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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Oh it's up, nice. I'll get the songs and check them out later.
  2. I can empathize with your struggling with this issue. As a philosopher, I wrestle with this all the time. There are many generalizations that you make, however, that I think deserve closer attention and scrutiny. This issue is dependent upon many factors, only a few of which you discuss, e.g. one's attitude. But socio-economic conditions, individual experience and its impact on self-image, gender, cultural attitudes toward particular individuals and their particular traits are just a few. Individual ability and intentions alone do not make a successful individual. Nor do economic laws of supply and demand, or even darwinism apply to human life the way they do to economics or natural selection. Many dangerous ideas have been propagated along these lines, e.g. social darwinism of Spencer, National Socialism and other racist economic/social theories are a couple. It really is a very complex issue and few philosophers have dealt with this in its entirety. In fact, only one comes to mind, namely Aristotle, who in his Nichomachean Ethics, discusses as many particulars as possible that must be considered. As a final note, this is also a theological issue that varies with one's view of God. I hope you take a look at Aristotle as it would make a nice launching point for a more vigorous analysis of this issue. And don't be put off by the fact that he wrote it 2500 years ago. The problem is that many haven't paid much attention to what he said. (Mortimer Adler is a well known modern Aristotelian who has written some very readable Aristotelian positions and might be a friendlier approach. Six Great Ideas is one title that comes to mind that I would also highly recommend.
  3. That sounds awesome Malcos, would be very useful for us all. Good luck!
  4. Remixes? Nixdorux posted some awesome waltzs at vgmix2 some time ago, that would be perfect for a wedding.
  5. lol, totally lack of brains to understand sarcasm. I wouldn't expect less from you guys. keep 'em coming.
  6. With unlimited flight? I'd take that.
  7. It's clear that kirby, from the e3 trailer, will have the "cook" as his final smash. How this would work? well I think that after he pulls the smash and the cooking bowl appears, it starts pulling the characters that are close to it, sort of like a vortex, and if they do fall in, kirby leeches health from them (as opposed to turning them into food) Also I think that if the e3 trailer was any indication, wario's final smash will be a massive fat of nuclear proportions, which I would be fine with I wonder what pit final smash will be. Most likely he'll summon an army of centurions, just like in the game. Needless to say, that would be awesome =D. If someone remember my rants (from where I used to troll this kind of threads a lot, in search of massive lulz) I've been eagerly waiting to see pit reborn in a new game, and it might be one of the main reasons I'll be getting his game, so I really hope his character doesn't sucks XD
  8. Preview, with pics, impressions and vids http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/801/801498p1.html
  9. And this is also NOT the final hardware. It was just leaked prototypes. Hell, they don't even know if they're putting that song in the game. If you look closely, they're even playing it with the GH2 guitar, not the recently shown prototype with 10 frets. I'm sure they will nail it, the new guitar looks tite.
  10. Yeah I bought it from amazon. Why it hasn't arrived yet is beyond me, but I am eagerly waiting to put my hands on it.
  11. I thought the ending bonus was an awesome addition, just imagine the crazy drum endings you could do by yourself, and still win points for it =D AFAIK, the GHII guitar is compatible, but the new rock band guitar has 10 frets, so the new 5 frets functionality(for solos) won't be present in the old controller but it will be still playable.
  12. http://gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=7979 As some might now this will be the next step in the guitar hero franchise. I play guitar hero on a constant basis (can't get enough of it) and I've been looking forwards this, GH3 and GH encore. IMO, it looks fun .
  13. OMFG I want your future foreseing powers! This update ROCKS. Giga Bowser looks awesome and this final smash will finally give me a reason to play bowser and HAVE FUN with him Damn this game is looking hotter and hotter with each passing day.
  14. I wish I could send an unfinished song for this, but some of my songs use external soundfonts and sometimes rex files. But I will try to participate again.
  15. I've been preparing a new refill (Still months till I can make enough decent sounds to form a new one though) and I've been doing some advanced CV routing for the new presets, and it's really awesome. Actually I tried something like what you say as an example here, I wanted to get a gating sound similar to what can be heard at the beginning of Kraftwerk's spacelab, but with a controlable rate that coulb be sync'ed. Pretty fun stuff. I just ordered Peff's book a few days ago, and I hope that It expand my knowledge on synthesis, which is for me, half the fun of making music.
  16. Bowser is back, and looks better than ever! I personaly like this badass look, kinda takes away from my mind the image of the stupid (but funny) bowser that nintendo has been handling lately (Super Paper Mario). I mean, Bowser was someone to fear in smb bac kwhen we started playing, now he's just a joke. Anyways, rants aside, I liked this update.
  17. I've got nothing, sorry. =( EDIT: Looking at all these nice cribs, I now realize that it's not only the lack of talent that makes me keep sucking, but the lack of an at least decent set up as well. My "Crib"... yay?
  18. I tried mixing AS' track, but nothing satisfying came out, I guess artist's block is hitting me with his almighty, unforgiving hammer of suck again XD. Looking forwards other incarnations of this thing though.
  19. ...And the lulz has returned to this thread!
  20. Grats nutritious. The compo is on a slump now though, I hope it takes off soon.
  21. In Other news, seems like Katamari is getting cancelled for PS3 and coming for the Wii. Linky
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