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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Not really asking for every crazy spec to be viable. Asking for 4 or 5 builds that work for barbarians wouldn't be too much to ask, since all other classes have more variety. Besides, one of the big points Blizzard advertised about Diablo 3 was that There would be many, many viable specs and a few optimal ones, very far from the current situation. Hey brandon how about you share your battletag uh? I have OA's already Let's play some VIDEOGAMES YO! I SWEAR guys' date=' most of the time this is the song playing in my head while fighting champs on inferno. Seriously. [url'] It makes things less frustrating when it happens!
  2. I have 300+ All Resistances. I think I topped 400 on some, which gives me 50% resistance all. This, along with 43k HP and and almost 7k armor should be enough to do act 1 without problems. But the thing is, I'm not using a shield, which is MANDATORY. That's my problem right there, I can't play the way I really want to, I can only progress by playing in the only way it's currently viable right now. As I said, I will keep farming until my fingers bleed and I get better gear so at least I can see act 2, but this is just so broken atm. Really hope that patch they're working on gives barbarians a few more ways to progress rather than just one. Basically right now my tactic as a Dual wield barbarian is this: tank normal mobs ok, thats not much problem. When I see a champion pack or rare, I make sure your wrath cooldown is ready. If, not I wait till it's up. When I'm ready, I leap in, pop the cooldown and PRAY that I kill at least 1 of the champions or one of the rare minions (Remember, I sacrificed all my damage for survival so barbarians do no damage at all), if not, I just wasted 5 minutes of waiting. If I do kill one of the elites, it's now a 50/50 chance that I can kill the entire pack. This works until Halls of agony, where I hit yet another brick wall and zerging doesn't work anymore. That is just as gimmicky if not worse than what ranged has to do atm (blind shooting from the screen edge), only that they actually have a chance of killing the harder mobs, while I don't stand a chance. I do agree that with enough gear things will get farmable, the hard part is actually getting to that point. Anyways, I'm just hoping the next patch addresses these gameplay issues, cuz I actualy love how the barbarian plays, I'm just not loving staying behind while everybody advances.
  3. Mind you, Kripparian (the guy doing inferno diablo as a barb) has probably the absolute best gear possible atm, which he didn't get by normal means like the rest of us have to. The problem here is not ranged being op, it's the inferno mobs being complete BS, and the itemization on drops rewarding more gold farming than item hunt. If every single mob can 2-3 shot you, it's obvious that the classes that can kite them will have an advantage over those who have to get close to hit them. Barbarians have to sacrifice all their damage so they can survive while ranged classes really don't have to. It's so ridiculous at the moment that when I see a piece of gear with strength I don't think about how much damage that piece will give me, I think about how much armor I can gain from the strength on it. So what can you do, make ranged not be ranged? That's not the problem.
  4. There's some news on the future plans from the devs. you can read it here: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/6018173 the 3 more important points from this news are 1-Inferno is getting nerfed 2-Legendaries are getting buffed 3-Blacksmith and Jewelcrafted getting their prices nerfed I'll give my opinion on the changes: 1-Inferno being nerfed: Is a necessary change. There's a current imbalance that is caused because of how BS the damage is, because of this melee classes have to go full survability in order to progress. This is something I talked about earlier, there's really no choice in inferno, you either grab a shield and start tanking, or you can be stubborn like me and try to farm the best gear possible by dying over and over while everyone else progresses at a steady pace. This change will help with build diversity end game, as they say. 2-Legendaries getting buffed Yeah, I really don't know what they were thinking when they decided to release the game with the legendaries as they are now. 3-Blacksmith and JC Prices nerfed Now this one I disagree with. Contrary to what everyone thinks, I believe the BS and JC are fine as they are. The problem isn't that they are too expensive to level and craft, the problem is that the gold Auction House is just giving really easy access to items with great stats. This is, as I said in an earlier post, all caused by the delay of the RMAH. If the RMAH was live, you wont be able to get those items with the perfect stats you need for gold. If you wanted good items for gold, you would have to gamble with the BS, just like we Gambled back in D2 with the merchant. I think blizzard shoot themselves in the foot with the AH. It makes the Blacksmith obsolete right now, and they can't just tell the people the truth, that they have to wait for the RMAH to hit for the economy to balance out. So all they can do is nerf it. Once the RMAH hits, the BS will become the easiest way to get good gear by investing gold, and we'll be again farming for gold instead of items, just like now. My 0.02c
  5. Yep. And well, this tune owned me, my last try didn't go anywhere in the end. It was fun for a while though. If anyone is curious, I uploaded what I had so far in the link below. Good luck all! http://www.mediafire.com/?sl05ed5i46n04r9
