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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I will not authorize Sand Café to be available for download.
  2. The difference is that when it's replied to, it's bumped, which brings it up higher on the forum, which gives it more exposure. In the case of General Discussion, the thread shows up on the front page as a recent topic. You're not helping anyone but the advertiser when you reply to a spam topic.
  3. I SOOOOO make more money than Andy. Summer at GiGi's and singing for accompanying class FTW! I make more money than the both of you combined.
  4. Thanks for the comments about your headphones. I really appreciate it. Uh? Nice sarcasm for no reason. Okay no more reviewing your tracks, even though I favor them a lot over many mixes due to their focused and constant-cool sounding nature. Crap I just reviewed all of them. As you can see, I'm mighty confused by your comment. You obviously don't seem to care about reviews if you can't say anything other than that, so I say all Darkesword mixes shouldn't have review threads from now on. How's that sound EH? EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHfux im tired If you're going to review any piece on this site, don't start talking at length about your headphones and a completely unrelated remix. It goes without saying that I always appreciate comments about my mixes. Comments about my mixes. Not your headphones.
  5. Pretty awesome stuff. I love the beats, and I love the creative spin on Zelda's Theme. Solid piano solo too. I didn't think the key change was bad. YES
  6. Sometimes a little rhodes is all you need to revitalize a piece. Very smooth, very funky. This is an excellent interpretation of the original. Nice balance between the bassline and everything else. It's present, but not intrusive. Strings are also very subtle; I like that. Great stuff. i like it YES
  7. It's rather simple in terms of a genre conversion. I like the sound; the production is great. The problem is that it goes on for about four and a half minutes and not much really happens aside from a straight adaptation of the MM3 intro. There aren't even any breaks in the middle where the song really breaks down and rebuilds. Not bad, but needs more for OCR. NO
  8. Too much reverb for the instrumentation you're using. This is pretty much just like the original. It's not even much of a genre adaptation because the instrumentation is the same. You need to interpret and create much more than this. NO
  9. This is definitely super happy fun time awesome. Very groovy with nice, classic synthpop sound design. Lots of nice changeups too. I like it. THE REMIX IS APPROVED until i hear the original Heard the original. YES
  10. Incredibly basic. Parts are all the same as the original, with dance drums. NO
  11. While I don't see anything particularly wrong with this piece aside from production issues Larry mentioned, I found the middle of this piece kind of boring, but that's more of a personal taste thing. Not a fan of the buzzy synths in the first half either. NO resub
  12. Sounds on par with a commercial arrange album. Very nicely done. Full soundscape that really captures the classic Japanese synthrock feel. Great performance, great variation. I love it. YEAH!
  13. Wow. Incredibly cinematic. The part-writing here is quite excellent. I really enjoy the entire prelude section of the piece. The march, not so much; the fakey trumpet samples really don't do the part justice. In the end though, quite excellently done. YES!
  14. <obligatory comment about shitass encode> Fucking genius lyrics, and I love that monologue near the end. Great performance. Some timing issues with the guitar and drums in the beginning, but not too bad. Waiting on a new encode; tentative YES.
  15. I think it's just fine. Creative arrangement, to be sure. Some really nice soloing and part-writing. Doesn't get too crowded anyway, nice balance. YES
  16. Horn articulations suck. The whole piece sounds incredibly empty. Where's your low end? There's mid-range and high stuff floating around on top of nothing but some percussion. You need to provide a foundation to your soundscape, and timpanis won't cut it. The arrangement is repetitive too. NO
  17. Percussion is too quiet and pointless in a piece like this. The piano sounds really fake and the whole thing is flat dynamically. This sounds really conservative; you need to bring a lot more rhythmic and harmonic variation to the mix. No bassline really kills the mix too, especially since you've attempted to add a rhythm section with the drums. Finish what you started. NO
  18. Larry, you moron, Space Cadet Pinball has been installed on every Windows machine since what, Windows 95?! It's like fucking Solitaire, except it has music! On to the mix; I think this is a pretty neat rendition of the source tune. I happen to like the texture, but I think that the arrangement could be a bit more varied, and the mix could be adjusted to be a bit more spacious. It feels a bit crowded. REsub plz NO
  19. Too crowded. You need to balance the instruments when the melody comes in; your accompniment is way too loud and overpowers the lead. The key changes are very abrupt and come out of nowhere. Some kind of transition would help. And you fadeout before even hitting the 2:30 mark. Lazy. NO
  20. The song just doesn't lock together. The bassline is just misaligned with the rest of the piece. This sounds like you guys recorded all of these parts in completely different places and tried to mix them all together. There's no cohesiveness here between the players. You should know that a piece like this demands its players to play together. If you guys did play this together, then you're not listening to each other. The arrangement isn't bad and the production isn't bad, but I can't YES this when the performance and combination of parts sounds so fragmented. NO No vote change. I still have the same issues with the cohesiveness of the piece.
  21. If you vote NO on your own mix, that means that you don't think it belongs on OCR, and therefore you should not have submitted it in the first place, so we should treat that kind of thing as a retraction of submission. In any case, now that people have cooled down and talked about donkeys, I think a vote is in order. I like this and I don't give a rat's ass about the intonation, because the detuned sound in this context is effective. Performance is competent, and the arrangement isn't bad. It's expressive and produced well, so YES.
  22. Using a phaser on the keyboard almost never sounds right. Bleh. The piano sound also doesn't sit right in the mix either. Larry's right; the arrangement isn't much more than a sound upgrade, and to be honest, I find the sequencing in the original much more expressive. NO
  23. I like the stuttering effects throughout the song, but I think that it ends up being more of a gimmick to carry the the empty parts of the mix. Not much going on here harmonically either. Needs more. NO
  24. Yeah there are some really weird composition choices here. The arpeggio in the background doesn't fit into the song at all harmonically. It's a repetitive mix with some blah synths. Could be better. NO
  25. Larry I don't think that "samey" is a real word. I've got to agree with Larry on the vocals. Your voice gets nasally and sounds pretty amateurish when going up to the higher notes. The accompaniment is pretty repetitive too; not much variation. It's there, but not much. Nice production though. borderNO
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