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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Again, you demonstrate your complete lack of comprehension skills. The point wasn't to differentiate between "well known" and "popular," it was to differentiate between writing music and organizing a project. Composing music and organizing a collaborative effort between multiple artists are different things. And there are no "gargoyles" descending to "scare them away." It's helpful advice to tell someone, "you should be a more active and visible member of the community if you want to organize a project." How on Earth is that a bad thing? The ONLY person who said anything to that effect in the thread was Pezman, and even then he did so very civilly and helpfully. Stop making negative generalizations about the OC ReMix community because you're too ignorant to understand basic advice.
  2. No, people have said that if you're going to head up a remix project you should be more known so that people are willing to work with you. Nobody has ever said anything that equates popularity to proficiency. As always, you form your opinions by reading half of what people say and making up the rest.
  3. I think this is funny because you weren't even alive during "the genesis days." And yes, I know we have Mega Collection.
  4. You're the one who's ignorant. Nobody has ever implied that you have to be popular to make good music.
  5. Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure are good speed-focused Sonic games. And don't complain about the level design. You're supposed to die the first couple times you play through it and memorize where the deathtraps are; it's a speedrun game. The only area they're lacking in is boss battles.
  6. I'm sorry, but I wouldn't trust any of you in my house unaccompanied. >
  7. Yeah, we could do that, but we won't. We want people to come here to get the music, not subscribe to it automatically with an RSS downloader.
  8. You'll find you'll get more responses here in Community. Moved.
  9. People used idlers to get weapons too. It's not ludicrous. You're spoofing a connection to the Steam servers in order to get items even though you don't have the game running. Try doing that in a game where items and drops actually matter, like like WoW. Run a program that connects to the WoW servers and manipulates game data in order to give you items and see what Blizzard does to you. It's hacking, plain and simple. It's not even a question of idling vs. playing. Read the TF2 blog; this crackdown is only on people who use external applications, and they explicitly say that using external applications is where they're drawing the line. And you know what? Good on them. I'm honestly surprised they didn't hand out VAC-bans. As for warning people, what exactly would that accomplish? What are they going to do, make a blog post telling people, "We're going to remove your ill-gotten goods in a week, so get ready?" They're certainly not going to say, "Hey guys, you should stop using the idler programs, or we're going to remove your items," because that doesn't really punish people who've already cheated to get their crap. They're not going to come out and say, "If you already got away with it, we're going to let it go, but from now on don't do it." And when it really comes down to it, if a player is using the idler program, he knows he's doing something they consider wrong, but he does it anyway. Then he complains because he got caught and punished? Screw that. And for the record, I think the drops system is absolutely stupid and terrible. I have been playing regularly again since they instituted it and I don't have any hats besides the halo I got yesterday. Do I care? Actually I do; some of the hats are really cool and I would like to have them, but in the end, they don't matter that much. As for unlocks, I'm pretty sure that any unlocks I actually like to use I got through achievements, and if there's one I don't have that I want, I could just try to earn it through achievements, or hell, find it through the drops system during the course of regular play.
  10. The difference is that you're using an external application to manipulate game data. You're not gaming the system, you're hacking it. In any case, I'm going to say this here to everyone: if you want to play on the OCR server and and plan on griefing/trolling people because they have a halo-hat on (e.g. not healing teammates, stealing metal from engineers, standing in front of snipers), then don't bother joining, because you'll be kicked out. Also, please don't whine about losing your items because you were running an external idler on the voicechat. You'll probably just be muted. EDIT: Oh, also, vice-versa. If you're trolling/griefing people because they don't have a halo and you know they didn't get one because they used an idler, you can similarly expect to be kicked out. Of course, I don't really expect any of this kind of behavior from regular OCRTF2 players, because you guys are a good bunch to play with. I just wanted to make it known that I personally won't tolerate that kind of douchebaggery.
  11. People still talk about video games in terms of bits? Seriously? Capcom. Not Nintendo.
  12. I don't idle or anything, but I'd just like to throw this out there: I have been playing a couple of hours every week since this drops system went into effect, and I still don't have any hats. Not cool, Valve. Not cool.
  13. http://www.joystiq.com/2009/09/01/rumor-famitsu-scans-show-ds-okami-sequel-okamiden/ YAY!
  14. Never eschew your social life to play video games with strangers on the internet. Live it up, gentlemen. Live it up.
  15. I'll play but this game is really confusing for me.
  16. Episode 26 is out, featuring the fated battle between Fuuwa Juuzou and ShinkenRed!
  17. Oh I forgot to mention: last night there was a glitch where a pyro's flames would use the airblast animation and sound. Apparently you can make that happen on purpose? I'm not sure how it's done, but please don't do it. The sputtering sound and animation can cause slowdown for players with slower machines.
  18. I agree with this. I'm not a fan of Egypt at all. I don't like the layout and I don't like the aesthetic. It doesn't really adhere to any of the design philosophies that most TF2 maps follow; it's just big blocks of yellow everywhere. :\ My favorite custom map is probably Follower.
  19. Don't look at 237,000 downloads of a song as an indicator of anything more than promotion. You'll get a quarter of a million people to download an MP3 of a cow farting if you promote it enough. Not saying your music sounds anything like that; it's pretty good actually, but you get my point. Also, you already made a thread about your Gerudo Valley remix. Please stop making multiple threads about your mixes.
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