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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Nothing is better than the good old 909. Find GOOD sampled 909 drumkits(there are some out there that are really low quality and won't do much good) and compress/distort/layer/mix and match them to your like. Believe me that for dance bassdrums you will rarely need anything else. There are also some sample libraries out there that offer variations of 909 drums already layered/compressed, etc. Those are a good start too, but for starters get the whole drumkit.
  2. uuuh... I don't know which ice climbers you've played but the original is a vertical scrolling game. Of course, it didn't auto-scroll like in melee, but I'm expecting it to be much like melee's but with an end, like the new DK level. After all, the levels in IC han an ending and weren't infinite like in their melee iteration. Besides all levels in IC were the same so I don't think there's much option for other stuff...
  3. you can use the matrix as a rough arpeggiator though (using cv connections with the gate/pitch outpu/inputs) but the RPG-8 is focused on that function =).
  4. There you go naysayers, the chilly duo is back. I for one couldn't care less but I know some people liked them.
  5. Miis could be an awesome replacement to Mr G&W. I do think a mii has a very high probability of being a playable character. After all, miis represent the Wii and are part of nintendo's comeback in the industry, they are almost like an established mascot now.
  6. Sakurai's the man. I was just thinking if homerun contest would be included again. I really hope so, but I also wish they give out rewards for doing it right. Get 500 feet with each character and get a bonus, get 1000 feet and get another bonus, etc. I liked Melee's HRC but it was a little shallow and nothing more than a small distraction for slow days. Addin value would make me want to play it more.
  7. Apparently, today is the National Videogame Day, so make sure that when you get home you hug your pc/console of preference and do speedruns of your favorite games. Don't forget to congratulate with tears of joy to your fellow videogamers and PWN any nearby n00b, for today is our day. Now go play, dammit.
  8. Indeed. Though I don't make half the music I used to make some time ago (Something called real life hates my free time) everytime I have the chance I have a lot of fun with reason. In Fl sometimes I was too lazy and just popped some presets from my VST's, but Reason always makes me want to do my own sounds. For me, VST support is something that frankly I don't miss. Can't wait to get my hands on the new R4 tools though. So many new possibilities..
  9. Soon, I've been doing new patches (which some I've shared with friends like Nicole Adams) but I want to have a solid amount of new stuff to make a new refill. I've learned new stuff from Peff's book and I've been doing more varied type of patches, so there won't be a trancefest in the next one heh. Glad you've enjoyed the first ones though.
  10. I do use Reason for all my songs, reason plus samples cds and refills. Used FL for years, but I find reason to be better for me. The quality of your music doesn't relies much on the program you may use but on your skills, talent and knowledge.
  11. Nice work rm. I do have the moment I played through the whale level as one of the most beloved in my VIdeogaming history. Here's hoping for a comeback of the sega we all knew and loved (as in, the sega that didn't sucked)
  12. Wow what a fucking epic update. AWESOME.
  13. The character I played the most with in melee was mario. He might not be the best character in melee, but i don't play melee in competitions/tournaments to choose a hardcore character and just used to play with what felt better. About the change, it doesn't really bothers me as I rarely used his cape move. His moveset would now be: up+B=Uppercut forward+B=Fireball Down+B=F.L.U.D.D. B=Tornado Final Smash=Fireball barrage (or whatever it'll be called) Also, not digging the idea of superjumps in one version of the pokemon stage, but eh, you can't win them all I guess.
  14. DK Jungle Blast. Coming soon to a wii near you. Cool moves btw.
  15. goosebumps. Now get him in his own game, dammit.
  16. for some shitty reason the update isn't showing to me in the english page, I had to switch to the japanese page to see it. The level looks awesomely insane.
  17. I voted yes even if it costs money. Although 15$ for a blog is a bit too much (yeah it's only 15 dollars, but hell, it's a blog, it's like paying for webmail). I voted like this mostly because I would be glad to contribute to the site, and at the same time get something nifty back. The integration into the site would be cool as well, but still a bit expensive for what it costs and what it is. Otherwise, it's a good idea that I would like to see implemented. There's a problem with too many people that might not be too meaningful for the website making blogs, and also moderating them, so it's something you should think about more carefully.
  18. now that I think about it, it should work like SMW's cape. As you glide, if you point up you will gain height but eventually lose speed and start to lose horizontal ground, if you point down you can gain speed but will go down faster as well, so it would be kind of a balance there. Can't wait to try it out. BTW, I can bet my life now that little mac will be on the game now (I mean, even the simcity guy is in there) the question is wether he'll appear as a playable character or an assist trophy.
  19. for those unaware, there is a circus over the 2k forums: http://forums.2kgames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6628 apparently you're only entitled with a limited amount of keys to install the game, and if you don't properly uninstall the game before doing a hard drive wipe of something of the sorts, your key is lost. http://www.pcgamer.com So what to do? well you will be unabled to play, if you contact secuROM they will direct you to 2k, and if you contact 2k they will direct you to SecuROM in a neverending corporate circlejerk. That plus having the nice malware called secuROM installed on your pc without your knowledge. Gotta love DRM.
  20. cool. Although when I saw the name Andross I thought I was going to see a description of him being a boss, but this works too.
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