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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. Is it safe has got to be a spy caps, within a few seconds of the first cap. May I cut in is probably killing medics or while being healed by a medic kill other people.
  2. i think it'll just be a more powerful revolver -more damage -more accuracy -long cooldown between shots maybe a longer reload too? Also, spy achievement Wetwork? Something to do with playing in the new rain environment stuff they're gonna have?
  3. take note my heavy has NO mid-range because i do not use a shotgun. always better to move rather than shoot with the minigun and hope that you hit. also my definition of mid-range is probably larger then yours.
  4. i don't really agree, i will still play heavy come the following weeks. really, you just can't sit in one place, always move...best thing you can do as a heavy. don't just sit and spindown.
  5. I'll probably be around on thursday if you need me to restart the server, you just need to give me info on how to do that.
  6. in that case, it's just the kukri sheath on the sniper's back.
  7. are you talking about the one on the ground or the one decloaking behind the sniper?
  8. for some reason i thought this was OCR Idol 2...no idea why. i'm a maybe.
  9. we getting some team vs. team play going on? if so, when where what time?
  10. Also yes we did, what was that 70 and 60 point spy rounds on turbine?
  11. Oh yeah you got that right, that's what i'm there for at FC.
  12. I don't go to CSUF but i'm at FC down the street from ya there. i'm in Yorba Linda, and analoq is nearby. there are a few other people close too...zyko being probably the closest, but that's not OC.
  13. no, not at all. i just seriously have no idea what this is all about.
  14. so i'm curious, what exactly is this picture and what do we need pictures for..and what are the pictures of exactly?
  15. seconded, i'd love some solutions too, i've been having a ton of trouble lately, because it seems my framerate has dropped drastically.
  16. i think it's cool that you're gonna play the music, do it! around when are you planning on doing that?
  17. Just be glad that you already finished the track and you don't have huge pressure from this now lol.
  18. it's weird hearing a small section of my piece, it seems like a really odd place to choose too... *shrugs*
  19. I'm interested Were you looking for a cohesive style amongst the whole score? If so, what were you looking for?
  20. i remember hearing this probably in it's early stages back at the ocr socal meetup in dec 05. loved it then, love it now... :52-1:00 and 3:20-3:27, pure gold awesome remix.
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