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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. it's a pretty good song regardless, but that synthesized string sample really gives it a nostalgic feel.
  2. Alright, for as cool as LAME is for encoding mp3s, it can't handle windows media. the kind people over at razor suggested either dbPowerAmp or foobar2000. I chose dbPowerAmp, but it looks like the encoder component is evaluation-only (30-dy trail) so who knows if i'll have a use for it come December. I'd say this has turned out to be a very educational hur for me, and I can see where this kind of info would be helpful in a sticky someplace around here, especially considering the community we're all taking part in.
  3. Alright. I have LAME & RazorLAME at this point but it doesn't want to do anything with wma files, so... Unless someone else has some wisdom around here, I'm gonna hit up their website and ee what I can see...
  4. Well, I knew about the loss and all, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask if there was anything out there in the way of an advancement or what have you. But yeah, I wanna thank ya for the tip. I'd heard of LAME before but I hadn't looked into it. I'm setting everything up now, so hopefully everything will go smoothly.
  5. I think it's just a massive CLOUD of wishful thinking, good sir or madame. We can only hope for a DKC stage. Or perhaps, at the least, the means to create our own, no?
  6. As a general rule, I hate the .wma format. However, a friend of mine recently gave me about three albums worth of really sick shit from a friend of his that DJs around his college. My question is probably buried deep within the archives of the vast OCR forums, but alas, the search function slaps me in the face if I try to querry 3-character words. Help a brotha out, y'all; what program can I use to convert .wma to .mp3 without much loss to quality? Peace.
  7. I'm hoping that whenever Norfair gets revealed, they'll simultaneously release the music for that stage as well.
  8. After that fateful night of staying up all night only yo be met with "You Must Recover!"... basially, if I'm up around 3AM then I check it, if not, then I just do it when I wake up.
  9. I'm still excited. Honestly, it's been said a thousand times, but it can't be easy remixing from the source material. You guys decided against any RSE mixes, right? But yes. Keep on rockin', guys.
  10. This one is most excellant. Zyko (or as he addresss his messages, "weed") has always been a favorite of mine. He really has a flair for the ambient/experimental. Most of zyko's songs that I have I can just put on loop for an hour at a time and not get bored. I don't know what it is, but it can only be a strength in my book. I own *coughgalbadia* the Twilight Princess OST in its entirety, but I'm not sure exactly what themes were borrowed and expanded upon for this remix. Heh, that's to be expected, though. I think I've messaged zyko about two other remixes he's done for this reason, heh. Even so, it still feels like a tune from the Twilight Realm (I think I recognize the intro as something that would play in the Twilight), since he really captured the essence of the mix.
  11. I dunno about this "hailing" business, but I'd certainly send $50 their way <3 I think... this will be the last week I stay up-to-date with the Dojo. If nothing else I'll stop staying up past 4AM on workdays -___________-;;
  12. custom stages are going to be very static, and there's an infinite number of those. to me, it seems like "the team" made a conscious decision to make all the new "official" stages dynamic to keep things from getting too stale. besides, The Summit doesn't actually change all that much. you just get some water below you at one point, but really it looks to stay consistant. so stop complaining like the sops at smashboards lol
  13. ice climbers stage!
  14. I'm thinking we're going to get an AT or Pokeball or some music. Ashley would be awesome but I'm not holding my breath for something like that for Halloween... too methological for Sakurai, heh. EDIT: obviously the problem with a single ladder stage is that there's nowhere to start from! I don't think they'll let you spawn over a pit.
  15. Stickerbush Symphony really did put the icing on the cake for me this time. Oh baby. Needs more David Wise!
  16. GREATEST. I'm sorry, but this is better than even any kind of roster confirmation. Regardless of who we can play as, we can essentially play FOREVER. I'd say this game is the ultimate Nintendo game, so far.
  17. Yoshi does have a pretty steep learning curve, and I don't feel that's going to change much with Brawl. Out of all the Melee characters, I had the hardest time playing with Yoshi. Kirby, for me, was second only because of how badly nerfed he was; with so many laggy and weak attacks, I'm very excited that they've once again buffed (puffed?) up Kirby's speed and power in Brawl. The new Yo-Yo Kirby dash attack certainly looks cool, too. Oddly enough, i think the character with the fewest changes overall in the Demo was Donkey Kong, hands down. I'm fine with that, really, since he was exceptionally balanced in Melee, but with such a gimped Final Smash it would have been nice to find a few tweaks here and there. Ah! Well, actually, there was apparently one change to DK: when his smash B buries you underground, your opponent will become "dislodged" after just one hit instead of a set time period. Since they also seem to have lost the immunity to knockback while being buried as well, seems like smash B to Giant Punch would be a good idea for a basic setup.
  18. That's what she said.
  19. Several of Yoshi's tilts, smashes and aerials were improved either in range (longer tail) or power, but his B moves haven't changed much. Of course, his B^ now kind of stalls him in the air and you can use it multiple times, but his smash B is quicker as well. Can't double jump cancel. Off topic, but... honestly, you though Twilight Princess was a pile of suck? If I'm being perfectly honest with myself, I think I can see where TP didn't totally trump some past titles in some areas. However, even if it didn't end up being the be-all-and-end-all of Zelda games it was still really solid! The combat wasn't much different than any other 3D Zelda, so unless innovation was your main concern I don't see how that was a failure. And... the story sucked? "Suck" is a pretty strong word, I think. It wasn't a garbage story. Horribly cliche, sure, but WHAT ISN'T these days? Midna's character developement and personality are the strongest I've seen in a Zelda game yet, so I suppose if you didn't particularly like her character the story would seems to have no redeeming value. Heh, love triangles make anything interesting. Back on topic, I can't wait to see Pokemon Trainer in an actual fight! I'm also very interested in how they'll make Subspace Emissary work for PT, too.
  20. I rather like the story, actually. Wind Waker had such a stunning narrative, but you don’t have time to ponder such questions, as Link has just grabbed a Smash Ball.
  21. I believe part of why Midna didn't help out more with Link's tasks can be explained by two logical points. First of all, gameplay-wise, it wouldn't be very condusive to the atmosphere to have Midna do a lot of things automatically FOR you, like lift you over things, since it would make Wolf Link seem totally helpless/useless, not to mention that too much automation takes the feeling of "control" out of the experience. Secondly, having Midna constantly taunt and egg Link on generally just builds her character for the first half of the game when it is still unclear just how much of a "good guy" she really is. Interestingly, there really aren't many (or any?) instances of "Wolf Link cliff jumping" after "The Event" that cements Midna as one of the good guys. But yes. I'm 100% behind Wolf Link/Midna combo character, or solo Imp Midna. Having her in her "true" form would be a massive "wtf" and spoiler to all the people who never beat TP. And, obviously, a great Final Smash would be the Fused Shadow! Mmmmm, giant shiny weapon pwnage ^^
  22. Goombella would be quite "boss," as the kids say. I'm probably hopelessly f%$&ed up, but I also thought she was rather hot. As hot as a Goomba can be.
  23. Hoo-boy. Good luck, V. But it's okay, SnappleMan. We'll always have Morocco. I mean Thrash the Plank. So I still love yew.
  24. Midna's the only one that matters to me, anyway. Anyone after her is fine too. I kinda like the idea of Ashley from Wario Ware. It'd be cool to have a witch character. Halloween update FTW?
  25. Completed the survey. Post the results when they're in, will ya? That'd be interesting. And no, I wouldn't pay $70 for Hellgate: London...
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