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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. both are points that will make no difference to me my gn is Hemophiliac, add me to the list please.
  2. I just got hooked up with a beta key for this, gonna be checking it out...am a huge fan of dota and played in a couple leagues for that. i have high expectations for this game.
  3. i should have my resub done today i'll be looking for project peoples to listen.
  4. i'm assuming RRR means Russian Remix Roulette? if so i'd rather see RRR over Flames.
  5. buying a physical is waaaay worth it. i just finally finished listening to the whole album gotta say i'm loving it all, finally have some new driving music. <3 "Track 24"
  6. got my preorder album in the mail today ripping the album right now, can't wait to listen i'm loving the artwork and all of the insert stuff.
  7. i haven't been on a while myself, mostly due to working on a bunch of music projects. a couple of them are paying jobs too don't know when i'll be back on.
  8. The lead/melody kinda feels weird off to the left. Bring it closer to the center, i just don't feel like it's strong enough by itself on the left like that. especially in comparison to the highly crunchy very strong rhythm backing. or bring it up in volume slightly. the synths are excellent, the arrangement is solid. as far as the arrangement goes, it's a little conservative in terms of treatment of the source itself, but there's probably enough new stuff in here to squeek past the judges (if you're submitting). the whole piece needs an ending now too. good work though, always in need of more bloodlines love.
  9. a website i frequent: http://www.towerdefence.net/ there are good ones and not so good ones there. though one of particular interest: http://www.towerdefence.net/games-231-Gemcraft_Chapter_Zero.php a flash game that even allows you to save progress, and is the first in a series of games.
  10. diotrans, contact me i'll help you with the lyrics pronounciation. also, what's the tempo of the song? kinda left out of the sheet music. i could tap it out but it might not be exact if i did that.
  11. Objection-contradiction! yeah you know what i mean by that! you write in the music "chant-like" and then write in the thread "lyrical/pop-like". That's a little confusing.
  12. i think this would sound fine with either male or female classical style vocals. again as has been said, i'd take a crack at it if you were needing male vox. i can help with pronounciation (i helped with the fabul men's choir in doing the same)
  13. really i'm the wrong guy to ask, it's not my project... plus it's not done yet the idea is supposedly nov/dec.
  14. i'm not down for FTF versus. Count me out if that's what you guys plan on doing.
  15. oh wait i'm an idiot you meant NEXT saturday the 25th right? not tomorrow the 18th. cuz tomorrow the 18th is the listening party.
  16. guys, the ff4 project listening party is saturday night too! did we not know about that?
  17. It's Fishy - Forest Interlude, and then Audix - Castle Crescendo
  18. You misunderstood what i had posted. It's not Tuesday through Saturday, i always forget my schedule starts on fridays. The stuff i gave you before was from Friday the 17th through Thursday the 23rd. So i don't know how the 26th works for me. Yeah my schedule changes weekly, sorry about that. However, the 23rd sounds good.
  19. I think this has happened once, and it had to do with sixto's first remix; the castlevania one.
  20. so i just grabbed my work schedule for this next week... I should be good most nights as 4 of my 5 shifts are until 5pm PST. Sunday and Monday are my days off this week.
  21. Well for starters using roman numerals is bad because in this particular case i read VI7 as you wrote (in A minor as you were using) as F7 not Fmaj7. The same goes for the i/VI that you wrote, i read this as Amin/Fmaj (An A minor chord over a F major chord). If you were to write to show something being in inversion and being in the bass, for that chord you would write VI6 to indicate that it is in first inversion. You're better off explaining a progression with chord symbols rather than Roman numerals because of the ambiguity that will come out of using the symbols that way. So to answer your question op, the progression is probably better off explained with Fmaj7, G, Em7, Am; rather than Roman numerals.
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