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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Anyone what to submit a story to Digg? http://digg.com/
  2. You couldn't read the first five words? Don't be so indignant.
  3. Thanks man; I'd be interested in hearing some more in depth comments later in this thread, if you don't mind.
  4. Just set your BT client to NOT download the flac files if you don't want them. Any BitTorrent client worth the space it occupies on your harddrive is able to deal with multifile torrents and file selectability.
  5. Thanks Larry. I was just about to post the same thing.
  6. Now that anyone everyone has had a few days to cool off, I'm going to unlock this thread. If you have anything constructive to say, you can say it, but needless whining, complaining, moaning, etc is not welcome. Please take note that even though it's 2006, we are still in the 10th anniversary year of Chrono Trigger, as the game was not released until mid/late 1995, so nobody missed the 10th anniversary and Chrono Trigger is still awesome blah blah blah. This thread will remain open after the normal release comes out so that project members and the general community can discuss the pending release of the Special Edition. All FEEDBACK/REVIEWS of Chrono Symphonic must be posted in the feedback and comments thread that will be created upon the release of the project. Any reviews that are written in THIS thread will be deleted. I made this text big because I just know that people are going to post reviews here anyway. You've been told the procedure in obnoxious, size 18, bolded text. Follow it, and don't complain when your review gets deleted.
  7. Hey wow you guys got exactly 1,000,000 remixers assigned to 1,000,002 tracks in like 3 minutes. Amazing, you must tell me your secrets! Moved to GD for a week GO GO GO DOOM 4EVA!!!!!!!
  8. Stop whining. Claado already apologized, and if StarZander can't get the distro script done in time, then you'll just have to wait. It's an important aspect that alleviates server stress. It's not the end of the world. In any case, I'm going to lock this to prevent further complaining. Claado, since you're a coordinator, you can still post, bump, and reply. I'll also add Compy to the coordinators group so that he can post here as well.
  9. I just think that it makes more sense to do a multiversion like we did with Doom and Kirby. Have the mirrors host the lossy-encodes (MP3s), and have the torrent distribution contain both lossy and lossless encodes in a selectable multifile torrent. Bandwidth issues solved. Two versions creates more confusion for the end-listener, and if you do ONE torrent, it'll have a longer life than if you run two torrents parallel to eachother; running one torrent is more efficient as well as far as tracking and leeching. Chrono Trigger was released in March '95 in Japan and August '95 in the US. We're still in the 10th anniversary year, so I don't think it's ridiculously important to do a release before January of 2006. I think it's more important to do one cohesive release with everything available rather than to split it up with what basically amounts to an MP3-teaser release. The only project to ever do multiple releases was Relics of the Chozo and that's because it was the first one, and there was a demand afterwards for lossless. We've come a long way since then, and we understand the demand associated with these big releases. I don't think we should complicate the release by doing two versions. Release the whole thing and be done with it. We've been waiting patiently for over a year now. A few more weeks isn't going to kill anyone.
  10. Which of the releases is going to be tracked on the OCR tracker? You need to work out the logistics of this release. I would recommend that you just release the special edition as the normal one, even if it takes a little more time, rather than doing a stunted MP3-only release, and then setting up a brand new torrent for the special edition.
  11. Site Projects - Rules for Posting Last updated: December 25, 2005 The primary function of the Site Projects forum is for community members to organize their collaborative efforts. Each project has only one dedicated thread; as a result, threads in this forum grow very quickly because of all the discussion going on. Sometimes these posts turn out to be fluff: posts that don't really have to do with the project. If you're a part of a project, or even just a spectator, please keep the following rules in mind when posting. Don't go off-topic. Project threads have a very specific purpose. They're for organization; a home-base where all members can check-in and keep track of deadlines, announcements, and news pertaining to the project. Off-topic posts don't contribute to the project in any real way. Volunteer to help out. Project Coordinators are always looking for help with stuff like website design, hosting, art, etc. If you can offer your services, go ahead and offer them, but don't get mad if a coordinator declines your offer. They're in charge, and they call the shots. Provide constructive criticism. No project is perfect, but providing people with helpful feedback can help us get close. Don't badger project coordinators or project members for release dates. Projects will be finished when they are finished. Constantly asking "when is the album coming out?" is annoying, and most of the time, coordinators can't give you an accurate answer anyway. The key is to be patient. Don't talk about your personal life unless it directly affects your participation in a project. These threads aren't community threads. It's understandable that in the course of doing a project, you'll make lots of friends, but Site Projects isn't really the place to discuss your personal life. There are plenty of sites on the internet where you can write about that. Don't insult people/curse people off. Tempers will flare in the course of working with others; this is a given. The important thing to remember is that if you get mad, you don't have to hit that reply button right away. Take some time to cool down and think about how you can respond civilly. These are the basic rules you should keep in mind when posting in Site Projects. Remember, these threads are organization threads, not community threads, so always try to keep idle chatter to a minimum. You can still have fun, just so long as you don't derail and diverge. Lastly, these rules apply to all of us: regular posters, project members, project coordinators, and OCR moderators. All of us; that means me too.
