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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. I wanna get Hotel Dusk pretty badly. Hopefully there'll be some in stores tomorrow, since I didn't check today.
  2. What's this about a Bulbin King? I don't recognize the name and I beat the game last month. Also, yes, the Darknuts are freakin' incredible. I always forget to do the Helm Splitter, though... does it even work on them?
  3. Anyone else excited about Hotel Dusk: Room 215? No one's reviewed it yet, granted, but it's a film noir action game. I mean, really. How many of these do we get? Not enough, for me. If all goes well it'll probably be the only DS game I will have bought since New Mario came out (if you don't count me importing Pokemon Pearl in October).
  4. Smoke, djp, just wanted to say that I appreciated your posts on the matter. I, like many here, have hope for OffTopic. Personally, if the porn goes I won't mind so much. Like Eulogic said, there's always 4chan. Oh man, is there 4chan... Getting rid of lighthearted, light-headed topics, though, would kind of cut out a good 75% of the "good" Unmod. That's basically all I went there for, save some random image threads or the occasional serious discussion. I'll be moving on to other topics, now. I've said my peice, unmod is gone, and I've moved on. Sure, we lost some good stuff, but aside from some random banning faggotry we're all still here, wanting to interact with each other again. A lot of us, anyway. R.I.P.
  5. Hmm. I always found the physiology of birds to be delightfully bewildering. For instance, birds are the only things completely immune to the deadly virus carried by a certain species of assassin bug that lives in South America. Maybe this is just nature's way -- payback for all the deaths by assassin bug they've dodged over the centuries.
  6. Agreed, that's the reason I'm not paying any attention to the PS3 right now. As of right now, both the 360 and Wii have more or better games and features. Right now, damnit, not months from now. When something costs twice as much with half the content it's not a smart buy, regardless of what may be coming in the future. I heard Metal Gear & Prince of Persia were being ported to the 360 and Wii, respectively. Time to get your shit straight, Sony.
  7. God bless wikipedia. Alright, well, chances are it's nothing to worry about then, Shadix. Unless you're a bird, perhaps.
  8. Just popping in randomly... I really appreciate this project, since Pokemon's a game with strong, memorable melodies and yet no successful representation on OCR to date. One other thing, though: I imported Pearl back in October. The music in the new games is leagues ahead of any Pokemon game to date, even considering the DS Lite's lacklustre speaker quality. Any of you guys heard some of the new music? I continue to be impressed. They still use the same old grating "voices" for the older Pokemon, sadly.
  9. Wow. Pretty odd occurance, eh? I think it's safe to say that if 60+ dead birds weren't taken out by regular old poisons and chemicals, then there's cause enough to suspect the virus. Bird Flu is treatable if you catch it early, right?
  10. Even though I've been coming to OCR for about four years, as you can see I only have made about 160 posts. I'm your typical lurker: dropping in often to see what's up but not being a big participant in all the goings-on. I know I can't be the only one. So, even though what I have to say isn't worth as much as the words of a patriarch like The Coop or Ori or any of the other "big names," this thread grabbed me as important enough to warrant a post. After about 20 minutes of trying out different ideas, I've come to the conclusion that Coop basically has said all that was on my heart to begin with. I belong to lots of very different internet communities, but when I think of the OCR forums I think, "good people, deep history." Sure, I loved going into UnMod and reading the 4chan threads, the "wizard hat" logs, et all for a good laugh, to an extent. For one thing, you guys is good people; certainly more amiable than the average anonymouse on 4chan. So, for me, UnMod had a worthy purpose. But to be honest, deep down I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. Even though the fun posts far outweighed the particularly filthy filth, there was a lot of porn there... Could unregistered members have viewed the contents? I've been a member for so long I don't remember anymore. Anyway, I'm getting way off topic (heh). Listen to Coop. He hasn't said anything in this thread that I've disagreed with yet, being very underdstanding and fair. You a mod, Coop? Ought to be -- been here long enough and a nice guy to boot.
  11. The initial puzzle in the Sacred Grove was the hardest puzzle I've faced in a Zelda game yet. I tried for over an hour before I looked it up online, dejected.
  12. How I catched fish? [sic]
  13. WHERE THE HELL IS THAT KID'S MOM. TELL ME AND I WON'T KILL YOU. NEAR THE CREEK, WONDERING ABOUT A CRADLE THAT FLOATED DOWN THE RIVER. WAIT WHERE IS ANINYMOUSE WHAT DID DIO KILL HIM OH NO. Seriously... I don't want to leave the village before I do the earliest sidequests, but I'm just not able to figure out the trick for getting fish to bite. People on GameFAQs already told me what to do once I GET the fish, but they keep copypasting the instructions for LURE fishing instead of BOBBER fishing. Huge difference, apparently. So, yeah. Spoilers, ho!
  14. I am playing this game right now. Bobber fishing is kinda difficult, but maybe that's because I'm not using bait... but I have no bottle yet <.< Amazing game, though.
  15. Love how they put spoiler warnings on videos at the site. No shit Sherlock. Liking that too. But is that thing at the beginning of the video across the lake the twilight, or a rather poor waterfall? Looks like a waterfall with a bizarre choice of transparency to me. You know, I had to watch the video 3 times before I noticed what the spoiler warning was for. Not much of a spoiler if you've even seen all the concept art released thus far Gabe over at Penny Arcade had some choice words in response to the joystique bit-picking. A recommended read, since it (like usual) takes the nonsense joystique posts and responds in human reasoning. Here. Also, my frothing desire or this game increases.
