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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Did they keep the J-pop song or is it in English?
  2. http://belogic.com/uzebox/ Some dude made his own 8-bit console! Features (from the site): Low parts count and cost: The system is made of only two chips and discrete components. Interrupt driven kernel: No cycle counting required, sound mixing and video generation are all made in the background. 256 simultaneous colors: Accomplished by using a R-2R resistor ladder DAC. 4 channels sound engine: The sound subsystem is composed of 3 wavetable channels and 1 LFSR-based noise channel. NES controllers: The joypad inputs uses standard NES controllers interface. MIDI In: With a music sequencer, allows the creation of music directly on the console. Expandable: I/O lines and peripherals are still available, like the UART and SPI port for one to experiment. Open Source: The software and hardware design are totally free and licensed under the GPL! MIDI input rocks. Check out the video he has on the site (it's the second one). I hope people start developing games and stuff for this.
  3. Is this game worth getting a 360 for?
  4. I don't really see that. It's more of just people saying "VGMix is down and that sucks," "Yeah but this is why its down," "Yeah but it still sucks," "OCR should have more VGMix-like tools," "VGMIX IS NOT OCR WIP BOO U CANT REPLACE IT," "Yeah, but it'd still be nice to have VGMix-like tools for artists," "Web 2.0," "Stop fighting you guys!!" "Umm, nobody's fighting anymore."
  5. Sounds interesting; I'd like to request that you use the Alpine assets instead of the Desert stuff if you can.
  6. Shut up. The music that I make by drawing little boxes with my mouse is far better than anyone could ever hope to accomplish by plucking a string or blowing HOT AIR through some fancy tubes.
  7. Yeah that's true, but we're the ones that decide what's too conservative. In this case, some of these are just fine. I am just absolutely bewildered at the direction this thread took. Someone posted about a remix album that's coming out. Why does it have to turn into a thread about the way OCR does shit? This album isn't being produced by OCR, it's not being submitted to OCR, etc. It has nothing to do with the standards and practices that OCR subscribes to, so why is any of this even an issue?! Sometimes I feel like people will take any opportunity they can to criticize this place. It shouldn't have even been brought up, because that's not what this thread was supposed to be about. I'm more interested in finding out who these guys are that did this album. Their site doesn't really have a lot of information.
  8. Tracksounds posted a review of the soundtrack for the new Star Wars game. http://www.tracksounds.com/reviews/the_force_unleashed_mark_griskey.htm They've got all 11 tracks available for streaming. I'm astounded at how consistent these tracks are with the music from the Original Trilogy. Juno Eclipse's theme especially sounds right at home next to the classic romantic themes like Princess Leia, Han Solo and the Princess, and Luke and Leia. Give it a listen!
  9. Just because everybody does it doesn't mean it's right. Making money off of arrangements of other people's work is crap. :\ I'll support places like OneUpStudios because they do it right and get the licenses.
  10. Yeah but...still. Nobody you're talking about said anything bad about the album. In fact all of us actually said some pretty nice things about it. So I don't get where you're coming from calling us insecure. Oh and project directors aren't "leaders" on this site. They just happened to direct a project. They don't have any continuing staff positions or anything. EDIT: also for the record I think the album samples sound great too.
  11. Wait. Which judges are you talking about? Because none of the actual JUDGES said anything bad about this album. The only thing that could possibly be construed as "negative" is the hope that this is licensed properly, rather than just a group selling remixes without getting rights. See this bugs me; why are you forming opinions about us JUDGES when we're the ones actually saying nice things about this album and stuff? :\ The only people pretending this is a submission are Pezman and...well that's it. Pezman isn't staff, nor is he representative of OCR. Jeez. I can understand judgehate for legit reasons, but this is totally off the mark! EDIT: oh and someone might have mentioned it somewhere before, but why is everyone making the assumption that we'd reject these songs if they were submitted?! They haven't been subbed to this site and we haven't judged them, so you can't say that OCR would crap on arrangements like these. So much assumption and misconstruing going on here.
  12. It's a bad thing because discussing the pros and cons of posting multiple versions of a track won't amount to anything. It doesn't help artists in the slightest. It won't bring about rules or policies or even best-practices. What helps them is actually reviewing their WIPs. You have a tendency to over-analyze anything that goes on in the WIP forum. Take a step back for a second: is talking about this really going to help artists get more feedback? No, it's not. Are you going to prevent a person from posting multiple versions? Are you going to require them to post multiple versions? The WIP forum is actually very simple: an artist posts a link to their song. People listen to it. They write feedback. The artist takes the feedback and works more on their mix. They post again. Repeat. That's all there is to it. If I post two versions and say "which is better, a or b?" well then that's what I want to know. If nobody replies to that post because nobody wants to download two mixes and compare them, well that sucks, but that's the way it is and I have to deal with that. I can just keep posting updates and decide for myself, or I can go elsewhere to get opinions. The WIP boards can't improve the way they are now. They've been the same way for as long as they've been in existence. People will listen to stuff they want to listen to, and people will skip the stuff they don't. They'll comment if they have a comment, otherwise they'll just post "hay this is grate keep goin'." That's how it's been, and that's how it's going to be. We already tried providing guidelines for people to use when evaluating mixes on the WIP board in the form of a very useful checklist that points out exactly what we look for in an OC ReMix, but no, that wasn't good enough because it was too specific and pidgeon-holing, and people would be discouraged from providing any meaningful feedback and would just put little Xs in the boxes and blah-blah-blah-general-complaint. Hardly anyone uses the checklist, when it's exactly what they SHOULD BE using. But no, that's too rigid, people should post what they want and shouldn't be confined to the shitty judges' shitty standards, wah wah wah! Nothing short of reorganizing the WIP board at a software-implementation level will improve the situation, which we're already looking at in terms of forum enhancements. It's all very preliminary right now. And nothing more can possibly be done to increase visibility of WIPs. We already aggregate WIP topics on the FRONT PAGE of the site. They're RIGHT THERE under reviews. What more can you possibly do? Post them above Reviews? Post them above Community?! That's not going to happen. My problem with community initiative to improve the WIP boards is that it's all conceptual discussion focusing on problems that don't actually exist, like 'what if a person posts multiple versions of a song? ' The "community initiative" should be as follows: "Start posting in the WIP forum." That's it.
