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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Assassin's Creed is going to be interesting because it's not going to be an adaptation of an existing game, but an in-universe entry to the franchise. I'm looking forward to it.
  2. Hey Winning. I need you to do something for me. I need you to start making some music and posting those tracks in the "Post Your Remixes" forum. You're asking a ton of really general questions one after the other in this thread. What you need to do is actually start making music and posting those tracks in their own threads and start getting specific feedback about things you're trying to do. A lot of your questions are also really general. "How do I make dubstep?" "How do I use East West?" This thread was originally about Guitar Settings in FLStudio, but at this point you're just using it as a personal question dump. Stop asking questions and start making tracks. Post your tracks and get feedback. Ask specific questions about specific things you're doing in the tracks that you're working on. This is the best way to learn how to produce music.
  3. This one's for your mom: the Layton Brothers Mystery Room soundtrack. I highly recommend checking out track 4, "Investigation."
  4. You're probably better off asking Atlus about this.
  5. Thanks Mirby for getting this project started, and thanks Brandon for picking this up. Glad to see this is still happening. Let me know if you need anything.
  6. Donald was in the original comic book series that inspired Ducktales, Uncle Scrooge. The "Duck" comics have a very long history that predates the legendary TV show. The teaser art looks great; looks directly inspired by Carl Barks's art, especially Donald.
  7. Guys, need to remind: if you're not a judge, please don't answer questions in this thread.
  8. Source is an option only admins have. We'll have a conversation about editing options next staff meeting, see what we can figure out.
  9. Let's make sure we cover a female wrestler and have her as a Diva. Shanoa or Sonia Belmont or whoever.
  10. Still wondering about this. If you're seeing DPC lag issues it might be result of NVidia's Powermizer messing with your audio; the symptoms are almost always clicking and popping in your audio. This is a known issue that sometimes crops up; just do a search for NVidia and DPC and you'll see a ton of people posting about this. There are tools available to disable Powermizer too.
  11. Snare and cymbal are totally on autopilot. Wish it weren't the case. Everything else is great. Love the expansion of the source material, and the guitar performance is solid. Eh. Really wish that percussion was less repetitive, but other stuff is too good to pass up. YES (Borderline)
  12. Genius. Absolutely love the sound. Toms are killer. Absolutely feels like a montage from an 80s high school movie about a robotics club at Doctor Light High School getting ready to take on their archrivals at Albert Wily Prep. Gonna sign off on the arrangement here. Kris you wanna contact Coffee and see if we get get a fix on mastering? YES
  13. Used the play this game a lot when I was a kid. Brings back memories. Pretty wild arrangement. Compression is definitely heavy, but I'm falling on the side where I don't think it's an issue. I kind of like this really smashed up sound in this piece. Pretty short but doesn't overstay its welcome. Manages to do a lot of things in such a short time. I'm digging it. YES
  14. Alright. I'm going to close this thread and allow MindWanderer to create a new one for the project. MW, it's up to you to find the necessary folks to make this a reality. I'm handing this off to you. Good luck, and keep me apprised of any interesting developments.
  15. Don't overthink it. Each musician would be one of the arms. The idea of Final Fantasy's Gilgamesh having eight-arms is pretty iconic, and I really like the way "The Eight Arms of Gilgamesh" sounds.
  16. There are one or two claims that are still being carried over. I'm going to only be doing one track each for the remaining three volumes (the prelude themes). So I guess I should start getting people for FIRE, but I'm not opening up the claims yet. I need to write up descriptions for the classes/characters so that people have something to work off of. But I do want to take this opportunity to put my plan for one of the tracks out there. FIRE will feature Gilgamesh as the enemy character, and of course, we're going to have a Battle on the Big Bridge remix. For this track, I want to gather eight musicians to form a VGM-rock supergroup called The Eight Arms of Gilgamesh. I want the BotBB arrangement to be very dense and really take advantage of having eight musicians playing together. I think it would be cool to have a really big, epic kind of rock arrangement that's a bit different from what The Black Mages and other bands have done in the past. I don't have a full eight musicians in mind and haven't contacted anyone about it yet, but I do have some names on a wishlist for the roster: sixto, Brandon Strader, OA, SnappleMan, and Ivan Hakstock. If there are any rockers out there who are interested in coordinating this and taking ownership of the arrangement, speak up.
  17. You've done alright with compos in the past, so you've got the organizational skills! It'd be great to have you heading things up. Let's get a pro-wrestling consultant to handle that side of the equation.
  18. Music's done for WATER. Finished it last week. I wanted to be able to announce it's done at MAGFest. What I need to do now is put together the visual identity for the albums. I'm considering redoing the artwork for WIND and coming up with a better look that I can use across the series. Alright. Is it out of your system? That's the last time anyone gets to make that joke.
  19. I'm using a Fighting Commander 4 Pro. Dude no. Use x360ce.
  20. I played a ton last night, working through survival mode. LOVE how this game feels. Really controls well. I never feel like the technical execution of what I'm trying to do is out of reach, which gives me more of an opportunity to focus on tactics. Sticking mostly to Karin right now, as she's a character I've always loved from Alpha 3. Not really winning a lot of games online, but I've never been that good at fighting games to begin with. Hopefully I can win some more. Love the survival mode. Trying to decide which bonus to use between matches really keeps things fresh. Also gotta say, this game looks insane on PC. I discovered last night I was only playing on mid settings for the past week; I bumped everything up to max and my eyes popped outta my head. I think @BardicKnowledge said on Twitter or FB that this game feels like 3rd Strike-2; I'm inclined to agree. Considering that 3S is my favorite Street Fighter, that's high praise.
  21. OH CRAP. no you have it. I just forgot to mark it.
  22. One claim per game for now. Games available are Pokkén Tournament, UMvC3, and Killer Instinct.
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