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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Probably not a hardware flaw. Judganator is software. The servers are fine. We'll look into it though.
  2. That's...a screenshot of a show on Cartoon Network. You know that Judganator is just an application running on OCR's servers, right? No, that's absurd. Why would it do that? Guys, the Submissions Standards haven't changed. Everything that you could submit before you can submit now. That means trance remixes are okay. Judganator is a replacement for the panel, but it doesn't represent any kind of radical shift in the site's mission or its policies.
  3. Did you try working on your track and resubmitting? Need a screenshot. If you have one we can kick it back up to the devs, but I don't believe "Uncle Tom" and "boy" are actually in there. Nope, we're still around. vBulletin's a piece of crap. No way to automate moderation. Sorry guys, if you're looking for BANANATOR, I'm the best you're gonna get.
  4. Any file submitted through JUDGANATOR is cached on our servers for the duration of the evaluation process. If the remix is rejected, then the file is deleted. If it's accepted, we place in the posting queue. Unfortunately, this part of the process is still manual, but we're in discussions with folks that developed REMIXANATOR to automate that process as well. The goal is to eventually have all aspects of the site fully automated by 2018 using tools developed by different teams released in alternation. EDIT: As Kris said, POSTANATOR is in early development, but that name is not final. In any case, we can't talk too much about that.
  5. Well this is part of it. With guys like you shirking their responsibilities for stuff like "focusing on my education" and "trying to spend more time with my family," we had to figure out a solution that would keep this train moving. Think of it this way: now you have more time to spend on that stuff!
  6. This thread is for questions, feedback, and bug reports related to JUDGANATOR, our brand new fully automated ReMix critique engine. Please feel free to share any judgements generated by the program here, as our policy is to not archive the judgements ourselves. Please keep in mind that all judgments are final, and there is no appeals process aside from the normal resubmission process. If you're still interested in more personalized, human-generated—and ultimately flawed—feedback, we will not be providing that for the foreseeable future, so you'll have to look elsewhere. Thanks everyone, and congratulations to the team on a successful launch.
  7. It's usually a good idea to post samples of your work when advertising your services as an artist. I've moved your thread to Post Your Art. Feel free to actually post some art.
  8. Anyone else starting to wish that this game had WoW-style add-on support? So many little quality-of-life things I wish I had here that I had when I played WoW, like DPS meters and auto-sorting inventory.
  9. You bastard. Of all the things you could have titled this remix, you titled it that. Twist the knife a little more, why don't you? Love the deep rumble of the cello juxtaposed with the sweet and delicate piano. This mix becomes so much more when you switch gears into the heavier percussive and guitar section. The sirens are a beautiful touch. This mix is absolutely gorgeous and really captures the powerful emotions at play in the game. Anyone who's played this game and understands the context of the title and what you've done here musically is going to be blown away. Fantastic. Absolutely YES.
  10. Love the Hard Times reference! Can't not love this. Super awesome arrangement, great use of both sources, killer performances all around. Love it. YES
  11. It's dirty as hell but it's there's a lot of control here. Love how you went the other way with this; usually people speed this source up, but you made the deliberate pace really work. I feel like if you played this in a club, you would absolutely wreck the crowd in the best possible way. Very nice. YES
  12. Arrangement and performances are killer but I agree with other Js that this track is a trip to Mid Range City. This track could really shine with some closer looks at your EQ all across the board. Let's get this fixed and up on OCR. NO, resub
  13. Wow check that bass. Super meaty. Really killer track man. Not surprised, I love me a good GuitahHeroe track and this doesn't disappoint. Impeccable soundscapes, great dynamics, creative arrangement, stellar execution. What a treat. The part where you pull back the energy around 1:53 is so great. There's a great slow build back up to bringing the dnb percussion back into the mix in earnest, and when we get it, we get this great half-time section that still keeps that great dreamy soundscape going. Fantastic. How can I say anything but YES?
  14. There's a looseness to the timing in the performance here that I really dig. It's really gives the piece a very organic feel. Really upbeat, fun arrangement. The combination of both sources is seamless and really works so well. I love Le Tresor Interdit so kudos on working that into the track. Live stuff is gimmicky. What did you do, play this in a real English pub? Feel like this would be a great song for OCU to adapt, honestly. YES!
