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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I want this game and I want it now.
  2. ********* Round Two: ********* Diddy Kong Racing definitive YES Shame on you seph, SHAME ON YOU. This games obliterates mario kart in every respect. The drivers were more balanced, The weapons although not as colorful were all more usable, the zip system really shined, and not to mention you could pick between 3 types of vehicles. Also the difficulty was much higher than in mario kart. One of the most memorable moments I have in n64 gaming was going a whole afternoon agains wizpig trying to beat him on the most difficult setting, and also winnning agains the ghost clock. This is a game for people who enjoy persevering and mastering their games, and also for those who want to have a great time with friends. Totally a must have in my list. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron - Borderline YES Before this game I didn't think that Starfox 64 could be bested by other franchise but Rogue Squadron had great graphics, amazing sound and interesting and entertaining missions. Although I'd rate the GC's Rogue Squadron higher, and a true must have, this one is no less than an excellent game.
  3. Megaman X4: YES Ranks as one of the best megaman X games ever made. Though I prefer the SNES counterparts. Everything else after it in the series, with only one exception, is crap, no matter how much megaman fanboys want them not to suck. Legend of Mana: NO As an RPG and as a sequel to one of the best action rpg's out there, it fell flat on most aspects. I'd take any of the games before it any day. As for all the other games, they were good but not enough for a must have status. Others have sequels that were much better (system shock, commander keen..) And some others I haven't played, like planetscape.
  4. It's David Hayter, he confirmed it already. But damn would somebody please upload the movies somewhere else, I can't watch them no matter how many times I click them =(
  5. Balloon fighter, he was going to be in melee inthe first place so there's a posibility he'll be here. Though I wish they stopped revealing characters already, and released the damn game! i don't want to know all the characters, it will ruin the surprise. Unless they have a friggin huge cast and they're not worried about releasing so many characters.
  6. Bahahah, ness is gone. I was never fond of him anyways >=) I hope Lucas' moveset is at least a bit different.
  7. I was thinking about proposing this too.. but I still don't have reason 4 =(.
  8. Nuts gets hit by Update... It's super effective!
  9. My recommendation is, don't listen to any recommendation. Each one will be sparkled with the subjetive opinion of the user, because making music is a matter of how comfortable you feel with the software you're using. So download all the demos and try them for some time, then make your own decision. If you're still so stubborn as to listen to us, my choice of software is reason, because it simply more fun for me, and it's extremely flexible within it's own bounds (which are, their own machines, as it doesn't supports vsti's). For those who prefer VSTi support they can get anything such as fruity loops or cubase. I did use fruityloops for a few years since its meager start at version 2. It has improved a lot and a lot of artists use it with very good results. But again, Its a matter of taste and what software you feel more comfortable with. You will be spending money with any you choose, be it on refills, soundfonts or vstis. TRY THEM OUT FIRST.
  10. PC -Doom -Half-Life 2 -Sim City 2000 -Sim City 4 -Sid Meier's Covert Action -Starcraft -Unreal Tournament -Rome: Total War -Diablo 2 GBA -Metroid Fusion -Metroid Zero Mission -Castlevania Aria of Sorrow -Megaman Zero Series -Astroboy -Wario Ware Playstation -Castlevania SOTN -Lunar Eternal Blue -Final Fantasy IX -Metal Gear Solid -Xenosaga -Megaman X4 Saturn I have no fucking clue as all the games I played were shit, but I guess you could put NiGHTS in there. N64 Super mario 64 Conker's Bad Fur Day Zelda Ocarina of Time Starfox 64 Goldeneye Pilotwings 64 Mario kart 64 Perfect Dark Diddy Kong Racing
  11. Let's face it, the guy is smart, he found a way to turn his crappy lawyer skills into something good. He should make a book or something for people who suck at what they do but still want to succeed.
  12. what? a musical about a musical with nude girls playing girls how play a musical uh?
  13. well another wtf moment in smash brothers' history.
  14. I do enjoy showing my robe-wearer avatar to the world
  15. yeah i read that, it's preposterous and ridiculous. Besides, what's the problem? my main char in WoW is a female Nelf, and most of my alts are female as well. i don't know you, but If I'm going to stare at the back of a videogame character for so many months, I'd prefer to be watching polygonal women asses. Besides, nothing says pwnage better than a feeble female human obliterating a big tauren. w00t.
  16. Some advice, from someone who knows how to do the stuff but is too lazy to do all of it ever : First, note velocity: it's not just a matter of changing it randomly but to adjust it to fit the mood of the song at a current time. To accentuate certain verses or progressions, to give prominence to some instruments. doing random note velocities will only, as a friend told me a long time ago, make your intrument sound like they are being played by an inexpert and crappy musician. Instrument volume: same as above, listen to some music and get a feel of how instruments get more prominence depending of the mood. Maybe you want some legato notes to gain strenght after being played, so a note velocity adjust won't help here, but a volume adjustment will. Note timing: It's impossible for real performers to get every note spot-on with the tempo. keep that in mind, as writing music entirely quatitized will ruin the human feeling of your song, unless you're working on less organic music such as some electronic music types. Positioning: Arranging your instruments in the stereo field helps a lot to give that orchestra feeling. There's a general concensus of how instruments are generally positioned on an orchestra, so knowing that helps too.(damn, I had a link explaining this but lost it, if anyone has some reference to this please link it) range: Every instrument has a note range that you must respect. Some patches allow you to go over or under the instrument's real range so be careful with that. Also, know your patches. Some patches sound better in some note ranges than in others. Knowing the strengths and weakness of your patches will help you build a more beliavable and human piece. As i said, I don't follow these much but the times i feel less lazy and I do use them (which is rare!) they do work.
  17. RE4 is an amazing game though, deserved all hype it got back then, and this comes from a person that was never into RE because most of them were plain retarded. There are games that are hype machines and flunk, but you can easily tell by reviews and by asking other gamers (recent examples: Lair, Red Steel). Halo , although the biggest hype machine ever conceived, is still a solid game. But if that's your style it's fine, but being closed minded to games just because they get a lot of hype, isn't smart imho.
  18. Well metal gear didn't get hype for nothing, did it? Metal gear solid 1 for psx didn't recieve that much hype when it came out, aside from good reviews, it got its status on its own merits, unlike some games that have been hype machines since their conception *halocough*
  19. Heathen. GTFO and don't come back until you've finished all metal gear games, including the ultrarare turbografx sequel. you will need to do so anyways in order to understand the utterly convoluted story, but you're still missing one of the best sagas in videogame history. (The best, in this humble player's opinion)
  20. I'm loving everything about this. Also liking the fact that they included moves from old metal gear games (Grenade throw). Cypher recovery... awesum.
  21. QFT. When Leo died I felt sorry for him. When Aeris died I felt glad I got rid of the whiny bitch. Well that would have applied for most of the characters of that game as well.
  22. I actually laughed and felt glad. Fuck Aeris.
  23. well the online system is just as I thought it would be, a total letdown. But it's not something that matters to me anyways, as I'm not into console online gaming anyways. I probably won't even touch the online mode. ...not that I would if I could anyways.
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