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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. Now, i've been a part of secret santas before, but nothing like this...i don't know any of you and only have vague ideas about who you are from posts (if any at all). Maybe we should all answer a couple questions about ourselves to help our potential secret santa know what to get us. FOR EXAMPLE: WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM? Honestly it could be whatever there though. Does this sound at all appealing to people participating?
  2. I can think of another hero that only keeps a skill at level one for a long time. zeus does that make the skill useless? no it's synergistic with his other one, just like behemoth. both heroes gotta have a little downside.
  3. does harkon's blade stack with vindicators orb? (i don't know the name of what it's called in hon yet)
  4. big changes for the next patch guys: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showpost.php?p=456862&postcount=2 some quickies: -matchmaking implemented -2 new heroes -captains mode and game bannings -PSR and stats reset.
  5. quoted for emphasis. i'd like to see -cm implemented, and am up for playing it.
  6. Yeah Luke picked me Sand Wraith and I picked him tempest, we swapped. This was also after a randomed arachna.
  7. I took a listen to the track, and sorry the language isn't clear enough for me to get a grasp of what's actually being said. Not even sure if it's latin. Just completely unclear.
  8. oh if you guys haven't played with Panda yet, try him out...he's a ton of fun.
  9. tensei, come on man; i was only giving suggestion to what i thought worked well. i also did say that what you were going for was fine. also, am i not allowed to complain every once in a while, i haven't been bad about that in a while?
  10. My track passed yesterday, and i was at risk for tetanus at the same time x.x wav coming soon to bahamut or taucer.
  11. thanks BGC, the scary thing is i'm at danger for tetanus at this very moment x.x stepped on a nail the other day. ironic?

  12. first a rant: please do not call this barbershop, please call it acapella instead. this is not barbershop. [/rant] scooping into the pitch for a tune like this doesn't fit. if it's intentional, it doesn't really feel fitting. some of the chords don't quite lock or take a second to lock. could you please link the source so i can compare the arrangement itself. some of the bass notes sound a little pushed...i'm assuming your not a baritone or bass here.
  13. yes but legionnaire, behemoth and tempest won't benefit from the stats increase as much as SS would. i'd get portal key with the others. i have more thoughts on a soulstealer approach, but he's so easy to play that if you're up on kills it won't matter what you get.
  14. i don't want to see techies in HoN, please no. you'll get retard players who will only suicide the whole game that's extremely not beneficial to your team.
  15. aside from the gold/xp deny/gain there is one other factor that i haven't seen mentioned. if you're denying your creeps you're also (more then likely) going to be pushing less, and early game this is good. it will help you tower-hug and be safer. the tower will be taking care of most of the creeps meanwhile keeping enemy heroes farther away.
  16. interesting, dota's all pick included everyone, assumed they were the same x.x
  17. incorrect, arachna is based on viper. electrician is loosely based on medusa, and medusa was never a high tier hero either. also, in All Pick both sides can pick from either side's heroes.
  18. not quite a deny, BUT you can prevent enemy heroes from killing you by killing yourself. works well when you're running from them or when you have a DoT on you. very useful.
  19. Why am i not included in the serious players list?? lol also bans is retarded, none of the heroes are outright broken. what is happening is people are giving up easy early game deaths to heroes that are strong early game...those heroes get strong quick and roll everyone. if people try to survive longer and not give up quick early deaths then it won't be as bad. every hero can be killed, and every hero can get kills. and for heaven sakes, gank with your team
  20. is that all because of the game we played earlier?
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