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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Yeah I thought the same. I just think they look pretty funny in the situation.
  2. I must say this is one of the funniest updates so far. The expression of mario in the first pic, and wario in the third, lmao. The captions were fun too.
  3. AS' track didn't click with me, (not that it was bad though). And avaris' didn't open no matter how many times I tried. But isnce the purpose of this is just fun and learning I don't see why we shouldn't have another round.
  4. Who's DJP? so sum noob comes to this place a few days ago and receives a happy b-day thread? wtf?
  5. I had some ideas, and when i started developing them they sounded good, but then, when trying to incorporato those crazy crescendos everything falls apart XD. I dunno if I'll be able to submit something decent, but we'll see.
  6. meh update. But I do agree i nthat I can't wait to hear the arrangement of the kid icarus tune.
  7. Well, unless they shorten the range of yoshi's hover, yoshi will have the greatest recovery of all the characters.
  8. Ice Climbers stage v 2.0 Not bad IMHO, I was tired of seeing the same layout in the stages. I didn't like the ice climbers stage too much but this one seems to be more "spaced", and actually has an end.
  9. The main reason Pit was included was most likely from fan pressure. The guys at IGN have bothered Miyamoto about it for years (and I love them for that!), and included a kid icarus game in every wishlist or anywhere they could. The last time they asked, at the last E3 Prior the launch of the Wii, Miyamoto seemed to agree to bring him in some form. IGN: "OK wtf are you waiting for to bring kid icarus back, dammit" Miyamoto: "OMG noone knows that little bastard, noones gonna buy that game" IGN: "Hell yeah they would!" Miyamoto: "srsly?" IGN: "YEAH" Miyamoto: "Would you buy a game with pit in it?" IGN: "I'd give my virginity for it" Miyamoto: "OHOK I'll see what I can do" Not the exact words, but that's how I remember the interview went on. One year later they revealed the wii, and later on, the trailer with pit on it. I jumped in joy. I bet the IGN folks did too.
  10. I think you're pushing it too far there. But they again, it could be, it's just not very likely.
  11. OMG! Silver surfer for nes, lol. I can't say if I will participate or not, but seeing that picture brought a cascade of nostalgic memories to my mind. good luck everyone.
  12. I think the goal here would be to resemble something Akin to another very popular crossover game, kingdom hearts. That with the dark thingies and "evil" characters, a world where all these separated characters exist in their own universe that suddenly falls in peril by unknown forces. It won't be as complicated as KH of course, because that's an RPG and needs a deep story, but something around those lines... that's my guess.
  13. Gabriel Knight is a MUST. Anything by lucasart is fine. Monkey Island is obligatory as well. And the Leisure Suit Larrys that came after 3 were pretty fun. but as i said, go find gabriel knight, you won't regret it.
  14. So there's actually a story this time around. Nice work Sakurai.
  15. I can't remember one cuz I didn't joined at first, bux I can remember some early ones XD. where's reelmojo? he should be around for this kind of stuff, although Rexy is the legitimate owner now, it would be nice to see reelmojo around for this world-changing event. Maybe he can drop a remix while he's passing by, or choose the source for PRC100 *hint*
  16. congrats newcomer. I'm keeping an eye on the next round.
  17. well, seems like we can now say as a fact that zero suit samus is the new shiek. Still love her looks.
  18. I got Peff's book today Hope it does expand my Reason knowledge
  19. I bet that, like with sheik, you will be able to select her from the start. Does this means this will be the new character with the zelda/shiek mechanic instead of zelda? I'm going to guess it's the case.
  20. I tried mixing this a few days ago, but failed miserably. Maybe next time
  21. I concur. And I also can't open avaris' file. Booo!
  22. That was my favorite stage as well, but it wasn't really flat, at least not like these. These are all pretty much the same, a small platform, with one centered floating platform or two floating platforms on the side. BORING.
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