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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. hmm is OCRE gathering the mixes at 12:00 pm? I'd rather submit now than working more on it just to not have it accepted.
  2. I might have to submit an incomplete mix. Real life got in the way. i still got one hour or so but I doubt It'll be enough.
  3. I love Janna. It was actually the first character I played, but luckily Janna is one of those characters that always stays good and mostly balanced through the patches and is still helluva fun to play. Sona is pretty cool too but sometimes I get tired of her VERY passive style of play. You're practically a buff generator with only one worthwhile (but very, very good) stun. I like Brand's playstyle A LOT. I usually have a defensive playstyle (which comes from my support background) and having a passive that does true damage on every action allows me to hurt my enemy in small stacks and pound him hard when I think it's the time. Plus, Brand excells at team fights. His AOE damage on team fights is absolutely awesome and can really turn the tide on a fight. With Teemo I also play defensively, hurting the enemy little by little while in laning phase, however Teemo tends to be pretty useless late game (except against melee carries). But I love how people get pissed off getting killed by all the mushrooms I lay down all over the map .
  4. I've been playing on and off since the game launched. It's one of the best free to play games out there for sure. I mostly play Support characters, but last time I came back to the game was to play Brand, which was a lot of fun. My champs: -Janna -Soraka -Sona -Zilean -Brand -Teemo -Karma -Cassiopeia I mostly play with Janna, Zil and now Brand.
  5. Decent Movie. Certainly nothing spectacular but indeed entertaining and one of the few decent superhero movies. Magneto was indeed boss.
  6. Well, this is the first time I spot this thread but count me in if you need another remixer. It's been a while since I was in any project.
  7. I've used this method since forever. When I finish a song, all it needs are little adjustments.
  8. I was unaware this existed. Being a music games nut I decided to give it a try and I cna see it being a good tool for people who want to learn to play a song and are familiar with the guitar hero/rock band style of games. It wont teach you to play properly, but if all you want is to learn to play your favorite songs and have fun I guess it works.
  9. Batman should be pretty awesome if it's half as good as the first arkham asylum.
  10. The controller looks terrible. Not that it bears any weight in how good the games will be. But that's just terrible design.
  11. Grats anti-syne, good stuff. I am really looking forward to my battle with theguitarheroe. I won't start till next saturday tho, to keep things fair for everyone. I have been bouncing some ideas in my mind tho, can't help that. EDIT: By the way I also did a heat man remix a long time ago for VGMix. Probably 5 or 6 years ago. Here it is if you want to check it out: http://www.mediafire.com/?e6d319ka92pzt0y
  12. I am surprised that our battle is as close as it is. i don't want to sound mean - i like his non-existent track a lot! but when most of the actual posted remixers - (none of them actually) - vote for mine, and a bunch of lurkers vote for mine as well, that says something to me. it says that the people who think it sounds cool but might not know the source the best voted one way, and the people who understand the music and can hear the extra stuff that was added in with mine voted the same way too. i don't feel that his uses the heat man theme at all, and it seems that most people didn't bother to listen to the original source since there was no song to compare it to. all the non-existent parts that nobody mentioned as being awesome are just stuff that's inherent to the heat man track, which is nowhere to be found in this non-song. he didn't really add anything to (literally) it besides a void in the interwebspace. that's not really a remix at that point, literally! =/ Enigami, you're clearly a skilled musician - mastering a song that doesn't exist is something i have next to no skill in - but your focus was clearly on not doing a song instead of doing one. if you beat me - which you might, there are a lot of people voting for absolutely nothing at all instead of a real song like they should - you really need to work on getting the arrangement to actually produce a sound instead of just not existing. you also need to work in the other track more, since you basically never remixed it. i know shade man sucks, but that's the point. it's supposed to be hard you can't get better if you only remix ice cap or the prelude. you've gotta do Umaro's theme and Heat man and all the other crappy tracks out there. that's why i never take a project mix until all that's left is complete garbage. it forces you to work, and you actually get to finish a song. i realized after writing this that this sounds abjectly non-humorous, and i don't mean it to be. Eni's song sounds like absolute silence as a remix of shade man man. i don't think it stands up as a 50/50 split of both themes, though, simply because it's nowhere near 100/100. It's actually a 0/0 remix.
  13. Well that's an amazing turnout, I will listen to the songs and vote later.
  14. Not really, both songs were italodisco/spacesynth.
  15. I REALLY hope Enigami submits a song, free passes suck and I had a really hard time trying to work something out for that remix. EDIT: Oh nevermind.
  16. I wonder if Darke counts the votes at the end. I had to change one of my votes.
  17. Oh don't worry I did finish the song, It's just that I'm not too happy with it. But then again I rarely am with my songs. Anyhoo, enjoy.
  18. I have to work tomorrow in the morning (well, today already) so I won't have any more time to work on this. Besides, no amount of booze or time is gonna make my mix any better XD Submitting.
  19. I was wondering the same. Maybe a typo? I'm gonna try to finish mine before midnight today just in case.
  20. Ok so recapping, I have: -Around 1 min of work done -A few hours lef -Absolutely no ideas -A six pack of Presidente. *Cracks Knuckles* Alright lets do this leeeroooy!!!
  21. Remixing for this round is proving much more difficult than expected. I should have something solid by now but so far I've gone through several rewrites. Let's hope inspiration strikes hard and true before friday.
  22. I'm gonna do my best to bring the 80's awesomeness for next round as well.
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