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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. Such a pleasure to be a part of this. I enjoy every track on this project. *round of applause for all*
  2. major props to Jose for doing amazing work on the trailer. awesome work.
  3. physical copies are not for sale, album is being distributed freely for download. the physical copies were made for promotional items and project participants.
  4. yeah i wasn't thinking about balance at all, i'm well aware of how many blinkers are already in the game.
  5. what i said is what i meant, i was not mistaken.
  6. i've died and gone to heaven if it's phantom assassin. i agree with pit lord for 2nd, first is up in the air. edit: i think i'd rather see magnus instead of pitlord...just another blink+ult hero.
  7. the metal release on the end is from reverb on the metal percussion methinks... i think this is like one of those air raid sirens.
  8. Why have i never known you were from Orange County too?

  9. I would like to buy this, i've been considering getting kontakt 4 recently which this has included...so this is a great deal for me.
  10. this is a ram issue, i can think of two possibilities: 1. You actually have used up all or nearly all of your ram with samples. 2. Your ram is bad or is not all being recognized.
  11. If you're not going to do these it's not going to sound real at all, realistic performance is all about the details. automation will make things sound much more realistic. 2 other things, attacks of choir and strings are way slow and make them sound unnatural too. regular humanization of velocities and where the notes actually fall on the beat will help with a real sound. this song is really lacking bass in general too, you have a low string part but it's not very present.
  12. so i show sixto something i made with shreddage...our conversation went something like this: sixto - "I Don't remember recording soft samples" me - "You and it are just that good"
  13. i figured, and as of now there's no vox, i just wanted to see.
  14. i was about to come in here and post the spy and pyro vid and noticed someone already had... all i can say is...wow well made, but wow (long time since i posted here) x.x
  15. You never said that to me when i started. what if i said i had vocals in my mix?
  16. http://sites.google.com/site/hemophiliac/shreddagetest.mp3?attredirects=0&d=1 http://sites.google.com/site/hemophiliac/amourningepiano.mp3?attredirects=0&d=1 two things i made that have shreddage in it. 1st is more guitar based (with groove bias), 2nd has it as a cleaner sound and backing.
  17. i've been interested in doing something weird... i'm probably not cool enough for you cats though.
  18. interesting fact i just noticed, both zircon and gecko are arranging songs that they've arranged previously in this next round.
  19. DOOM (ult) is amazing, huge dot dmg, and silence.
  20. http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/huv8y3aw/open_create_account.php OPEN REGISTRATION to anyone who is interested. Also i think it's gonna be a centaur port.
  21. ^This needs to happen. This is good work sir. As to your thought of it needs more: go check out my artwork from the first DKC project, it'd be cool if you did something related. My suggestion, make the text more like fresh paint where it's dripping or add banana peels hanging out of the box slats.
  22. and when you can push the entire team into the ult too
  23. I did a couple paintings for it as well, i don't know where they are anymore though x.x
  24. Posted my votes, good job to the participants. I enjoyed listening to all of the entries
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