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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Gay-ER? When was it gay in the first place? Well, you have to touch it. And touching is something gay people do. If this is gay then sign me up. I wasn't aware that there were homosexuality sign-up sheets.
  2. Larry's right about the voice. Unfortunately your voice has that typical American teenager accent that doesn't sound really deep at all; just emo. Don't say "zeeyerow." Yeah, this is really repetitive and boring. Generic beats, generic synths, and hardly any arrangement to speak of. You could have at least worked in the B section of this theme from the Shitennou theme. Bleh. Not particularly bad once it hits the 3:20 mark; I was enjoying it a bit. But this needs way more substance and depth. NO
  3. Using deep whooshy pads like that as a lead is a no-no. There's never any definite release on that kind of sound, so things end up bleeding together and causing unwanted dissonance. This is prety repetitive. The electric piano is alright, but there's too much reverb, so it ends up sounding really resonant in the midrange frequencies. Bad use of reverb. Perussion is barely audible, but when it is it's really fake and out of place. The arrangement is pretty repetitive; its more BGM than anything else, but not any BGM I'd really sit down to listen to. The whole thing meanders and plods along at a snail's pace. When writing this kind of music, you need to come up with an arrangement that's really dynamic, in terms of volume and melodic/harmonic composion. Things need to change and stay interesting. The same boring stuff over and over again is a drag to listen to. NO
  4. The lead is really lo-fi and buried under all the reverb. The percussion may as well be a prefabricated drumloop; it's got this kind of inconsistent sound when compared to the rest of the mix. The arpeggiating synth in the back never changes and really lacks any kind of definition; it ends up sounding like a drone. Arrangement is pretty repetitive too. Needs more variation throughout. NO
  5. Choir is really extraneous and pointless, and it doesn't even sound good compared to the rest of the piece. You're better off going with something else in the middle there. I love the female vox sample you use. Fits in nicely. BOOOOOOo ending! At least RESOLVE it. This isn't 2001 anymore. NO easy resub
  6. Also, too much reverb everywhere. NO
  7. Gotta agree with Larry on this one. The song basically follows the progression of the original with some so-so beats underneath. Plodding was a good word to describe this. Ending is really a cop-out. Give it some more oomph. NO
  8. Everything is too far in the back; there's some weird reverb that's making everything sound far away. The beats DON'T help with filling out the soundfield. This is pretty repetitive, and follows the orignal fairly closely. You need to interpret the song more. All of the harmonic stuff in the background bleeds together, there's no definition. The steeldrumthing is really mechanical. Needs more interpretation and attention paid to humanization. NO
  9. There's a difference between dynamics and just plain low mixing. This is too quiet.
  10. Gray and Larry pretty much summed it up. Everything sounds really plain and basic. The drumbeat is like something I would write; that's why I don't write dance/techno mixes anymore. The melody comes off as really boring. It's just going through the motions; there's no expression at all. Follow the advice Gray and Larry gave you. NO
  11. Contrabass sounds fake and lacks definition. Pretty boring for a solo. Bell stuff on top is alright, but it repeats too much. The whole waltz section sounds too fake and mechanical, so it isn't effective at all. Constant iterations of the chord progression by itself is also really a waste. What's the point? The song has four; we know them by heart after the first 10 seconds of the song. The sounds in the "techno-like" section are really weak, especially that syncopated one. Then everything just starts bleeding together. The percussion is also really basic and boring. The synths that you have playing your own melodies are shrill and annoying. The wind is gimmicky. NO
  12. NO Pretty much the original compositions over a sustained note that drones through the piece, along with some simplistic drums. You need to interpret and arrange.
  13. More stuff like 1:51 please. Everything prior was really generic and empty sounding. Nothing filling out the midrange. Hooray for arpeggiation? It's bland and cheesy and nothing ELSE is going on to establish a nice contrast. This is pretty simple stuff. Totally listenable, mindlessly fun; but we're looking for something with a little more depth, some more layers, and broader and deeper soundscape. It sounds like you know your stuff. Bring more to the table. NO, but a nice start
  14. I can confirm that. Its the original very conservatively beefed up. NO
  15. Sounded iffy when it started off, but when that percussion came in and those synth guitars started gating, I was sold. The texture does get a bit crowded, and I'd have liked to hear some stronger basslines (also a lower treble in the EQ), but this is fine as is. High energy. Nice. YES
  16. This needs to rock out EVEN MORE! Please work on rocking out. Sophisticate your percussion a bit more; it's a bit "boomp chak!" at the moment. Cooler fills will help. They also sound kind of far in the back. Kick and snare could be cleaner. Oh, also, clipping. Andy and Larry pretty much covered everything. I'm in agreement with them. NO plz work on and resub
  17. Starts of as a total rip of the original with some poor sequencing and sample choices. Then it's the original over a drumloop. NO
  18. Oh I dunno, I think the sounds and breakdowns are neat. Nice to see this kind of rhythmic variation on the source material. The ending ruins it though. Horrible 1 bar fadeout does NOT cut it. NO; its too short and the ending is unacceptable.
  19. Sounds like a really long buildup to the huge wall of sound that never comes. This piece keeps dancing around setting up a solid groove it so deserves. Even so, there's a certain charm to all the rhythmic variation going on. There's some creativity going on here. I want to hear what others think about this. YES (very borderline)
  20. NO As per the Figaro precedent and it's subsequent clarification in the See Sixty Funk decision, we don't allow mixes that intentionally limit themselves to old the capabilities of old video game sound hardware. Maybe I'm applying these precendents incorrectly? Either way, I'm keeping this and piping it into my ears every waking moment of the rest of my life, because it rox my sox. Sorry Shnabubuluvulabalalshna.
  21. There's a huge difference between dynamics and being just plain quiet. Turn up the volume please. The piano is totally out of place. All it's doing is doubling what you have in the strings and bells. It's useless; you're not writing a concerto! Scrap it and let the orchestra instruments handle everything. I like the low string marcato stuff. I agree with zircon; things got old fast with the melody and progression repeating over and over again. I'd like to hear more out of the orchestra than just string stuff. You had some nice woodwind stuff near the very end, you should utilize that more! You could really do a lot more with this kind of approach in terms of rhythm and meter. Try listening to "American Salute" by Morton Gould. It's a classic arrangement of the American folk song, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home." You can learn a lot just by listening to it. A nice start, but there's so much more you can do. Keep at it. NO
  22. Needs a lot more to it. Guitar + electro-drums doesn't cut it. You need to fill things out with a substantial bassline (cut the unison crap). Needs way more depth than just successive 8th notes in the comping. This piece plods along and I find myself bored halfway through it. What is going on at 2:17? And that drumloop vamp ending sucks. This sounds like a work-in-progress. A decent start, but yeah, definitely needs more development. NO
  23. Can't be good when most of your instruments across the frequency range are in unison. Add to that some really simple phasing and flanging, and you've got a recipe for mediocrity. Overly repetitive, with not enough material to warrant its length. NO
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