  6. D3 Barbarians vs anything else.
  7. Heh don't worry the sole reason I join these compos is to have fun, don't really care about the results in the end.
  8. Yeah the game is built around the use of the AH to progress in Inferno, sadly. Instead of farming for items, you farm for gold. A mistake that Blizzard made with this is delaying the real money AH and not having it ready at launch. We're used to get good inferno items for gold right now (although for sometimes outrageous amounts) but when the RMAH hits, say goodbye to finding any decent inferno items in the gold AH. With the focus being switched from getting through the game to get better gear to get better gear to get through the game the importance of the AH increases even more. An well, we know they made it this way on purpose, it's all about that RMAH revenue in the end.
  9. so I gave it one last try in yet another different style and it was kinda working out but when I got to the 3/4 part it kinda fell apart, lol. This is a pretty difficult song to remix and my talent is pretty limiteed, but we'll see I' think I'm still up for the challenge. If this one fails tho, I think I'm gonna wait for the next PRC.
  10. Guys, I have the same problem. Like Trism, I tried different styles but couldn't get this song to work, I tried like 3 different things and nothing. Really wanted to collaborate for the album but I guess it's not happening, I'm sorry.
  11. Not me. Looks like they the capcom guys weren't very fond of the brostep.
  12. I was just playing act 3 hell on the catapult section. Died like 5 times to some damn molten winged demons that keep running away and killing me. Then died 3 more times to some other Frozen Vampiric elite. Then got to the keep part, and what is the first mob that greets me? Fire Chain, Fast, Vampiric Tongue demons. I couldn't even touch those cuz they kept jumping all over the damn place before I could land a single hit. I said fuck it and ragequitted. Life for a barbarian is tough.
  13. hell is pretty hellish
  14. I'm sad the grenades don't work very well (at least in the early levels I tried them). I really wanted to do a sword and shield build on my DH.
  15. Fix your battletag man FIX EET
  16. The AH is very simple actually. Go to the search tab, select the equipment slot, rarity and maybe add a filter (str for a barbarian, dex for a monk etc) and hit search. Check the results, maybe scroll a few pages, Buy the item, enjoy. It's not that necessary for Nightmare, but for Hell getting good items is a priority unless you want to farm nightmare for weeks. The old way of doing this back in D2 was to trade items directly with other players but that's not really a viable option anymore.
  17. Not really a marketplace shark. I've bought some weapons and all I had to do was set up a simple filter, scroll 2 or 3 pages and buy the item. A new item (specially a weapon) helps a lot with progress. Items for levels 30-40 aren't too expensive. I've bought good items for 5k to 30k gold, for all the help they do that's very cheap.
  18. Yeah I have to apologize guys. I was working on my track, but then Diablo 3 happened. The last few days every time I would sit to work on my track my mind wasn't really on it and I just went back to diablo. Again, apologies.
  19. The game felt shorter than diablo 2. But I have done nothing but play diablo 3 all week. I took my time too, exploring and such, and I also played a monk till level 21 before beating it with my barbarian. Now, time to finish that sonic song before Diablo calls me again >_>
  20. Beat the game yesterday. Expectations = fulfilled. Nightmare difficulty here I go!
  21. I am still making music. It's still pretty good. That is all.
  22. Wow just tried the barbarian and they made it REALLY fun this time around. I didn't like the Barbarian at all in D2 but this time around it feels awesome. Also fun times playing with vilecat and Tensei, see ya next time!
  23. Yes respeccing is actually very fun. It takes out that feeling of needing to search the internet for what works and what doesn't. You just play what you feel is FUN. I dunno why people are saying this game is easier than D2, because it's not. Normal difficulty in D2 is a piece of cake and it only gets challenging after you beat the game. D3 I find it slightly harder, but still pretty easy in normal. Still having a blast. I am adding everyone who is offering their Battletags as well!.
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