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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. I'm glad there was more then one of us who realized that it was supposed to be a version of slender-man.
  2. my portal is doing the same thing, but i think i made mine first...weird.
  3. It's kinda funny/bizzare...there are squids swimming inside the giant ice creeper. Kinda worth a look. I dunno if this will last or what.
  4. Weird i was getting some strange server message tonight: "WorldGaurd: No defined regions here!" This was after i combined a chest into a large chest and tried to open it shortly after...no idea what caused this. EDIT: I discovered that i can open the chest as long as I don't have string in my hand when attempting to open the chest. ROFL.
  5. logged on in the first time since last fall, surprised to still see my stuff there edit: also to find that the game is still heavily bugged and crashes more often then it used to...ROFL.
  6. The cheer they gave was pretty sweet, not to mention numerous people coming up and talking to analoq and I about the site. Pretty darn cool.
  7. too bad i work until 7, i'm only about a half-hour away from there.
  8. possibly, depends on a few circumstances.
  9. i endorse this and other jeffball products.
  10. ...I write with notation. Also what's different about writing music now in concept that's different now then it was then? aside from technology (computers)...you're still sitting at an instrument and crafting or improvising a piece.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE-sS_1JQZI he did this most of his late life.
  12. The melody is reminiscent of a few of the themes from The Incredibles. Man you gotta spice up those chords, they're mostly plain vanilla stuffs. Rhythms are pretty straight, but sometimes that's way jazz is. (i hate it when people assume that all jazz is swung or dotted rhythms). A couple interesting ideas, but could be much more colorful imo.
  13. https://sites.google.com/site/hemophiliac/thatplaceweknewpiano.mp3?attredirects=0 ^mp3 of piano reduction https://sites.google.com/site/hemophiliac/ThatPlaceWeKnew2.pdf?attredirects=0 ^sheet music This is going to eventually be read through in about a month. The mp3 is piano because clearly this has yet to be sung and recorded. Things to note: -I wrote the poetry -The fermatas and breath marks will allow for more time in between notes so there will be more breaks/pauses in there. -I consider this finished, aside from possible dynamics tweaks that I may make after hearing it live. I'm open to any comments.
  14. I would love to, but I don't think I have the time.
  15. I'm actually pretty certain that the arrangement of Baba Yetu on Calling All Dawns is different then the track found in Civilization. Calling All Dawns is a song cycle and has something of a common motif/theme in a few of the tracks...this appears for the first time in Baba Yetu. So it's kinda a new track because of it. Not to mention that Calling All Dawns came out this last year. If you like this kind of choral music you should get this album, it's fantastic. I gotta thank BardicKnowledge for getting for me Huge congratulations to Christopher Tin!
  16. 6 tales project remixes on his page. Make sure you guys check his other stuff as well to be sure that he hasn't ripped anything else.
  17. Voxos is insanely good from the demos and videos i've seen, being a choral singer myself i'd love to try it out. Sounds pretty much like true legato singing. Very expensive though, and no word builder...though there is a "phrase builder"
  18. happy birthday signed, from the other half of the fire brigade
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