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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Well that really sucks when you're playing offensive engie. Not like I care about points anyway. Or ever really play engie that much. Still.
  2. I was using the Wiimote but I switched to CC because of the d-pad. So much more comfortable.
  3. I had the most amazing run as medic tonight. Dustbowl, Round 3, 1st Point, played RED. We defended the 1st point. I didn't die once, and I managed to pop something like 5 or 6 ubers before we won the round. EDIT: Scratch that; according to my steam stats, I did 9 ubers. D:
  4. Yes you would. You did: Don't assert whether an artist should or should not attempt to arrange something in a certain style. To do so is to insult the artist for taking creative risks.
  5. What are you talking about? Final Flight is very similar to the last boss theme. :\
  6. Why not? Just copy the save file to SD card. You can do that with pretty much any save file.
  7. Yes, that's all well and good, but here's the thing: crits force you to take into account that there is a risk in everything you attempt. TF2 isn't chess. You can't sit there and depend on your analysis of the situation every time. Sometimes you just have to say "screw it" and take the risk. Sometimes you die. I'm against no-crit days. My only complaint is our ridiculously long respawn times. We should really change it to 10-15 seconds max. I know the argument against it: "If you don't like long respawn times, don't die. :P" Sorry, but that's a stupid argument, because I don't think I've ever played a round of TF2 where nobody died. You hear it all the time from people on voice-chat, complaining about the long respawn. It's really annoying having to wait 20+ seconds to get back into the action.
  8. And you're wrong now. I'm not making a qualitative statement on the musicality of chiptunes. Dozens of NES games have amazing soundtracks that are very well written; catchy, emotive melodies that deserved to be praised for far more than just nostalgic reasons.
  9. It's not a bias. Stop throwing the word bias around. We don't accept chiptunes because part of the point of this site is to take music beyond the hardware limitations of those old consoles. That's not a bias.
  10. I don't think you need to make it so that complete control is had in order to cap the intel. The onus is on the other team to defend and recap the point before you get there with the intel. Something that might help with that would be to make some fenced windows so that you can SEE if someone is coming with the intel, but they can't jump through those windows to cap it. That way I can sit there and say "okay he's coming left" and we can adjust our defense accordingly. I do like having to recap the point after the intel is grabbed; it should go neutral though. It doesn't make sense to just give it to the other team. A control point should be captured, IMO. Oh, also: I think that the capture zone for the point is too big. You can basically just stand in the corner of the room and still be capping it, and someone running in with the intel just has to get a foot in the doorway to cap the intel. At least make them run in a little further to give the defenders a chance.
  11. Just played some Epsilon. Overall I think it's a great map, but I've gotta say, it's a little tilted in favor of scouts, especially since you can run straight out of the intel room towards the center point. I feel like there should be a little more winding going on. On the flip side, it does lend itself more to shorter games.
  12. Authors often know far more about the backstories of their characters than they ever actually reveal.
  13. How long does it really take you to figure it out? :\
  14. Just want to jump in and say that Rockman 9 got a commercial soundtrack release, so no posting MP3 downloads of the OST.
  15. That's kind of crap. :\ Does it really matter if it's difficult or not to get to 1st? I liked having an accurate record of how well I was doing.
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