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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. fan badge for ocr-tan fan club.
  2. time to buy another hoodie then.the old one is getting...old. and a black shirt while i'm at it. thanks for the € value XD
  3. i spent lot of time reading book in english during my trip to Canada...i'll try to vote >_>
  4. PM Liontamer or Darkesword with your issue. they'll find a solution.
  5. Bon anniversaire Nick. ^^ i seriously need to complete your ssbb sig request now >_>
  6. nice one. i need to update mine.
  7. archived the new stuff. awesome work Bean and blackmyst
  8. 3 week of inactivity.... i was rusty.
  9. happy birthday man, i don't know you but still.. you're older today, like everyone else.
  10. Bonne anniversaire Mademoiselle Pixie. The usual rules about a lady's age is: "Never ask a lady"
  11. it took me time to get used with the 360 pad at ace combat 6 like i was with the ps2 pad for the previous opus. i made some command change to fit the trigger, because those are not button (like R2 and L2 were) I'm not against trigger like Sag said in his post, but those can't fit for a smooth gameplay like a button can, it's a case by case.
  12. you need some testing. i remember playing unreal tournament with a keyboard and a mouse on my ps2. For dirge i can't talk.
  13. no need to worry it's like bicycle. I played last week with friends, and we didn't play melee in a long time. that was hellish as usuall (and even better than usual)
  14. a come back is planned? i remember seeing bummer evolving anyway
  15. did you check the previous opus of earthbound, Mother? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_%28video_game%29 it was on nes (just to be sure)
  16. ad aware scan, also check what is running when you start the computer ( type msconfig in the command prompt)
  17. damn right, i'm not a casual, nor a tournament player, but i can handle item. We'll see...
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