  15. That is literally the most perfect kick I've heard in a long time. Ugh. I'm in agreement with fellow Js though. Sound design really isn't doing it for me here. It's produced and balance well, but the sounds you're using just aren't great. That choice lead in the beginning is actually slightly delayed and it's just off the beat; just enough to bug me. Nit-picky I know, but still. There's this great build up to 1:49 where I'm expecting this big awesome melodic statement in the lead, but all I get is a very sparse bit with the arpeggiatior going through the motions. There's such an unwarranted drop-off in energy there, and it's so disappointing. Things get a little better later but I feel like there's a sparseness pervading the track that needs to be addressed. It's a great approach to the song, but I think you need to take a look at sound design and tweak the energy levels so that you're doing better builds and delivering better payoffs to those builds. A track like this should rock my socks, but right now it's not doing that. NO (resub)
  16. Really awesome stuff Roe. Agree with OA; lots of sources but they're used intelligently. Really nice mixing and balance with all the different elements. Good usage of your samples too. Really energetic piece with a lot of tension. Fantastic. YES
  17. Oh hey, it's my favorite Zelda game! Nothing beats Link's Awakening. This is super pretty. Really straightforward arrangement on Wind Fish, with nice use of piano and winds. Samples aren't perfect but you're making them work for you. It's got kind of a lo-fi PC JRPG vibe to it, like an old Falcom game. Transitions are perfect. Love how you move into Mabe Village and Koholint Island. Feels so organic! Really awesome arrangement, and I'm not just saying that because of Zelda-bias. Great job. YES
  18. This piece really comes together for me around 1:12. Really love how you scale back that big energy stuff to keep things from getting super tiring. I've been judging a bunch of tracks tonight and they all seem to be really aggressive, high energy tracks with a lot of loudness happening. When doing big soundscapes like this it's important to give the listener a break once in a while, so these sections where you pull back a bit are nice to have. Really fun arrangement that doesn't wear out it's welcome either. Nice solid arrange, some mixing issues, but nothing killing it for me. YES
  19. Basically in agreement with the other Js. Feels super-cramped and really assaulting those mid/hi-ranges. Need to hit that low end beef it up I think. Also some times the lead gets super loud and ventures in the clipping territory. Keep an ear on that. Really great approach to the source though. Love the energy. Killer ideas, but needs to execute better. NO resub
  20. Super rigid piano and overexposed brass are really killing this mix for me. The metal stuff sounds good (though I agree on everything sounding compressed) but your sounds and sequencing on the orchestral parts don't really match the more expressive rock parts. Also when the guitar is playing the melody I can barely here it, and I don't believe I heard any section where the guitar really takes off and is showcased. It's a bit weird when that's the best stuff in the mix, you know? Would like to heard you rock out a bit more with maybe a solo or more exposed melodic content in the guitar. Needs work. NO resub
  21. Nah, I think you're right on the money Kris. I love love love jazz and used to listen to a lot of trumpet players back in the day, and I heard what you mean about some flatness. The performance isn't bad but there are some intonation issues. It's the second time I'm using this word tonight, but that trumpet is just relentless too. Need to add some breaks for variety. Right now it's just the solo trumpet going all the way through. Trade with the e-piano or guitar or something. Also seems like a LOT of rhythm section (piano, guitar, and vibes) with just a lone wind (trumpet). Could do with more of a balance. All that accompaniment is fighting with itself. Source usage is also iffy. I'm a huge fan of jazz and I know a big part of it is soloing over chords, but this seems pretty liberal. I think having more strongly defined melodic sections to break up the solo sections would be good. Consider adding another wind, like a sax or clarinet or flute, to help the trumpet make stronger statements from the source. NO (resub)
  22. LOVE the arrangement in this mix. Really beautiful soundscape, love the layering of fast paced percussion with longer sustained strings and synths. Piano is also used really well, with those big booming bass notes. As Justin said though, that violin's loudness is an issue with the cymbal. The distortion is something that sticks out. Could really use a fix on that! NO (resub)
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