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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I don't want this game. I need this game.
  2. That brings back good memories, and makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy. Thanks all, I'll make sure I stay around here for at least 100 years more, this place needs more oomtiss and rants.
  3. I listened. Some creepy stuff, some nonsensical stuff, some other stuff I can't even classify as music, but overall really weird shit. I enjoyed some of it, and really liked some of the techniques used. I'd say good job for only one hour into each song but it feels more of a very experimental album to me. EDIT: And also it's more than some stupid lazy asses around here get to do! (I'm looking at you, sir_nuts!)
  4. I can even see an event match for that.
  5. It's really either cloud? Oh yeah he was in that final fantasy for nintendo playstation 1. My bad.
  6. Like me I was addicted to spectrum analyzers. It was the first plugin I dropped in every song I made with fruity loops. I don't rely on it that much now (still, can be done with the Vocoder) but I still miss it sometimes to find those pesky frequencies that keep peaking at undesirable times, messing up my songs. It's not for people with faulty ears, I'd say it's for people who don't understand how sonds relate to frequency much. Remember that even the most advanced studios still use frequency analyzers to achieve that perfect freq curve.
  7. I met rama at WoW yesterday. He touched me in inappropriate places =(
  8. Yes. I think the song will fit the stage. Also I hope ashley is playable . ALSO Kirby's final smash works just as I thought it would. Nice.
  9. doubt they will subvert it, they are commited to that system and when nintendo does that, you know there is not looking back. But what bothers me the most is not this. is the retarded way friends codes are managed, in that each game has their own friend codes system. What the fuck? If i have you registered as a friend, by registering your friend code or whatever, shouldn't I be able to play any game with you, not to have to call you and ask "hey whats your friend code for x game?" that is just plain retardedness. The right way that friend codes should work is, you register somebody's friends code, it stays on your address list and you can play any game with them. If nintendo wants to make sure you only want to play some games with some people then make the people re-enter the friend codes for their friends, or just enable/disable them from their address list, but make friend codes damn universal. I don't know who thought that friend codes for each game was a good idea but damn is that person an idiot.
  10. I would also like to add another nominations(don't see them added): PC --- Gabriel Knight Star Control 2 That is all.
  11. World of Warcraft Server: Andorhal Macrona lvl 70 Night Elf Priest Nieka lvl 26 Draenei Mage
  12. Live might not be perfect, but it's the best thing we have for now, aside from steam, which isn't any better. Besides, Live being terrible is no excuse. They could have done it right from the start, they had the tech, the tools, and more importantly, the games. Live might not have had the tools it has now from the start, but it had the network to PLAY the games, and for the millions of players who logged into it, that's all that mattered. Nintendo likes to sit on his ass on matters like this and miss opportunities. The Wii might be doing great now, but it's online system is a piece of shit. Sure it's free, but that doesn't justify the archaich methods it's using (friend codes? lawl) and the lack of connection and tools for players.
  13. Paper Mario YES Remember when games used to be funny and fun at the same time? Play this game and you will get that feeling again. It's no super mario RPG (which was a game that felt much more "serious") but it's light-hearted nature and charm is something that should grab even the most jaded gamer. A bit lineal, but a must have for any n64 owner. Final Fantasy VII YESLUZL Incredibly overhyped? yes. Overrated more than any other rpg in existance? indeed. But you know, it's still a great final fantasy. The materia system was somewhat unique and it worked, the integration of FMV into the gameplay was a first, and some of the characters STILL had some charm (which is something that later final fantasies lacked). Sure, most people with a brain would hate cloud's attitude, and sephirot's crybaby nature, and will laugh at the sight of aeris getting pwnt, but as I said it's still a good entry in the series, no matter how much the vomit-inducing widespread love for this single game will make you hate it, it will still be a good game and in my book a must have for any ps1 owner. Everquest - NO And NO again. I don't hate MMOs, as i play them and I was an evercrackhead for some time, but this game, compared to actual games that are actually FUN, was a total chore and a piece of crap. Looking back at it, the world design was crap, the crafting system was a fucking chore, the leveling.. oh the leveling I won't even get to that. I mean this game is no fun whatsoever. The graphcis didn't stand up the test of time, and the story is of no interest to the player. If you like to sodomize yourself to a game hell yeah got pick this up. If you are a sane person stay away from this. There are fun MMOs out there, this one is NOT. Diablo NO Wait for diablo 2. Diablo 1, nah. even when it came out, it had too many issues.
