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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. Man, you all cry so much for something that's free...patience.
  2. August 7th - 11th/12th Same for me too, I could totally do these dates.
  3. i'd like to go, but the days currently don't work for me; it's too close to when school starts.
  4. that's why you make the good guy tracks more badass (read: a better cooler)
  5. Add Mistaken Love to my claims because it's being incorporated into what i've got so far.
  6. Sukiyaki Western Django Japanese-made American Western, live action. Imagine if someone took a western and threw it into the rediculous nature of anime. Quentin Tarantino plays an important character in the movie too
  7. alright i'll make an official claim on Bittersweet Romance now. i have just over a minute's worth of wip on it.
  8. been looking at bittersweet romance, don't put me down for it yet though.
  9. Tin's album is absolutely amazing now that i've had a chance to fully listen to it...i'm astonished by it.
  10. Thanks BARDIC! He sent me pixietrick's holiday album "Through Sand and Snow" and Christopher Tin's "Calling All Dawns". These are fantastic Merry Christmas!
  11. qfe on the gank part, getting one lvl of invis early prevents that too. tree also has extremely high base dmg.
  12. we don't know who didn't get one yet, so it might not be you.
  13. Cut to random black guy getting beat up...wtf ROFL. "Additional Bonus music: Jake Kaufman" <-catch that? movie wasn't terrible, i was more irritated with the inconsistency in audio recording...switching between on-set and post often horrendous and sometimes inaudible. also when link kills the 2nd guard with the flaming stick thing, did anyone else find this really cruel? link's a murderer in this movie.
  14. hearts stack now? both hon and dota both at one point said they didn't.
  15. deadwood is gonna be hellborne str hero. just a guess.
  16. oh good they finally gave him the buff from dota, that thing was so much better than old eyes...about damn time, tree is much more playable now.
  17. That is correct sir.

  18. I got a chance to use forsaken archer. thoughts: -she builds very much like valkyrie might, in terms of items. -her snare is great for ganks -split shot should never be touched, go stats instead. -skeletons are amazing early (especially if you're good at last hitting) -her ult is ok early, but the problem is trying to hit more then one person with arrows is difficult. tensei and i both had thought originally that she could be a potential jungler...the answer to this is yes and no. if you get something like helm of black legion or the agi shield you can...but just with the skeletons you cannot. creeps don't attack the skeletons they always go straight for you. also the skeletons aren't controlled, they're automatically controlled and will attack whatever the closest target is (they also manaburn )
  19. oh i forgot to mention, sending me sharp objects is not at all appropriate. (not sarcasm)
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