook (Decay is free or extremely cheap.) Plus, Devourer can harass really easily with Decay alone which, again, is free. His Ult can be interrupted but now that you can max Decay and his passive earlier, it's now a death sentence to most any INT or AGI character. At level 6, a Devoured target is taking 525 magic damage over the course of 3 seconds. This doesn't count initial hook damage (100), damage from Decay while the hook is pulling them closer (~25-50), or the Decay damage that they'll take after Devour has ended (a lot.) Devourer's effectiveness only increases as the game goes on, because thanks to his insane early-mid game, he'll skyrocket into the 2k-3k+ range before level 20 - more than many heroes even WITH a heart - also increasing his auto attack damage. Since he really doesn't need many items to be powerful, he can afford to get a Mock or a SotM, depending on the team he's facing.
  6. Yeah, the Null Stone helped with that. Magebane did an assload of damage to me though since Devo's armor is pretty bad (one of the lowest in the game) and his manaburn cut right through my fatty folds. But magic damage? Yeah, Devourer eats that for breakfast.
  7. Enjoy your Tempest ult while I'm doing 100 magic damage per second to you! As Devourer that game I had +85 STR from passive. Brutal.
  8. He is, however, way more viable overall competitively due to better INT + INT growth as well as a MUCH more useful Flaming Hammer.
  9. Yes but why would you want to? All he has is the ASPD steroid. There are many other, better characters who have self-steroids and who can carry more easily. I think Frostfield would give him more overall DPS to the entire enemy team.
  10. I don't think Blacksmith even needs Harkon's, since his auto attack is pretty meh (and melee to boot.) I think a solid build on him would be Talisman, Talisman, Armor Boots (better MS), Nome's Wisdom, Frostfield. The first four items will ensure he has no mana problems again, and also increase his survivability a great deal (+armor, +HP.) Frostfield synergizes REALLY well with him too. It increases his farming to insane levels, and with the new Flaming Hammer, you can debuff a group, run in, Frostfield and then Fireball. Massive damage.
  11. Funny thought: Sac Stone on Devourer. +45 HP per kill.
  12. Oh, it's more realistic in that case. You didn't mention in your post that there would be any booths or vendor space at all.
  13. In my opinion, it's far more of a headache to integrate multiple computers into an audio setup than it is to just shell out $800-900 for a high end new machine. I use a Wolfdale Intel quad @ 2.66ghz (one generation before Core i7) which is now something like $130, and I pretty much never have CPU problems ever, even with gigantic projects. If you get 4-8gb of RAM and upgrade to a 64bit OS, then use jBridge, you won't have memory problems either. If you want to use multiple computers, here are some of the things you need to consider. * FX Teleport does not play well with everything. It does work, but it is infrequently updated. The other option is the new Vienna tool which acts like FXT, but that too doesn't work with every plugin on every host. * Latency will be an issue. Expect an increase in latency of up to 2 or even 3x what you have now. * This actually does use more CPU than just running the plugin on one computer - the very act of streaming across the network will overall be less efficient per plugin. * You have to authorize the plugins on multiple machines, typically, so forget about doing this with dongled software. * If you use a pure audio/MIDI routing solution (ie. can't render offline, must record everything in realtime) expect another host of problems. I would just go to an i5/i7 processor, get 4-8gb of RAm and upgrade to 64bit. This won't cost more than $800 in all likelihood, even for a new machine.
  14. Who's bad? I'm bad. And on this project. (I hope)
  15. eZ, Devourer is definitely sick now. Max range Hook at level 1 means you can max Decay and his Magic Armor early. Maxing the magic armor means that you can keep your Decay on way earlier, survive ganks better, and gain much more Strength from your own ganks. I think this really helps him because his single biggest weakness before was that he couldn't do much against competent opponents w/o max hook and rot, and by that time, he's already starting to become ineffective.
  16. I've joined the PlayStation 3 club!!! Bahamut and bustatunez (aka Will aka Lukas) gave Jill and I an EXTREMELY generous gift of the PS3 (120gb) as well as SIX games: Tekken 6, Uncharted 1 & 2, Valkyria Chronicles, COD4:MW and Ratchet & Clank. We were stunned by their generosity and of course, extremely thankful
  17. You know, what really set Spider-Man apart as a character was how vulnerable he was as a human. Whereas the Fantastic Four were a bunch of rich supermodels/playboys (except for the Thing, buy still), and the DC guys were very straightforward, Spider-Man was set apart for being a vulnerable teenager with this power forced upon him. He didn't necessarily want it and it messes with his life constantly. Portraying his high school years is more faithful for how the comics originally started.
  18. Larry convinced me to tiebreak this, so here we go. Right off the bat, the production here could use a bit of work. While the sounds themselves are passable (though very cliche), the mastering is very harsh. Lots of mid-high and high frequencies and a gap in the low-mids. The result just sounds overly bright. This could be a result of some types of multiband compression, so I would recommend playing with your mastering chain to see if you can balance the frequencies out more. The actual sound *mix* is pretty good though, ie. the levels of the drums vs. the lead synths, etc. My only complaint there is that the main lead trance synth is maybe a tiny bit too loud and could have been switched up more often. By 2:09 I'm still thinking this is pretty straightforward, but the section that follows appears to be original and simply inspired by the source. After the whole voice sampling stuff ends, it's back to the same interpretation of the source as earlier. Overall, there IS some solid arrangement of the source here, but a lot of it is simply repeated over and over. If there were more variation in the treatment of the melody, such as perhaps some synth solos over the chords, an extended breakdown directly based on the source, or similar writing, I could pass it on that level. However, as it stands now, the arrangement is too repetitive considering the limited use of the source, and the mastering is too harsh. NO
  19. We've only removed a small number of mixes, and it wasn't because "we didn't like them", it was because the mixes did not meet site standards - the things that separate us from rapidshare or tindeck. Furthermore, as Gollgagh said, we've re-evaluated mixes based on the standards of the time. These include mixes that: * Were not actually remixes of game music. * Were ripped off from other artists / arrange albums. * Directly sampled the original for the majority of the piece, etc. The remixes that we removed should have never been accepted to begin with, and yes, that is our call to make, not the public's. The judges panel and djpretzel are the sole people who determine what gets posted and what doesn't, and have the authority to re-evaluate previous decisions and, under extreme circumstances, overturn them. Edit: Wow 6 posts above me while I was writing this.
  20. Yeah, this really makes Devourer more effective overall. Normally, he can do a ton of damage simply by getting an early Vestments, thus significantly reducing Decay damage, and then getting high level decay. However, you NEED the long hook to get people INTO the decay, and by the time you get to the point where both hook and decay are maxed, that combo is already losing effectiveness. Now, I think the build should be Hook - Decay - Armor - Decay - Decay - Ult - Decay - Max Hook.
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