  14. Tekken 3 - Borderline YES I hate tekken with a passion. Always did since part 1, but hell, even I can't dismiss this game's qualities. The graphics were great, the animation was outstanding, and hell it even was fun. Tekken is somewhat a love it or hate it series but one can't deny the game has it. Curse of Monkey Island YES One of the best adventure games you will ever find. Excellent graphics, great and funny story, I mean, it's good old lucasarts. Graphics adventures are a dead genre now, and mostly everything that comes out now is crap, so the only option for us is to go back in time and pick this classics. And this is one of those that one should pick. Absolutely a must have. Lemmings - YES What can I say, the little bastards are addictive. A true puzzle game that will have you scratching your head for quite some time until you figure out how to make the little idiots to work together and arrive at the exit. Puzzle games often become a chore, this one is always fun. Unreal YES The guys at epic created the revolution named Unreal. It was a revolution in all sense of the word. Extreme graphics, Incredible gameplay, great sound, innovative and fun weapons, and infinite modding capabilities that were a big step up Doom's mods. Even more, Epic's commitment to the modding community led them to deliver tools like the UnrealEd. Anyways, this game is still great, and maybe the best single player unreal. Must have.
  15. Killer Instinct Gold borderline YES I'd say yes for the best KI to reach consoles. The combo system is something that hasn't been used again so far, so it makes this game kinda unique. The background of the game wasn't that original but the graphics were a jaw dropper at the moment. This version is somewhat gimped from the arcade version but still it's a fun fighter to play, and well, one of the best fighters released for N64 (there weren't many) Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn YES If you need an excuse to why this game is a must-have, you fail miserably at gaming. I only have three words for you: MINSC AND BOO. No amount of neverwinter nights can overcome that. Go get this game right now if you haven't played it yet. PC RPG at it's finest. Doom - YES Analoq says Doom is still his favorite FPS, and that's reason enough for me. But aside from that, a truly groundbreaking game, that was released so long ago and it's still fun to play? must-have indeed. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow YES Yes and yes. Although not at the level of finesse as symphony of the night, due to the handheld's limitation, this is one of the finest metroidvanias ever made. Great graphics, sound and music, and a plot that is actually different from "dracula resurrected, send him to sleep" and doesn't sucks. Must-have in my book.
  16. Exactly my point. What date is it now? since when has xbox live been online? oh yeah.
  17. Ah nintendo, you had so many years to make this a reality, yet you preferred to sleep in you "ONLINE WUTSDAT?!?" policy. Shame on you.
  18. I want this game, delivered to my doorstep. NOW.
  19. ******** Round Four: ********* Crash Bandicoot YES Crash might be overdone now but his first adventure was a game to remember, and established a semi-mascot for the playstation at the time. The game mechanics were well done, dare I say, at nintendo level balanced. I think that every playstation owner should have this game. Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri YES Everything Sid Meier's touches becomes gold. The guy alywas has had pretty good ideas and alpha centauri was and still is one of the best 4x games to be found. The graphics are still good and it stands the test of time really well. Although awkward at first and with a bit of steep learning curve (but hey, which 4x game doesn't have a steep learning curve), once you get the basics, it's a blast. Definitive yes and it's a game everyone should give a try at least once and then find themselves addicted a few hours later.
  20. ************ Round Three: ************ Conker’s Bad Fur Day - YES Although I agree in part with the complaints about this game, I have to tell that few games come close to this one in parody and humor levels. Can't even think of anything outside old sierra adventure games that are this fun and this hilarious, games aren't just like that anymore. CBFD never holds back, and gives you a wacky story filled with dark comedy and parody, awesome graphics, great audio and good and varied gameplay. Whoever owns a N64 NEEDS this game, absolutely. Wave Race 64 borderline YES Yes, the technology was impressive, however I don't feel it has that competitive feeling that other racers get so well. But wave race was a first in many aspects and it's still fun. The Legend of Dragoon - NO Sorry, back then, yeah it was good, does it stands the test of time, or does everyone needs to play this? nah. Many others RPGs have better stories and battle systems, before and after this game. If you like dragoons though, this is your game, but only if. Age of Empires - NO If it's just AoE 1, then no. It suffered many problems and was somewhat limited. however, AoE 2 deserves to be in everyone's computer, ALL THE TIME. It's the pinaccle of the series and it's hard to find a game in the genre that feels more fun, and right. However, for part 1, no.
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