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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Well that's nice, now non-stellar characters can participate in smash. Here's the possibility for a Metal Gear appearing out of an assist trophy, or liquid snake, or revolver ocelot! man, I hope they put revolver ocelot in there =p Lots of posibilities now for a lot of characters. This was a great idea imho, although they should have gotten rid of pokeballs and include the pokemons in the assis trophies, because, after all, they are assist characters as well. But anyways, this was one of the best updates and has taken any doubt about buying a wii+smash I had.
  2. Oh, I pm'd it to Kroze, tought he was doing the gathering >_< Oh well, in any case, it's here
  3. Ah.. my sig didn't make it.. boo. Hope he gets better anyways. EDIT: I sent mine before AnotherSoundscape's! I wonder what happened.
  4. On another note, did anyone watch Transmorphers yet? one of the best movies I've seen in a while. CAN'T MISS IT!
  5. I'll take that as a borderline YES Anyways I should have some spare time tonight to try AS' track. I had lots of fun with the little time I spent with Malcos' song so I'm looking forwards to it (though I haven't listened to the song yet heh)
  6. I agree that something is amiss. I've heard some songs where you can't tell the difference between a real 303 and rebirth, but in some cases, specially in some bubbly textures of the 303, there's certainly something missing. I also agree that dropping that much money for an original 303 is kind of a waste. There are some clones out there (both hardware and software) that will give you the sound, save you the hassle of working with the 303's interface and for much less. I do absolutely LOVE the sound of the303 and use it a lot, so I can understand why someone would like to have the "perfect" 303 sound.
  7. I'm a bit worried about SSBB's online mode. According to the IGN review, pokemon battle revolution's online mode is shit. No leaderboards, no after-fight stats or results, no online functionality whatsoever than to find random people to do battle with, that coupled with a lot of technical shortcomings too. And this is a turn based battle, not a hectic battle where a split-second reaction can win or lose a fight. I have high hopes for Sakurai and his team, but things aren't looking pretty for wii's online functionality. EDIT: PKR Review
  8. A miserable little pile of secrets.
  9. They labeled me as a vandal, why? I did it for the lulz EDIT: lol @ new "OCR Welcomes ED Article " section
  10. small, but rather funny update. I lmao at samus peeking at kirby in the second frame.
  11. FF! wasn't hard, for a NES game, it wasn't as confusing. FF2 IS harder, even more with that crappyass leveling system. They're all worth though, I tried to beat them all in a row just like you are trying to now, and after I beat FFIV I was totally burned out of FFesque battles/pace/story. I've beaten them all before though.
  12. Hey guys, last night I had a couple of hours of free time so I decided to give this a go, I remixed Malcos' tune. It's not something that will blow your mind, due to the time I invested into it, but I did have lots of fun. I uploaded it to easyshare so if anyone can get it and host it for me (my website is temporarily down) It'd be appreciated. clicky here! If I have more time this week, I'll give AS' track a try as well.
  13. you gotta give it to nintendo, there aren't many companies that can do this kind of fan service. The song is very very nice imho. I can clearly picture the fight with it as a background. Damn you nintendo, you're going to make me buy a wii sooner than I expected...
  14. I dunno what to think about this one. I have confidence in Bioware, I really do.. but SONIC? Unlike mario, sonic is filled with annoying and uninteresting characters. I wouldn't stand playing a game with characters like cream or big the fucking cat for 40 or more hours. Neither with any of the new characters introduced after sonic & knuckles. Can you imagine it? So I dunno. Good developer, doubtful premise.
  15. I dunno, maybe okami spoiled me. I played TP after beating okami, I found link's wolf form to be sluggish and not very fun. That and it didn't seem too natural to me. I dunno, I wasn't jumping of joy when I had to go to the dark hyrule and enter wolf form, unlike when I had to go to the dark world in alttp, which was always fun. Something just doesn't clicks for me there.
  16. Sadly, anything you might have "heard" about ssbb is made-up garbage unless it came out of sakurai or nintendo. Also, I hope link doesn't transforms into a wolf. To be quite frank I didn't like that idea at all. It's one of the lamest changes they've tried out in the series, besides the incredibly boring sea navigation in WW. TP was nice, but I could have done just fine without the wolf form.
  17. Experiment, listen to the genre, and read about how synthesis works. Theory was very important for me, it made the difference between turning knobs up and down for hours till I got what I wanted by casuality and actually knowing what to use and what to do to get a desired sound. Listening to the genre though, is most important imho. And not just listen, but analyze.
  18. oh wow, why didn't I see this before! I'm already flattered that you decided to include my refill on this, so I will give this a try for sure. You guys should pm me when these things happen around here, I just saw this and the reason 4 news today XD.
  19. If you want to pattern gate long chords or a series of sustained notes (a trancey gate for example) there are several ways to do it, but what I do most of the time is to use a matrix sequencer, lay down my gate sequence, and connect the gate cv output to the volume cv input of the machine with the notes I want to gate. Another way to do it, with more insteresting results, is to use a machine with its filter type set to lowpass(any type), then take out a matrix sequencer, lay down your gate pattern in the curve editor, and connect the curve cv to the filter cv input of the machine. This works better when you lower the frequency knob in the machine. You can also try adding a bit of resonance, or trying with a bipolar type of curve sequence. Gating is fun.
  20. Indeed, that works. I have gotten some decent 303-like sounds from combining a few subtractors in the past, but if you don't want to go through the hassle, this would work very well.
  21. Him? he? since when zelda can transgender at will? lol Love the new look of hers.
  22. Well there should be a way to avoid final smashes, they can't really be end-all moves. Otherwise players would just go around in circles through the stage waiting for the final smash item to appear. I think they will make them very powerfull moves that can get anyone get in the red, but not something unavoidable. It would make the fights too centric on that.
  23. Some characters have their disadvantages but also they have their own advantages, take ness for example, he can propel himself by getting hit by his own power, which isn't very easy to do and has the danger of making him fall in an unwanted place. This works exactly like fox's up+b power but without all the hassle, but ness' moves packs more punch, and ness has his own strenghts on his own. So while it may look like pikachu is in disadvantage, I'm sure there will be something else to balance the incontrolable nature of his final smash, like making it do more damage than other "easier" final smashes. The ability to control his direction is already a plus imho. Anywways, this was a nice update.
  24. awesome, I will be looking forwards to it. Hope some more mixers drop by as well =)
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