  12. Please keep posts in this thread on-topic. This isn't a community thread; it's a project thread.
  13. I've gotta agree with Larry here; I don't really see this as a rearrangement of the source material at all. It's the original with unrelated embellishments all around. Pull out the one continuo line from the source material and you're left with something wholly unrelated to the original piece. Needs some actual interpretation, as opposed to addition. NO
  14. Nice guitar playing, but this isn't all that different from the original song. It follows the original arrangement quite closely, and gives off a general BGM feel, as opposed to being its own song. Drums are really static, but there are some nice fills here and there. Guitar solos are cool, but the lead guitar sounds far in the back of the mix; everything else is a bit louder, so it all sounds unbalanced. Fadeout on the solo is kind of a cop-out ending. I don't mind fadeouts, but you never brought the song back to the melody, so the whole thing ended up feeling incomplete. I'd like to hear a longer version with more variation and more attention paid to balancing the instruments. NO rework/resub
  15. More people need to remix MMZ series music. Anyway, the interpretation is pretty cool, but that synth lead sucks so much. Something smoother with some portamento would do the trick a lot better. Rim sound around 1:33 sounds really weak; you need a rim sound with some more body. The other percussion is alright, but the snare pattern throughout the piece could use some more variation; try throwing a stronger, more resonant hit on 2 and 4 and decorating the rest of the measure with some syncopated rhythm using that softer snare you have. In any case I really like the chill interpretation of Trail, and I'd love to see a resub. More MMZ love plz. NO resub
  16. Hotness! Love the sound textures. The chiptune opening was great, and it melded perfectly with the following texture. Nice transitions throughout, and the interpretation of an already awesome source material is great. I love all the little Capcom music quotes throughout the piece. Nice. Concept and execution are both nicely handled. Also, Mario ending = WTF. Nice work. YES
  17. There's a difference between random, overly distorted, clipping, crappy drums, and effectively creating crunchy, distorted percussion without clipping. AB has successfully pulled off the latter. The percussion doesn't clip anywhere; sure it toes the line, and I wouldn't mind if it were a bit softer, but it's not my mix. I can appreciate the intention, and the executuion. The production on this track is just fine. As for the arrangement, it's pretty creative, though I wish the ending weren't so abrupt. In any case, while I don't enjoy it personally, I think that this song meets OCR standards, and its a pretty interesting piece of experimental music. Borderline YES
  18. I think you're confused. Crono's Dream didn't have the Ocean Palace in it. I did, however, do a piece for this project that arranges the Ocean Palace theme.
  19. Basic, boring, repetitive, and empty. Work on varying up your sounds and texture. I'm having a hard time getting though the whole song. The lead is too loud and doesn't blend with anything else; mostly because there's nothing else to blend WITH. NO
  20. Please cut the idle chatter. Site Projects isn't a conversation forum.
  21. Sounds like someone just found all of the phaser/flanger effects in FLStudio. Seriously, those drums sound absolutely terrible. Arrangement is straightforward and sparse. Sustained pads with loud sliced drumloops don't provide any interested accompniment to the melody. It's repetitive and boring. NO
  22. I lament the brevity of this arrangement. It really feels unfinished. A longer track would have been much more welcome. The ending just sort of trails off too. The bassline is excellent though, and the overall texture is smooth as silk. Soloing rocks. Nice work there. Gonna have to NO this though; it sounds unfinished; needs to be longer with a more definitive ending.
  23. The piano and the arrangement are awesome. I love the ideas your brought to an oft-arranged piece. However, I take issue with your percussion. It sounds horribly fake and doesn't balance well with the piano. It's in the back, of the mix and has no definition. Such a spirited piano performance demands and equally lively and organic percussion section. Yet all I hear is "boom chick boom chick." I weep. Strings are a bit fakey as well, so that was also diappointing. In anycase this mix is a NO with a strong strong request for a resub.
  24. Sounds are not too bad; FL-defaultish, but they have a nice cool, buzzy sound. They're used well together. Unfortunately they're extremely basic and the arrangement is way too similar to the original. You need to reinterpret and rearrange the music. NO
  25. No matter what you do, you gotta make sure your arrangement is inventive and interpretive. Yes, NEStunes are cool, but this is still overclocked remix, and we still value arrangement very highly. There's a LOT you can do with just the 2A03 chip; your conversion, while nice, doesn't really push the boundaries. Keep in mind that nobody here is saying NO to your mix because it sounds like an NES; I'm sure all of us enjoy chiptunes from that console, and I've personally tried my hand and making some NSFs; it's a lot of fun, and it's a great soundscape to work with. But arrangement is important. Hope to see more from you soon. NO
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