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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Not feeling well tonight. No other staff around to run Talkback. We'll have to postpone. Maybe do it another time this weekend.
  2. I had this game for PC. LOVE the main theme. So good.
  3. No talkback tonight because all staff had obligations. Talkback is linked to OCR's YouTube account. Can't give the keys to that castle to too many people.
  4. There is absolutely nothing wrong with voting for yourself in a compo if the rules don't preclude you from doing so. It's not playing "the ass card" to do so, nor is it a "prick move." It's okay to have enough confidence in your own work to decide that you think it's the best entry. It's not unfair or dickish in the slightest. People have the right to vote for their own work. When people run for office, do you think they vote for their opponents? No. They vote for themselves. And that is absolutely fine and okay. In my compos, I usually spell out rules for self-votes: in tournaments like GRMRB, self-voting is encouraged in gauntlets like WCRG, self-voting is precluded, but bonuses are awarded to teams whose members vote. Both of these are perfectly valid schemes. Perhaps Will and Kris can clarify their self-voting policy in the first post. It seems that Brandon checked with the organizers before voting for himself, which means he tried to do things above-board. He just seems to have mischaracterized the organizers as encouraging him to do so when they only indicated he had the option, which is totally minor in the grand scheme of things. In any case, let's try to stay away from calling people pricks or asses.
  5. O'Donnell's work on Halo was iconic. Sucks that he got fired (what are they smoking over here?!), but I don't think he'll have a problem finding work. Maybe we can get him on Halo 5?
  6. Don't know about Big Bang Mini, but EA had posted the OST to Henry Hatsworth on the official site for free years ago when it came out. It's not available there anymore but people seem to have hung on to it. http://nintendo3dscommunity.com/files/file/121-henry-hatsworth-in-the-puzzling-adventure-soundtrack/
  7. The physicals are given out as prizes and promotion at the event, and we blast the album at our merchandise table they set us up with. The remixes are also played on the stream during downtime when there are no matches going on.
  8. Smash Run is going to be amazing. The sheer amount of time Nabeel and I sunk into City Trial back during the hey-day of Kirby Air Ride is absurd. The City Trial gameplay style is so fun and quick. So happy to see it being revived in Smash.
  9. I don't think I know who that is.

  10. Definitely better than Avengers. A smart movie with themes that are relevant to what's happening in the world today. Great action and acting, and really develops the characters without compromising who they are. This is the best MCU movie yet.
  11. Was browsing OCRD today and noticed there were RSS feeds for news posts and comments, but no feed for new albums. I'd love to be able to throw OCRD in my feed reader and see when new albums come out.
  12. News slider has to manually be updated. It's not something that we want to be updating every time we do a set of mixposts. It's more for featured stuff, like album info, events, OC Records, etc.
  13. Giving this a bump, just because.
  14. Are you running the torrent using a BitTorrent client?
  15. All I can say is that JUDGANATOR's analysis algorithms are very complex. What you write and what it hears are not necessarily going to match up 100%. Music has a lot of subtlety, and JUDGANATOR is designed to dig deep. We'll look into the algorithms, but I'm going to say right now that the judgements you both got were more-than-likely very accurate.
  16. Serious feedback and bug reports only, please, otherwise I'm going to start banning people.
  17. What the heck are you talking about? Cosmic radiation is not and has never been a consideration in software development.
  18. This is great feedback. Thanks man. We'll try to work on the identification algorithms in the coming days.
  19. Cool. I backed this for Nabeel back when he wasn't able to back stuff on his own, but I'd like to buy my own copy.
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