  13. Except that you don't need a thread to discuss that kind of issue. It's a non-issue. It's not going to dissuade anyone from anything. If a person posts "hey which one is better" then that's their prerogative. What are you going to do? Make a rule that says "NO YOU CAN'T POST MULTIPLE VERSIONS BECAUSE THEN PEOPLE WILL NOT GIVE YOU GOOD FEEDBACK." You can't stop people from posting mixes they want to post. People are going to comment on WIPs to whatever degree they're willing and able. Again, it's a non-issue, and you're overthinking it again, turning something that isn't even worth discussinginto a big deal.
  14. There's nothing wrong with posting multiple versions of a WIP. That's the prerogative of the artist. I don't even know why it's even an issue to be discussed. This also doesn't belong in WIP.
  15. People like controversy, and if none-exists, they pretend it does because they're bored.
  16. I'm not gonna touch the first part of your post, but I wanna address this: call me crazy, but I think that if you're going to sell an album of arrangements, you should do it legally and get the rights. :\
  17. 'He did it once and we took it down, then he did it again, and we took it down again, and then he did it again after we put it back up, so we had to take it down again, but then he etc.' That's a pattern. It's logical to assume that if a vulnerable site is put back up, it will get attacked again.
  18. Recognizing patterns and drawing logical conclusions from those patterns isn't "knowing everything." It's using intelligence to make sound decisions.
  19. That's the Boba Fett stuff that's going to be covered, not post-RotJ stuff. Lucas already said that he's not going to do anything post-RotJ because it's all covered in the novels and stuff. Practically the entire EU was in the post-RotJ once upon a time except for like...Tales of the Jedi.
  20. Except that the faults inherent in the system eventually lead to there being nothing at all anyway. The old code has vulnerabilities that will be exploited. Why spend all that time starting the site back up when it's just going to get taken down again. In other words: if the site is unusable, it's the same thing as having nothing at all. It's not pretentious to say that the end-user deserves a site that's not going to go down all the time, run slowly, or have security holes in it that could potentially compromise passwords and other sensitive information. There's a lot more to VGMix than just song storage you know. :\ I understood your analogy just fine, thanks. I also explained why your analogy doesn't make sense. It's flawed and it doesn't apply.
  21. That's becoming more and more apparent. Your PSP analogy doesn't even make sense. Your old PSP still works just fine, so yeah, you can still use it. VGMix2 doesn't work just fine. Normally I don't like using the "if you can't do it better don't criticize" argument, but it really makes sense here. You're not a programmer, so you don't understand that working with undocumented code that's riddled with holes and vulnerabilities is a waste of time. Putting VGMix2 back up and trying to hack together solutions to problems that arise: that's not solving the problem; that's just making quick fixes that will break down in the long run. Any programmer can tell you that that's a poor development practice, and ultimately it's irresponsible to the end-user.
  22. If you followed the whole thing going on with VGMix2, you'd know that relaunching it isn't really doable. As far as I understand it, all the code for VGMix2 was filled with holes and not really documented well; trying to add new features would have been a nightmare. That's part of the reason they decided to shut down the site and decide to build VGMix3 from scratch. The current incarnation (VGMixX) is, as far as I understand it, and intermediary version of the site with some basic song management functionality. It's got nowhere near the planned feature-set of VGMix3.
  23. Which is kind of a shame especially when that attitude spills over to other places. There was a thread a little while ago where some dude was crapping on some girl's FF7-arrangement project at another site because she was doing straight up sound-upgrades, and he posted about it over here all indignant and shit, like OCR owns the concept of remixing or something. I was like, "What do you want us to do man? Let her do what she wants, she's doing it all by ear anyway." Of course it inevitably lead to people crapping on VotL for no reason over on that site, causing a whole mini-flamewar that nobody actually representative of OCR was even involved in. Nothin' wrong with covers or arrangements, different strokes for different folks. God forbid someone just wants hear Nobuo's original version of Cosmo Canyon that doesn't sound like it's being played by a 10+ year old soundchip. Just don't submit that shit here because I'll NO OVERRIDE that crap hardcore.
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