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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. That's weird. Why do you have two accounts?! xD I'd like to merge them; which name do you want on the account; zylance or Zoola? I've split your thread back to its own thread.
  2. Looks awesome dude, however, only posted remixers are allowed to make threads promoting their own projects. I've merged his into the Kickstarter Central thread.
  3. The game is very buggy and glitchy, but I also enjoyed a lot of it. Building up the Homestead, the combat system, hell even the naval battles were really great. I just played the first episode of The Tyranny of King Washington, and despite the "alternate universe" premise, it is actually a canonical continuation of Connor's storyline. If you enjoyed that, I recommend checking it out. It also adds some new gameplay elements, like the Wolf Cloak and Wolf Pack.
  4. Remember folks: plenty of people upload OC ReMixes to YouTube all the time, and while we might think it's common sense to credit artists, a lot of people don't even think about things like that and just want to post a cool sound they found. That doesn't make them bad people, just uninformed about the etiquette of sharing. A polite explanation is usually enough. Plagiarism is when someone is taking credit for work that isn't theirs. Make sure someone is actually plagiarizing before jumping down their throats.
  5. No I don't really have a good recording setup for that kind of thing. Maybe someday.

  6. Please don't make a new thread every time you do an interview. You have the one thread, just update the title when you have something new going on.
  7. Sounds cool but I don't think you should make it tournament-style/bracketed. Just do a weekly compo like PRC.
  8. It's cool man, no worries. Normally I would delete a thread like that but your art is good so I just closed it and left it up. Hopefully someone sees it and contacts you. ;)

  9. We generally do not allow threads that advertise services. If you want to do that, put the pertinent information in your signature and be an active, contributing member of the forums.
  10. Please stop speculating. v6 will be out when it's out. Also please stop answering questions in this thread.
  11. Split the Wind Waker discussion to a new thread. Remember folks, for specific game discussion, create a new thread. This thread should primarily be about the Wii U hardware and ecosystem.
  12. i am on the clouds now http://soundcloud.com/darkesword/
  13. Really dreamy. Short but sweet. Not too interpretive but enough personalization to keep it fresh. Middle section is pretty. Nice performance too. YES
  14. Cleaned up this thread a bit, removing most of the rude stuff. The first post clearly states that this is a song is for non-profit, non-commercial use. Negotiation over rates is obviously part of any work-for-hire arrangement as well, so there's no reason to come down hard on someone making an offer to pay for a request. People don't complain about fulfilling requests for free in the requests forum. If you're interested in helping Rico out and making some spending money, shoot him an email or express your interest here. If you're going to rant about the nature of for hire work, there are blogging sites for that kind of thing.
  15. This is clearly a job listing, and if someone is hired to work "under the guidance of [the] music composer, Jake Kaufman," then communication in the context of two professionals working on a game is not an issue. Those are the parameters set by the employer, and your personal experiences are not relevant. The listing clearly states that the sounds should fall under the artificial limitations of a 16 or 32 bit game, so SNES/PSX. The developer is not looking for existing sounds, and has clearly allocated money for a sound effects artist to create original sounds consistent with the sound design of the rest of the game (hence working under the guidance of the music composer). That's not for you to determine.
  16. Don't post pictures that stretch the page.
  17. TOOOOOOO short. A nice take on the source but like Vig said, it sounds like an intro. You've gotta develop more. NO
  18. Not really hearing any egregious muddiness. Lofi sound is cool, a little iffy on the kicks. Nice arrangement. Really groovy. Interesting soundscape. YES
  19. Point of order: whenever mentioning OCR, use the following: OC ReMix OverClocked ReMix OCR ocremix Not: Overclocked Remix Ocremix OCRemix OCReMix OC ReMiX
  20. Already funded, but here's a Kickstarter for AW YEAH COMICS!, a really cool kid-friendly/all-ages comic book from the writer and artist of Tiny Titans. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1197720703/aw-yeah-comics
  21. Yeah the difference with steam is that it doesn't actually make you jump through hoops. Steam makes things very easy. I can't see that kind of level of execution happening on a console.
  22. Your sig is too tall. Stacked images need to be under 250px in height. Please adjust~

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