  16. What up with those crappy howling illustration. They could have put more effort into them. Background seems really interesting And back with the howling is that the Song of Healing Links howling? *edit* YES! Semi Throat ripping action!! http://media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748589/vid_1740635.html And alot of new TP videos were added. That is indeed the song of healing, one of my favorite ocarina melodies.
  17. You guys need to see this. Apparently we have a more interesting replacement for the various musical instruments Link has found in the past.
  18. Hyrule Field's ominous sky is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in a video game, no joke. I can't WAIT to experience that bitch on my big screen <3 Also, it looks like controlling wolf Link is going to be a lot of fun, imo. I love how fast he moves compared to normal Link, who's not all the fast if you think about it.
  19. Sign me up for a medium or large t-shirt... probably large. I ain't trying to impress anymone.
  20. First off, we have my two favorite traditional RPGs together in one glorious OCR amalgamation. THis alone would be enough to get me excited. However, Pretzel really has outdone himself with this one. Granted, I haven't heard all of his ReMixes (or even most of the older ones... he does have over 60 total), but of the ones I have heard, this one stands out as the best produced. So much energy, vision, and the movements are spectacularly timed! Booster Tanrantino and JethroAndVashAtTheFair were both also wonderful, but it's great to listen to them and then this mix and really get a feel for just how good you've become even in that short span. To say nothing of the days of Singing Pretzel I can do nothing but shower praise on this mix, and patiently await the rest of the project. Downloading HaleBopp's track as I type this. If I may, one slight issue: that high-hat really is mixed a bit too loud for my tastes, but trust me, once that taiko solo kicks in I forget about it pretty damn quick. Crank the bass up on this one, kids.
  21. Turn-based strategy game? Off the top of my head, though, the only "mildly tradition" RPGs that were worth anything were AW:DS and Castlevania DS. There've been some recent tries, like Lost Magic, but they're kinda on the meh side. Also, you have to consider that most genres these days seem influenced by SNES RPGs... sports games incorperate upgradable stats, action games incorperate similarly grandious stories, etc. My point was, I guess, that right now all the potentially great DS RPGs aren't out yet. Nevermind what constitutes an RPG...
  22. Worth mentioning again INDEED. Here I was, just complaining about how gaming news had been so slow and how there were almost no decent RPGs on the DS when BAM! Hopefully Project:Exile gets off the ground. I want this thing. Advance Wars DS is still probably the best RPG for the DS, I think, and it came out a looong time ago. Hopefully FFIII will be worth the wait. For a guy who mostly plays RPGs, the DS has been building it's momentum a bit too slowly. EDIT: Oh yeah, how could I forget? My life more or less revolves around Pokemon Diamond & Pearl. Good to know there's a few fans in the OCR community. I figured you guys would be burning Pokemon fans at the stake by now. ...then again, I think it's some kind of requirement that you have to love Nintendo games of some kind to register on the forums, right?
  23. Technically, Marth & Roy are from different games, too. Games with a similar name? Yes - but still separate. Besides, there are so many other fighters out there that already use the "change outfit = change effect" thing. It's so... played out. Costumes ought just to be costumes. You have to ask yourself, what are we really trying to do by combining like characters? Freeing up space on the character selsect screen? DUDE. Have you ever played Marvel VS Capcom 2? lol Who cares? As any EXPERIENCED player knows, there are lots of small differences in the "clones" that add up to make them worthy of having separate playstyles. However. We KNOW some of the characters are getting the ax this time around. Obviously it makes more sense to get rid of one of the Links or Pichu than to get rid of Roy, Gannondorf or even a more "original" character like Ice Climbers. If Dr. Mario and Pichu don't show up in Brawl, I don't think too many people will refuse to buy it
  24. I'm not saying that Zelos' story isn't interesting, or that he doesn't add to the game. I simply found his manerisms, outfit, habits, etc. extremely annoying. Also his voice, but most characters in that game had annoying voices. I haven't yet had the pleasure to play Phantasia. Was it as good as Symphonia? Let me put it to you this way... both games take place in the same "world" so to speak. In that sense, if you're big on story and character developement, then they're similar. Battle-wise, they're nothing alike. And granted, we're talking about comparing a SNES/GBA/PSOne game to a GCN game, so there's the technical/space issue. Phantasia is an old game, and it plays like an old game - there's no getting around that. It's still one of the better RPGs of it's day. ...anyway. If any Tales character shows up, it'd almost have to be from either Phantasia or Symphonia. Tempest won't be out yet, and the others never graced a Nintendo system. That said, yes, the main characters (ie. Lloyd, Cress) would be most likely. Lloyd even weilds dual swords, kinda like Pit. Still... Symphonia's character developement was so good (for a game) that I'd say any of those 8 characters would fit superbly. I've beat the game a total of 5 times, and remember, this is about a 60-100 hour game. Personally, it'd be near impossible to say any of them would be clearly "better" in Smash. Presea (huge ax), Colette (chakram), Lloyd (dual sword) and Regal (kicks/kamehameha) all represent fighting styles that are otherwise abscent in Smash, so I'd say, from a gameplay standpoint they'd add the most to the experience. Even I think Zelos is the best character in TOS, but with all the swords being swung already, he'd just get crowded out. At least Lloyd dual wields swords. That presents something a little different.
  25. Okay... Uumm.. How I shot missile? But yeah. Brawl has me very excited. I never got all that good at Smash in the first place, sure, but I tried and I had a lot of fun. I actually got to about a high-to-moderate level for all of about two months. Used to main DK Mewtwo Zelda ...but then I stopped playing around 2005. Hopefully in 2007 I'll be seeing you guys around the Wii-nternet, smashing up Mew and DK again, if Nintendo knows what's good for them!
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