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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. The plan for individual project moderation is still being worked out. Being a project coordinator probably won't mean you get mod powers anymore, because it's not really needed. In the meantime, if you have a pressing moderation issue for your project, just contact a mod.
  2. It seems to me that such an option could conceivably place undue stress on the server. Trying to return the contents of 100 posts in a single query over and over again is not as easy as a smaller number of results. Of course, I could be just talking out of my ass.
  3. Uh, it most definitely is on the members list. In fact, here's the user right here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=11014 You're not banned, nor are there any visible lockouts on your account. Maybe you just forgot your password?
  4. Not sure if any of you guys have heard of this before, but there's this browser-based version of Advance Wars that some guy made. http://awbw.amarriner.com/ Since it's turn based, you can play by email; do your turn and it'll email the guy you're playing against when it's his turn to play. I haven't really tried it out yet but it seems to be made rather well. The dude is working on a Fire Emblem by Web, which might be more up my alley, but we'll see. I'd like to at least try out a game with someone. Anyway, enjoy.
  5. You're absolutely right. Looks like your girl's got trust issues, dude.
  6. You're welcome. I don't like the sidebar in the forums either, and Dave knows that. But as long as we're not needlessly bitching to him about it, he doesn't mind people using fixes like this at all. Feel free to share this info. Also, to give credit where credit is due, the original fix was written by GreyNinja.
  7. Using Firefox? Add the following to userContent.css @-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.ocremix.org/forums/) { .left-column { display:none !important; } div.middle-column { margin: 10px 0px 0px 145px !important; } div.middle-column-extended { margin: 10px 10px 0px 10px !important; } div.breadcrumb { left: 10px !important; } input { background: white !important; color: #4D4E6C !important; border: solid 1px #4D4E6C !important; } textarea, select { background: white !important; color: #4D4E6C !important; border: solid 1px #4D4E6C !important; } } Voila, no more sidebar on your forums.
  8. Rama had an advance view of the vB forum. He was helping us out with testing. Thx again, Rama.
  9. Pixie make sure to upload these pics on facebook in the OCR facebook group.
  10. Arguably one of the best things to come out of the meetup. TOUCAN SAAAAM TOUCAN SAAAAM TOUCAN SAAAAM TOUCAN SAAAAM!
  11. Well I finally got HOME safe and sound. Freakin' NJ Transit with their broken down train in front of mine. ANYWAY. Fun times were had by all; well, at least by me. Good to finally meet a bunch of people. We will have to do this again sometime. xoxo -ds
  12. HEY! Turns out I have two personal days left in the year at work, and if I don't use them, I lose them, so my supervisors are telling me not to go into work tomorrow. SO Despite all of my statements that I'd have to go to work tomorrow, I don't. Which means there's a possibility I can make it. I will let you folks know, most likely in the form of a call to Zircon.
  13. We'll be getting it, most likely.
  14. That's just a web-page the guy is browsing with his Wii Browser. He can do the same thing from a PC. It's not a hack, and not all that impressive.
  15. It works for me. This is from another thread. Basically, the Topic Reply Notification system hasn't worked for me in about... four months. The last one I got was on August 17th, and the ones I was getting back then just started up abruptly after not working for a good year or so. Anyone know why they're so sporatic? I've made sure the box for getting them is checked, both on my posts and in my profile. Topic replies work for me. It may be a spam-filtering false-positive issue, if your email provider is filtering server-side.
  16. To hallow something is to consecrate it; to make it sacred. Deathly != deadly, so it's not necessarily something dangerous, just having to do with death. Deathly Hallows may refer to what's beyond the veil that Sirius falls behind in Book 5.
  17. Getting rid of Unmod has nothing to do with vBulletin's content monitoring.
  18. Shouldn't matter. You're not supposed to reply to them anyway. All you need to do is report them to a moderator, preferably a link to the user profile, not a specific post.
  19. darn right!! when i get the wii, i will definitely download that game on the wii's virtual console!! along with the SNES version of Sparkster...the Genesis version of Sparkster is crap!! but definitely, i will download Rocket Knight Adventures!! The hottest game on Genesis!! No, the genesis version of Sparkster is not crap. It's an excellent game with lots of great level design and gameplay ideas.
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