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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I think you should go with Erudite Eyes. It's pretty melodic and fits with your style more.
  2. Alright, I'll make this short and sweet. I know we have the excellent Vampire Variations series of albums that covers the Castlevania series, but I'd like to propose a new CV album with a special twist. CastleMania is an album of Castlevania remixes done in the style of pro-wrestler intro tracks. You know how all those wrestlers in the WWE have their own walk-in music? I want an album of remixes that casts Castlevania characters like Simon Belmont and Alucard as pro-wrestlers with their own entrance tracks. We can do the full production on these tracks too, with some light voice acting; an announcer introducing the character, the character themselves doing some catchphrase-filled crowdwork, some crowd noises to make it sound like it's at a big event arena. I obviously cannot run this album, as I have Final Fantasy V to work on, along with this year's FGC albums and some other personal projects. I'm looking to put together a team to take this album project on, preferably someone with knowledge of Castlevania, or pro-wrestling, or both. It doesn't have to be a long album either; even a six-track EP would be cool. Anyone game? I really want this to happen. The pun-based title is too good to pass up.
  3. Allihoopa So some of you know that I'm a big fan of making music with my iPad and iPhone. One of my favorite apps is Figure, by Propellerheads; it's an incredibly easy-to-use and intuitive tool for making quick, small pieces of music. Great for sketching or just jamming out with. A while ago, Propellerheads started a site called Propellerheads Discover, which was designed around uploading Figure, Take, and Reason tracks to their own little version of a social network. You could then download project files from artists you followed, remix and build on them, and then upload them again. Just today they rebranded Discover as Allihoopa. For the past week or so I've been adding some of my Figure sketches and doodles (including an Undertale track I built of of one of @rnn's projects) to the site. Check it out and follow me, and if you're also uploading stuff to Allihoopa, post your profile here so people can follow you.
  4. Hey all, just letting everyone know that this Kickstarter is still going! They've hit the funding goal already but books are still available and they're working their way up through stretch goals. Don't miss out! Anyway, I thought I'd post another piece of music I did for this project. This is the original piece of music I had written for the 1001 Knights Kickstarter trailer. When Annie asked me to compose something for 1001 Knights, she'd provided me with a rough treatment of how the trailer was going to flow: different ideas about what was going to be happening on screen at different times. I tried to follow the treatment pretty closely, but as we all know, art is ever-changing, so the trailer ended up being a bit shorter, which is why we used "The Winter March" instead. That said, I'm quite proud of how this piece turned out. Annie and I discussed what the main theme of 1001 Knights should sound like on the phone, and I sat at my DAW playing some different ideas for her with my cell phone held up to the speakers (21st century communication techniques, man) and we managed to figure out exactly the sound she wanted. I thought a lot about the works of Hiroki Kikuta and Yuzo Koshiro when writing this track. The two of them are some of my favorite game music composers. Kikuta in particular captured such a wonderful, ancient fairy tale quality with his Secret of Mana soundtrack, and I wanted to do something similar. The piano and buzzy synth guitar featured in this track are actually instruments sampled from the Secret of Mana soundtrack! I also need to say that the melody I've written here is probably one of my favorite melodies I've ever written, which is why I ended up writing "The Winter March" in the first place. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy listening to this track as much as I did writing it. I can't reiterate enough how lucky I feel to be playing a small part in the 1001 Knights project. If you haven't checked it out, yet, please make sure you head on over to Kickstarter and back the hell out of it!
  5. Hey now, don't rag on CD Baby. We used them for our Mega Man album.
  6. Please keep me in the loop on this. Want to make sure it jives with what I'm looking for for the album.
  7. Brawl is already taken. There's a limit on claims. Please pick something that hasn't been picked yet.
  8. What track would you like to claim, @Rukunetsu?
  9. My friends, it seems as though I've spoken too soon. SFV, UMVC3, and KI will all be at Apex this year. Requirements are ever-shifting!
  10. Alright, so I talked to the Apex folks and it looks like they're majorly scaling back the games that will be featured at the event this year. There will only be FIVE games at Apex this year: the four Smash games and Pokkén Tournament.
  11. HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY As I understand it, Phil predicts an early Spring. It certainly feels that way here in NJ. Also, for anyone who is also a fan of the movie Groundhog Day, I'd like to recommend listening to I Was There Too: Groundhog Day with Stephen Tobolowsky. I Was There Too is a great podcast by improv comedian and film buff Matt Gourley, where he interviews people who had small parts in big movies. Stephen Tobolowsky has some fantastic stories about when he worked on the movie and what he did with his character, Ned Ryerson. Highly recommended!
  12. Composition skill has potential but I'm not really feeling the arrangement, and the production is severely lacking. Needs a better recording and better mixing. I'm going to leave Melee open for now.
  13. Hmm. Well David I appreciate your offer but I don't think you're quite there yet in terms of arrangement ability. Perhaps in a future album.
  14. You never know. Persona might be there. It wasn't at last year's Apex but it was at CEO2015, which is another very big event.
  15. Either one is okay. It's easier to play it loose an open up to franchises. Obviously the game featured at the event is preferred, but nobody is going to lose sleep over it. xD
  16. We've been asked by the folks at Northwest Majors (a fighting game tournament in Washington) to put together an event album! This is planned to be a digital album release. I need remixes for the following games. Street Fighter V Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Mortal Kombat X BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma EXTEND - OA Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late Skullgirls 2nd Encore Killer Instinct Ultra Street Fighter IV Hit me up. High energy stuff, suitable for combo videos and highlights reels! Need these remixes by end-of-March! Not a lot of time, but you guys are amazing.
  17. Hey man, do you want in on the album for a game that's already covered? Because I have ANOTHER FGC album in the works that needs to actually get done earlier. I'm going to post a thread very soon about it, it's for Northwest Majors at the end of April.
  18. Put you guys down for SFV. I've already got Beatdrop on Melee and Garrett on 64. DjjD is doing Smash 4, so I'll put you down for Brawl! Please try to get @Tuberz McGee and @Furilas! I'll put you down tentatively for Guilty Gear. If it's not featured, we can figure out another game for you. Definitely want you back this year. Got you down for it. Thanks guys!
  19. Alright guys, Apex 2016 was announced officially. It will be in the summer this year! June 17th - 19th, in Somerset NJ! I will be hosting some OCR staffers at my home here in NJ and we'll be in attendance. As in years past, we are putting together an official album. I'm still waiting to hear back from Apex staff about the details, but I'd like to start recruitment in earnest. Garrett, which game would you like, 64 or Melee? Let me know.
  20. Came across this today! Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru I never knew about this game before, but apparently Nintendo and Intelligent Systems developed this game for Gameboy, and the engine would eventually be reused for Link's Awakening! The graphics are really similar. There's a fan translation patch out for it too. I think I'm gonna try this game out. Link's Awakening is my favorite Zelda game.
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