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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. Is this a meme or did i miss something brushfire's buildings gone forever? banned? what's this all about?
  2. my initial thought is that there needs to be an increase in the overall volume of the project. the arrangement is fantastic, you've got your own spin on the melody in there as well as enough of the original to pass by here... the delay usage seems weird to me. i feel this way because if it's a "live" solo piano mix there isn't going to be that kind of delay. i know there was some used in the original song, but it just feels weird to have that many echoes when it's supposed to be a live track. maybe take it down to just one or two softer echoes. i can see one or two being actually playable in there. i'm not sure how i like the unresolved ending. also because this song doesn't go very much into the low end of things, maybe bring this out to have a stronger effect (especially at the end). these are pretty nitpicky comments to be honest, the main thing you need to address is volume.
  3. reverse i imagine wouldn't sound enough like the original source to work. inversion of a melody, however; i bet could
  4. You still need more source within the arrangement overall, not just brought out within the lines. I don't think there is enough of it to pass the judging panel.
  5. I stopped listening to what i was already listening to when i saw "impressionist". a lot of my favorite composers/music comes from that time period. after listening i do believe that there isn't enough source usage in this. there is usage of the source, but not enough to pass the panel. it gets very interpretive at parts and while still bearing some resemblance to the original, i don't think it's enough. on a second listening even the source comes out more, but i think those specific lines that have the melody or fragments of the melody could be brought out more. i'm coming up with something like less then half of the arrangement is derived from the source. gorgeous arrangement, and very impressive work. i'd die to see more of this kind of work around (albeit with a little more source) don't give up on it yet!
  6. So i had a crazy idea... server event: buried treasure hunt. someone goes out and buries a chest of some kinda goodies. one person would hide/bury a chest somewhere and create a means of getting there. what i mean by that is clues. create a way that other people can figure out where it is hidden, but not easily of course. the person who finds it keeps the contents. thoughts?
  7. http://notch.tumblr.com/ update tomorrow fixes are listed there.
  8. Ok, this is a serious post now: Whomever the arsonist is needs to stop, schwaltzwald and i have now put out 3 huge forest fires. All of the trees are being destroyed and not replanted... Whoever you are, stop.
  9. Yeah i have found 3 dungeons since server has been rerolled, i have approximately 120 mossy cobblestone.
  10. not sure how i managed this, but i accidentally created floating blocks of water right at spawn... i don't think this is damaging in any way, but just weird.
  11. yep, kagami.fireslash.net or it's up right now even.
  12. in case it hasn't been mentioned yet, buckets still don't work.
  13. someone should take some video of this.
  14. Yeah, good luck with your structures not being set on fire.
  15. I was over at Disneyland recently and they have a huge deal going on where they're promoting this with an event called "ElectTRONica" a recreation of Flynn's arcade and live music and other events are there... to the point... there's a theater playing a 9 minute preview of the movie, needless to say I got to watch this. BLOWN AWAY I can't wait to see this movie now, every aspect of this movie is going to be amazing. The preview even shows that there's a cameo by daft punk.
  16. It's an eyelander that looks way more awesome.
  17. If anyone is curious as to how the halloween items work here's a breakdown: -Hats (masks) are found in the randomly spawning gift boxes. -The pumpkin head hat is recieved after killing the headless horseman -The unusual metal is recieved if you melee the headless horseman right as he's about to die. -The Headless Horseman's Axe is crafted with: Unusual Metal + 2x Refined Metals + Scotman's Skullcutter. -The axe is a permanent item, the rest are halloween only. enjoy
  18. i like the sig too much btw binjovi started a tribute to Nice Work Guy near my place.
  19. Ah ok that makes sense, and yes i'm in favor of one; please let's get that going.
  20. forgive my ignorance, but what is a whitelist?
  21. Yeah i don't think i'd mind a restart either, this would be after the patch correct?
  22. Can you guys show me where to get the texture packs everyone was talking about? Recommendations please
  23. denying really isn't hard at all. i'm not professional nor do i expect that of anyone else, but this is what separates average players from above-average.
  24. this also sounds like the argument of most players who never got denying down in general. it just sounds like laziness mostly. it is important to the game, and sound not be removed.
  25. Hopefully they can continue using the same kinda shop system that S2 developed for HoN because that was a huge improvement over the dota shops. interested at what may come.
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