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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. So uh, how does that help the person looking for guitar remixes?
  2. No, thank YOU. Also, your sig is too tall. Please resize it in accordance with the 250px height limit.
  3. Hey guys. Kamen Rider Decade 24 is out from TV-Nihon; this is the crossover episode where Decade visits the Shinkenger world. Make sure you grab it, because there's no Shinkenger episode this week, so this is the only way we're getting our CHANBARA fix.
  4. Tech Romancer, Project Justice, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.
  5. Final Fantasy Versus XIII is PS3 exclusive. Soul Splint, since I assume you have enough money for either one right now, here's another way to think about it: PS3 will always cost more than a Wii, so if you have enough money for either one, just get the PS3, since it seems like you really want it for exclusives. Wii will still be cheap, and you can always get one later without having to save up as much.
  6. Pretty much any fighting game for PS3 is available on 360, so you don't need a PS3 for fighters. Wii will be getting Tatsunoko vs. Capcom soon. PS3 has very little exclusives in the way of RPGs. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Valkyria Chronicles, so you're kind of covered for RPGs (unless you really want Final Fantasy Versus XIII when that comes out next year). Still, the upcoming PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia is getting a load of extra content (characters, etc.). As for platformers, PS3 has Little Big Planet, which is absolutely amazing, but then again Wii has Super Mario Galaxy and is getting Super Mario Galaxy 2 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I own all three systems and I love my PS3, but I'd recommend getting a Wii first. When it really boils down to it, look at the exclusives: do you want the PS3 exclusives like MGS4, Resistance, Killzone, LBP, Infamous, Uncharted, etc., or do you want the Wii exclusives like Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, etc.?
  7. You need to stop posting crap like this and just focus on your remix. If someone tells you something you don't like, just ignore it. Don't even address it. Don't argue about it; it's your song, not theirs. You can do what you want. Stop getting mad and stop getting all dramatic. Just post updates on your mix.
  8. I have no problem with the vouching system that Chadly proposed, but let me just respond to what Garian said. Yeah, it's nice that the server has grown organically as a community, but in the end, it's a server for the OCR community. I like playing on our server because I get to play with people that I already know and interact with, people who are into video games and video game music and video game remixes and all that. I don't want to play with Joe the Pubbie, who doesn't give two shits about this community or what we do here, and when it comes down to it I really just don't like playing games online with people that I don't know. I actually don't play TF2 on any other server because of this reason. I don't think it's too much to ask that people who want a reserve slot should join the forum and post here occasionally. We discuss stuff like map rotations and server events here, and if they play regularly enough to want a reserve slot, then they should take part in those discussions. EDIT: I also want to say, we should put that one king-of-the-hill map in the rotation. Was it called Garbage Day? We played it last night, and I was really diggin' it.
  9. You can help people and give them suggestions without taking potshots at me or anyone else. Don't use the excuse that you're joking; in light of your past comments and behavior, you've lost any kind of leeway to joke around about people.
  10. I still don't think anyone who doesn't post occasionally on the forums (or at least in this thread) should get a reserve slot. I don't think I've seen SpectreShot on the forums; is he even a member of the community? Or is he just some random pub/friend of a regular who started playing on the OCR server a lot? In any case, reserve slots should be given to people who are OCR people, not random assholes who won't shut the hell up.
  11. Moved by mistake because of a thread-merge. Fixed now.
  12. Yep, just watch it. Just a heads up, next week there is no episode of Shinkenger, on account of the Kamen Rider Decade crossover episode. We'll still be getting our weekly dose, just make sure you download Kamen Rider Decade episode 24.
  13. And at the same time, B&B Batman isn't Adam West's Batman. He's still a serious guy; more often than not he's playing the straightman to everyone else around him.
  14. Hehe. The Blue Beetle on B&B isn't a Silver Age character. Hell, he isn't even one of the 90s characters like Kyle Rayner or Connor Hawke; Jaime Reyes's Blue Beetle is a character that was created about 4-5 years ago. He's one of the few 21st century DC heroes.
  15. Hey. If you have the ability to call for votebans, don't abuse that by trying to ban someone for USING A WEAPON YOU DON'T LIKE (i.e. HUNTSMAN). I can't believe how childish some people are. Knock that crap off, right now.
  16. The projects forum is specifically for OverClocked ReMix projects. Just FYI.
  17. That option is for how posts are displayed in threads. Set it to "Linear - Oldest First."
  18. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/profile.php?do=editoptions Go there, and scroll to Thread Options.
  19. Talk to djpretzel about maybe getting some XML of metadata about mixes.
  20. You know, it would be kind of nice if someone wrote up some custom OCR downloader software that uses the torrents as its source. Like, find an open-source BitTorrent client modify it by building in special file selection filters based on metadata from OCR's own database. That way I could open up my downloader and say "hm, lets see, I'd like all the Secret of Mana remixes, and all the mixes by ziwtra," so I'd select stuff from dropdowns and check a couple of boxes and all of the SoM and ziwtra remixes would be selected in the torrent, and then the torrent would download. Might be a fun programming project for any programmers interested in doing something for OCR.
  21. You know, I ended up serverside muting a couple of guys last night, specifically SpectreShot. I'm not really sure I understand the point of constantly screaming how awesome you are into the mic, or badmouthing your own team, but I'm getting kind of tired of it. Also, to the general server population, don't use the mic to just scream "FUCK!" (or variations of that) really loud when someone kills you or something doesn't go your way. Yes, you're an engineer and your sentry got destroyed. Yes, you're a sniper and yes you got backstabbed. Yes, you're a spy and you got set on fire. Yes, the FaN distrupts your momentum when you're trying to run. Deal with it. If you want to cuss and yell, fine, just do it without pressing your voicechat button. And please, if you're going to set up music for playing over the mic, make sure it's not excessively loud. I generally don't mind too much if someone wants to play some music during setup rounds, but it's really annoying if it's crackling or if it's so loud that people aren't able to continue talking over it. I will say, however, that I'm impressed with some of the players last night. We had a guy playing who sounded kind of young and he seemed new to the game and was asking a lot of questions. Rather than bagging on the kid for being a kid (like a lot of morons like to do), people were helping him out and explaining the game to him. That's the kind of thing I like to see on the server, so thank you to those guys who made playing a pleasant experience for a newbie. __ Anyway, Wes, we didn't end up playing NeoTokyo last night. I'm personally waiting for the linux binaries so that FireSlash can install the server on his box, because I would rather play a new game that seemingly relies a lot on teamwork and communication with people that I'm comfortable playing with and on a server that we have a degree of control over (so that we're able to just explore the game and figure stuff out).
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