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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Solid overall. Very groovy, lots of meat to the texture too. Bassline, oldschool buzzy synths, and an awesome intro. Wait...OHSHI- YOU BASTARD, YOU DID IT AGAIN WITH THE 15/16 TIME SIGNATURE! Can't say no. </fifteenbias> YES
  2. Strings at some points need a better attack, but for the most part, they're alright. I wish there wasn't such a dichotomy in the soundscapes of the guitar stuff and the baroque stuff. The flute sounds dry and really far forward compared to everything else. Rockin' guitar is pretty neato, but its accompaniment is pretty weak. Meatier drums+bassline please. I like the arrangement though. SUPER TOUGH DECISION (desu) NO please tweakstuff and resub
  3. Dreamland 3 was an awesome game. That Hiiiiii is really poorly recorded. Don't even bother with it. Piano has too much reverb/sustain; the cut on it makes it sound really unnatural too. Arpeggios are boring and loud. Drums are simplistic and sound unprocessed. There's not a lot of attention paid to balance here. Sounds like you're just starting out with FLStudio. Keep at it. Get some better sounds and pay more attention to how you can place elements of your mix in the field of sound. Everything is upfront-in-your-face right now. Piano is REALLY mechanical. You can't just sequence this stuff with note-choice in mind. You have to pay attention to dynamics and velocity. Sequencing isn't just about writing the notes. You have to "perform" when you're sequecing. Think about how a piano player would transition from note-to-note; how hard his finger going to hit that key? Is he going to hit it in perfect time? You need to try to understand the instrument you're sequencing. Don't just write notes. Play them. This doesn't mean use a MIDI keyboard; it means that you need to think not just about how a note sounds, but how it's played. Keep at it. NO
  4. Its negligible. I like this. Nice texture. The percussion is a little loud for my own tastes, but it fits nicely in the context of the mix. Vocals are a nice touch; nothing crazy awesome, but solid enough. Relaxing. YES
  5. I think that's a misinterpetation. The latin lyrics are just for the main theme. I think that what we'll really see is that any of the songs that are "orchestral" in nature will be live orchesta; likewise, we'll hear live guitars for rockin' tunes. I'm fairly confident that there will be a variety of genres represented.
  6. You know what would be incredible? If Capcom got Ryu from Street Fighter in there. I mean, everyone knows that Mario is a shoto anyway.
  7. Let's not abandon intelligent discourse.
  8. No, this thread is fine. You suck for minimodding and ARE BANNED!!! just kidding ^____________^ HOWEVER! I am going to edit the topic title to conform to my awesome squarebracketformatting.
  9. That deep voice vocal clip is really poorly recorded and performed. P-pops, amateur enunciation, and weird pitch lowering makes it sound like a high schooler who couldn't get into the fall play talking through a Darth Vader voice changer with his mouth too close to the microphone. The other voice sample works a lot better and is pretty good. As for the song, pretty nice overall, but I'd have to agree with TO that the guitars need a deeper sound. Some stuff sounds a bit thin up top. Meatier sound would help. An good outro would be nice, especially since there was a a nice intro, but that's your call as an arranger. I think the ending is weak as it is right now. NO, but a fairly easy resubmit
  10. We have a thread for FL help. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7588 In the future, please make an effort to find the right place to ask your question before making a thread in the wrong place.
  11. I agree with Larry. This is pretty weak, unfortunately. Percussion is loud, and the sounds don't balance. The distorted guitar (sounds like slayer) had very little definition. It's just background grunge. Everything else sounds like a old MIDI file run through FL, in that there's very little in the way of dynamics and/or humanization. Everything sounds flatline. Disappointing dude. NO
  12. Man, old Konami Ninja Turtles games have such a distinct sound to them. You can always recognize a TMNT tune. Anyway, I think that How's that for a cop-out? Yeah, needs more connection to the original. This sounds, for the most part, "inspired by TMNT4," rather than a remix. Not gonna reiterate what people have said about production, except that I think the sounds and drumwork are pretty solid. NO (RESUB PLZ)
  13. "Star Orion" is one of my all-time favorite songs ever. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Anyway, this is supersolid stuff on the production end. Every sound has just that right amount of reverb to place it correctly in the soundscape, but at the same time, the entire piece sounds clear. Awesome balance in this piece. As far as arrangement goes, I agree with Larry that it's pretty close to the original, but at the same time, I think that there are a lot of embellishments+fills that help bring this song to another level. YES (somewhat borderline on arrangement)
  14. Yeah, definitely. The sounds remind me of Sega Genesis music, except a whole lot cleaner. Without a doubt, this is "video game music," but at the same time, it shows a lot of depth and exhibits a meticulous focus on detail that you'll never find in old VG tunes. Lots of craziness around 2:10, yet it manages to maintain its coherence. Nice. This is a perfect example of what you can accomplish by simply learning about what your software is capable of and taking it to that level. Rellik, you do us FL users proud. YES
  15. This is horribly repetitive. The sitar and percussion's repetition is inexcusable. There's no attempt at making sounds fit together here. The percussion is totally out of place. Why are you using a dance kick and that tiny clicking hat? The string work isn't that great either. All the same velocity and no balance between the instruments. Things come off as messy and crowded. Sequencing is too mechanical and the sounds don't compliment eachother. NO
  16. I think you guys are nitpicking. The arrangement and production is fine. I don't believe I voted on the original, but I have to say that this piece is pretty solid. Nice arrangement, solid ideas. Really cool percussion stuff around the middle. YES
  17. The timing in this mix is all over the place. Sounds like some parts are played live on a sequencer, but without a metronome to help with the timing. Another problem is that this song doesn't really go anywhere; it starts off the same and ends up the same. Not necessarily a bad thing, but the sounds in this piece don't always mesh well, and the aforementioned timing issues and plodding tempo make this a pretty boring piece. Variation and better sounds will help this piece. NO
  18. Pretty much sums it up. There's a lot of emptiness throughout the piece that's a result of your samples essentially being all staccato/marcato. It gets really old after a while. The section at the very end with the major key section was nice, but it was too little too late. It felt like a really watered down version of what we've heard from the Orchestral Game Concert/Super Smash Bros. arrangement of the theme. Much too basic. This piece needs more dynamics and contrasting sections to really make it work, as well as more attention paid to filling out your parts, like the middle voices. The piece as it is comes across as scant. NO
  19. That's the long and short of it. Send me a PM when you've got some substantial progress done on a majority of WIPs.
  20. Yeah. What's up with the warbling phaser on everything? It totally ruins everything. Mystic Caves bassline gets old really fast too. Too bad everything else is just as uninteresting. Try to come up with a more defined concept for your song, and don't abuse your phasing plugin. NO
  21. Not feeling too hot about that string sample or the lead that starts off the Woodman melody, but the arrangement is supercool. Nice beats all around; constantly changing with some nice fills. Whee. Vig is right; 2:15 is hotness. The rest of the track follows suit. I guess isn't not supercool. It's about time we got an awesome Woodman mix. YEY
  22. wtf yankee doodle lol Yeah, this is supertite. Nice percussive work, with some neat breaks here and there. This is totally feel good music. I love the use of triplets all over the place for pickups. Slick stuff. The overall package is nice; good sounds, fun groove. YES
  23. Yeah, you can only submit one remix at a time. Gotta agree here TO. It's pretty much the original with some beats on top. The section in the middle is kind of pointless and doesn't do anything to develop the piece. NO
  24. Awesome awesome awesome. Really nice dynamics all around. That part near the end where Chrono Trigger crescendos is excellent. I agree with TO; that last minute is astounding. i liek it YES
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