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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Violin sounds so fakey. I agree with the issues with the choir, and I also want to add that the bagpipes in the middle section end up having intonation issues when the choir is chanting behind them. Might want to look at that too. Great concepts but it needs some work in the execution. NO, definite resub
  2. I think the part-writing is pretty great here. You guys are saying it's coverish, but I feel like it's got a different feel due to the backing rhythms and stuff. I like it. It's got a nice sound and great construction. YES
  3. I'm good with the arrangement, but if we can get some fix on the muddiness that everyone already talked about, we're good. YES conditional
  4. What Larry means to say is that we're going to charge per submission. That'll teach you guys to haphazardly submit crappy mixes!
  5. http://www.atlus.com/dokapon/ Anybody else get this game? It's a hybrid-board-game/rpg for Wii. I got it yesterday and have been having a blast playing with my little bro. Kind of like Mario Party with RPG battles. Surprisingly deep; tons of stuff you can do to screw other players over.
  6. No, there was no official CS sheet music. Sorry. Your best bet is to contact the remixer for the specific song you want sheet music for. For the record, if you want sheet music for my tracks on the project, you're out of luck, because there is none.
  7. Are you saying that Little Big Planet is actually a metaphor for the human condition?
  8. Um, yeah, okay, thanks. :\ Oh and for you guys saying that those verses are referring to people killing each other, you're wrong. Those verses are about Judgement Day. You know, the end of the world when everyone dies and we're all judged? Pretty sure the Bible has some pretty specific descriptions of what happens on Judgement Day too. It's not a deathchant about killing people. :\ Do you really want verses about the end of the world in a game like Little Big Planet? Come on. And here's the reason Muslims don't want it in there: they're using sacred text to make something "sound cool." They're stripping the meaning away and just using it to make the song sound "exotic." It's a phrase; it means something. The objection isn't "OMG VIDEO GAMES ARE THE GREAT SATAN AND MUST BE CONDEMNED TO THE HELLFIRES!!" The objection is "Hey, this is from a religious text that means something, and we're trying to protect that because we care about it." There are plenty of ways you can make something sound exotic without going straight to quoting the Qu'ran. There's a great deal of secular Arabic vocal sampling that can be used for that kind of thing. Yeah, the game got delayed, and that sucks, but don't start insulting the entire population of Muslims in the world just because a PS3 game is coming out a few weeks later. If you do, I will ban you, because you are the great Satan. Edit: and before anyone gets on my case, no I will not ban you.
  9. Keep in mind he registered in 2002 as well; phpBB might have done things differently.
  10. I've heard fantastic things about this game.
  11. Oh Jesus H. Crispies, can't you just answer the fucking question without starting a discussion of semantics?! B. One hit deaths. Absolutely ridiculous.
  12. Why wouldn't you want to play all of it?
  13. Actually read what you quoted. They want the gamers to treat them as expansions; Blizzard is approaching them as stand-alone games, in terms of how much content they're going to have. Plus the releases are going to be spaced out by a year each. These aren't being released simultaneously. It's not Pokémon Terran, Pokémon Zerg, and Pokémon Protoss here.
  14. Everywhere I've seen this game mentioned, save for IGN's article, have all referred to the release plan as the initial release and two expansions. Anything else seems to stem from what IGN said.
  15. IGN's article is inaccurate and short on details. Read this: http://kotaku.com/5062018/starcraft-ii-lead-producer-on-the-split-single-player-campaign
  16. If you're talking about original music composed by you in a supposed 'video game style,' post that in the Non-Remixes forum. If you're talking about original tracks from video games, like posting up Final Fantasy soundtracks for download, then don't do that. We don't allow it here. It's a bannable offense.
  17. I dunno. How did Brood War work? I don't play SC, btw.
  18. No real specifics, Larry. My complaint is basically an overall critique on the approach. I didn't vote on Ken's posted remixes, and while they are good compositions, I personally feel they suffer from the same issues (although I am only one judge). I also pointed out these issues in Ken's last submission as well. Ken, let me be very clear about one thing in particular: you're a good arranger, and very few people on OCR can approach an arrangement with the kind of classical/chamber-music sensibilities like you can. My frustration comes from the fact that you're essentially sending us what amounts to MIDI files run through GPO with little to no attention given to humanization and sound design. OCR isn't a sheet music site; it's not a MIDI site. It's a site for produced music. You're writing chamber music; I have a reasonable expectation that it should sound like people playing it. There needs to be expression in the performance. Only you can bring that to the music; GPO won't add that for you. A lot of your sustained strings and very flat, dynamically speaking. The only change in dynamics I can even recall is the decrescendo at the very end of the song. Everything has this sort of "wall-of-sound" quality; big blocks of sustained chords that don't do much. That might sound fine when you have an actual group of real people playing the song because they can bring a degree of expression to even sustained notes through dynamics, accenting, vibrato, and all that other nice stuff, but your computer won't do that until you actually take the time to use your samples to create a performance. Humanization is so important when it comes to the kind of music you're writing. You can't get away with this kind of thing when you write with a classical approach. It just sounds fake.
  19. Abadoss, you really can't get away with just using Finale and GPO. This composition is fine, but like your previous works, it's not a production. You have to make this sound like a performance. It's terribly flat and mechanical. There's little to no humanization going on in the sequencing. It's also dry and the soundscape has no depth. Just notating the piece and letting the computer play it back for you isn't enough. This needs some actual production. I don't think Finale is cutting it for you. You have to step it up to an actual DAW, not a notation program. I'm not that familiar with Finale, but I don't really think it has the humanization and production tools you need to take your music to the next level. I use FLStudio, but that doesn't use staff notation. Maybe another judge can recommend something more up your alley. Until then, NO(resub)
  20. We're thinking about maybe allowing users limited space to upload WIPs here, directly to the forums, but we need to keep bandwidth in mind. As for streaming, most bbcode I've seen for mp3s allow you to just list a URL for streaming, similar to how you embed an image. So I could technically stream from darkesword.com if I wanted to.
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