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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. There is an old Grimm's fairy tale called The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces, about twelve princesses who would secretly cross over to another world every night to dance with twelve princes. In the morning, the king would discover that all of his daughters' slippers were tattered and worn. A hero eventually shows up and saves the day, as heroes are wont do to, but that's besides the point. This is a waltz arrangement of Midna's Desperation, called Tattered Slippers. It's about a princess who crosses over to another world to dance with a hero. The Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess - Tattered Slippers [4.16MB] Enjoy.
  2. A simple PM or IM usually works.
  3. It's times like this that I regret giving up my mod powers.
  4. Yes, but it may have well been professionally done. The graphics, music, and overall execution are all amazing. I really like the system: special moves have a cost and you have to charge up in order to continue using them (which is the same as Art of Fighting, as I've heard?), and your special meter charges up as you collect little gems that people drop. The characters all have different play styles too.
  5. I think you guys need to realize that this isn't meant to be a replacement for the way people use computers now. It's a computerized implementation of things people commonly do on a tabletop to begin with. Organize photos, look at maps, etc. Applications that make sense on a table. I really doubt people will be playing FPSs or complicated RTSs; that's not what it's designed for.
  6. Actually, there's a lot more involved on the hardware side than "tak(ing) a computer and hooking up a touch screen to it." Multi-touch systems are a lot more complicated to implement than a plain old single-touch touchscreen; this is cutting edge technology. Don't downplay the technical accomplishment here by saying they "slapped it together;" this is a big deal, and if it takes off, it will change the way people use computers. Watch the demo videos they have on the website; those are very good, real world examples of how intuitive the interface can be.
  7. No, the NA version won't have a Japanese option.
  8. Ehh, not really. The cases in the game are both prequel and sequel. I think in two of them you play as Mia; the other ones are all post-JFA cases.
  9. Probably the same. It all depends on what my friends want to do.
  10. They didn't "remove" the English from the 4th game. There is no English yet. Capcom USA handles the translation, y'know, and Capcom USA isn't going to devote resources and manpower to translating and localizing the 4th game in a series when they haven't even completed the 3rd one. The only reason the Japanese DS versions have English options is because of the impending releases here. Porting the first three GS games over to the DS is more for the benefit of the international market anyway.
  11. Indeed. That's what I've been thinking; I imported last time because the wait was a few months, but this time around it's not so long. Maybe if sales are high enough Capcom will consider bringing over Kabu Trader Shun.
  12. Well here's the thing: because Japan has already seen these games on the GBA, they are sold under the Best Price label and are much cheaper than regular DS games. As a result, when you import from a site like Play-Asia, it works out to about what you would pay here. I imported Justice for All for $30. So you won't save $20. In fact, if Capcom decides to sell the new one at $35, it might be a better deal to just import.
  13. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ranks up there as one of the best games I've ever played, and I've played a lot of games. I liked it so much that I couldn't wait for the second one, Justice for All, to come out, so I ended up importing it, because the Japanese release included the English language option. News came out a few days ago that confirmed that the Japanese release of the 3rd game in the series, Trials and Tribulations, is also going to include an English language option, and it's coming out a few weeks before the US release. What do you think, fellow OCRians? Are you going to import? Or are you going to support Capcom USA and buy domestic units?
  14. At World's End made perfect sense, and was an incredible movie. Great end to the trilogy, and I hope to see more Pirates movies soon.
  15. Way to take it out of context? As zircon said, nobody's wresting any kind of exclusive rights from a remixer, ever. And a few of the examples that Dave gave of reasons people want to remove their work are, in my non-site-staff opinion, stupid and petty, particularly the one about having a personal problem with a person on the site and using a removal request as a means of retaliation. That's petty, and to be honest, I don't think that something like that is ever a valid reason to remove one's music from the site. But what do I know? I'm just a robot.
  16. I hope people will eventually understand that just because OCR can deny a removal request, that doesn't mean OCR will always deny a removal request. If an artist has a good reason for making a removal request (and not a stupid, petty one like Dave described), then that kind of thing can be entertained. Don't forget that even though it's a policy and it's "set in stone," OCR is still made up of people, who can discuss issues when they arise.
  17. Oh so you can play trumpet and piano at your sister's wedding but you can't come out to Philly and play trumpet and piano for us? Thanks a lot, jerkface. You know what? We didn't want you to show up anyway. Yeah, that's right, I said it.
  18. I'm going with my friends again this year, so I might not be hanging out with you guys all day like I did at the NYC meet-up, but maybe we can all grab a bite to eat around lunchtime. I'm going on the 16th though, so I hope to see everyone there.
  19. You don't have to have made a game to say it looks bad. The "You couldn't do any better" argument is really weak. How many non-musicians here have negative opinions about certain songs on this site? Hell even one of the judges here isn't a remixer. The game doesn't look very good. I initially looked at it because I thought it might be nice to join up for the soundtrack, but after I saw the graphics and the concept of the game as a whole, I figured it wasn't worth my time. Looks like I was right. And this is supposed to be commercial? There are freeware games out there that look better.
  20. People can be fools. For the record, I like the policy, particularly the part about "if you ask for a mix to be removed, you can't submit anymore."
  21. 1) Person comes up with an idea for a remix. 2) Person uses hardware, software, or a combination of both to convert this idea into a listenable form, i.e. MP3 file. 3) ??? 4) Profit.
  22. I had suggested a moderated tagging feature back when I was on staff, but discussions sort of fizzled out. Hopefully things come to fruition. :\
  23. Are you even contributing any solid information at all? Almost all of what you're saying is hearsay. This is how rumors and misinformation spread. Cut it out, man. :\
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