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Everything posted by Xelebes

  1. When I was in high school, we didn't think about doing it. It wasn't exactly illegal, just no one thought about doing it. I think I missed out on something.
  2. A (free) vocoder might work. Just need to get a microphone. But right now, I think I remember a shareware version of what you are asking for, but I can't seem to remember it.
  3. I've seen r bad men used a few times on Lit.
  4. The cash he could do with it would buy lots of meth, man.
  5. Crap, I forgot the techno juice!!!
  6. I don't have an mp3 player. I don't have a discman, nor a walkman. I simply do without music when I'm not chilling or dancing and stuff.
  7. I take it does not apply for us Canadians? Bah, none of the games on the list are not on my wishlist. Well, if there was games on my wish list.
  8. I know the keyboard player for Lazersnake who does this stuff - but doesn't use an NES. He uses his Proteus for that - which is a little cheating. Oh well. Just need to find his myspace.
  9. I use lowel, zoe-megoh and pown.
  10. In Michigan? How is that exactly a problem?
  11. A lack of community halls or something?
  12. I'm finding the snare really weak. Also the phaser-effect needs to be put further in the background. Also, try clearing up the lead a bit - too much effect on it makes it unclear. Hats could go down slightly in the drum mix. Love the 80's throwback with the pads. Hm... listening again. You need to do something creative with the drums. Possibly doing some sucking with the reverb and compressors (subtle reverb with compressors set at a fast attack and release and moderately low threshold (-6 - -9 dB)).
  13. If you find it takes that long, pare back the non-essentials.
  14. There's lots of exceptions. There are those that marry within the same night they meet. Is this necessarily tradition? (Ok, in India it might.)
  15. That's a hell of a long time to wait to get married. 18 months? Usually when you get engaged, it's 6 months. However, you bucked tradition by waiting 2 years instead of the traditional 12 months. Anyways, good luck.
  16. XXL gets you the whole shebang, it's a good stepping block. Depends if you want to cut yourself short for a while or go for the big dive at the get go. Nothing is cheap but thankfully there are jobs out there. It's like buying a new console.
  17. Into the mixer. You'll need to route the audio channel into the particular mixer channel where the effect is being used. Quite simple when you think about it.
  18. Yes this is possible. All you have to do is align the midi port channel with the one your MIDI controller is using. The midi port channel is that digital-display number you see in the upper right-hand corner of the channel box (for example, click on a sample channel, it will become obvious what I am talking about.)
  19. FL's tools are sufficient in making decent trance or dance- trance was made with experimenting with known presets (for example, Vangelis' strings and choirs from the 80's would later be used and modified by tweaking them.) It's all about tweaking the instruments and knowing a little about sound theory (you learn that stuff by fooling around and reading about articles about the knobs you are using.) Fruity Piano might be weak - but hey, too many artists made hits using the Korg M1 piano so hey, it's not exactly worthless.
  20. There is also vowel filters you could try and use.
  21. This venue was the one that launched k.d. lang, Sarah Maclachlan, Blue Rodeo, Captain Tractor and the Barenaked Ladies careers.
  22. While this may not be for OCR, you are still writing music. Which this forum is also good for. I'm also sure there are sites out there that are chock full f samples from movies. I'll see if I can dig them up.
  23. Mainstream music is only bad if it is played ad nauseum. Which of course, happens all the time.
  24. Image-Line's site is down.
  25. There was a time I downloaded the occasional mix to see if there was anything I liked. I think I might still do that nowadays, not too sure. Some of them are just not my cup of tea. But who can say most of the master thesis's at the college composition courses are going to be all that memorable, neh?
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